Saturday 22 December 2007

This time that I am born

I have been sitting in silence
deep down
in the belly of the earth,

inside the
the mother,

Yesterday the flavor of light
that shone
beckoned my heart
and I knew it was
time to emerge.

This time
that I am born
I am completely new.

I can tell that
who I am
is not who I was.

I am aware that
what I see
is a formation
of what I am becoming.

Friday 9 November 2007

a multitude of promise

rain falls
plants fall over
turning golden and brown
wishing to rejoin
mother earth
little star lady
chickweed returns
enriching autumn salads
rose hips ripen fully
brilliant red
softening to release
her seeds
mushrooms emerge
all over the place
from forest wood chips
reminding me
of the fairy realm
seeds latch onto
my clothes
steadfast in their pursuit
to continue
a beautiful lesson
to watch burdock
dark brown plant
fall effortlessly
to earth
sending off her seeds
full of new life
into the world
she does not linger
in feelings of regret
she lived fully
now dies fully
each seed head holding
a multitude of promise
I follow burdock
releasing my life
into the holy darkness
giving thanks
knowing new life will emerge
from seeds
I have sown

Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offerings:

Susun Weed Weekend~Nov. 30-Dec. 2~Discovery Park in Seattle
We are thrilled to be hosting Susun Weed for this fabulous weekend.
Visit our website for all the details and to register.
Early bird prices will be increase on Monday, Nov. 12th

Women and Plants~Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begins January 25, 2008
Come immerse yourself in the nourishing and healing ways of the plants. Learn to live as a wise woman, craft herbal medicines from door yard herbs. Experience ancient shamanic listening practices, connect with your sisters on this path. This is an all-inclusive, comprehensive program that spans a year and a half with 4 ~ 13 week sessions. New participants are invited to join us at the beginning of each 13~ week session, each time continuing through until they have completed 4 ~ 13 week sessions.
When you choose this work you choose to deeply nourish all of yourself. When you join us, you are called upon to craft an apprenticeship with the plants and the Earth.

Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ November 17th
November's Theme: The Earth Mysteries

Come join me as we explore the earth mysteries, the darkness and the healing arts.

Learn ways to honor the source of life, death and rebirth through shamanic exercises.

We will also explore the art of tincture making with organic alcohol and roots. $50

Includes a delicious, nourishing whole and wild food lunch and herbal crafting supplies
Register online for Herbal Wisdom Circle

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ 13 month program
This 13-month course includes 12 sessions held monthly on Saturdays,
from 10:30-2:30 and one weekend intensive in late spring.
This program is an opportunity to study the deeper teachings of the earth and plants first hand.
The cost is $675. Payment plans are available.

"The Well"~ A Study Group for Women~ 7-9 pm
North Seattle~ First Wednesdays ~ December 5, January 2, February 6
We are thrilled to offer this group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.
$30 ~ 4 consecutive months for $100.
Register on our website~

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship Days for Girls ~ Returning in 2008

Dark of the Moon Lodge ~ Returning in 2008

A Healthy Immune System ~ Seven Medicines Approach
Wednesday, November 28th ~ 7-8:30 pm ~ at our farm on Whidbey Island

Coming in 2008...
The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ An online course in Shamanic Herbalism
You can participate in this course anywhere in the world.

And...more classes, plant walks and offerings in Seattle

Crow's Daughter's Earthly Goods:
We have added a page of holiday gift ideas from the Earth to our website.
We are also offering free shipping again this year to enhance your giving.

We will be selling our products at the Langley Holiday Fair, Nov. 24th, 12-5 pm.
You can find us right behind North Star and across from Useless Bay Coffee House.

We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these events.
Blessings of the New Moon and may the ancestors guide your steps
through this holy dark time of year,
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter

Tuesday 25 September 2007

The Treasures of the Dark Maiden

Greetings, Lovers of the Green,

I walk in the garden and listen this morning
To the sounds of Autumn

A few pink catnip flowers whisper

Tomatoes pray for a bit more sun
Pumpkin leaves faded to yellow
Prepare for ripening fruit
Crow wings overhead
Cawing, cawing
A little nettle sprout determined to continue
After a strong weeding
Clover happy and content to bloom
As long as possible

Comfrey steadfast and vibrant still
Reminds me about her constant medicine
Burdock leaves beckon me to imagine
Their gigantic roots.
Bright fuchsia dahlias are
The entrance to the underworld

Apple hanging heavy and desiring

The cauldron
The shape of a goddess garden emerges
From an ancient psyche

Persephone calls us to seek

The treasures of the dark maiden

May it be in Beauty.

Crow's Laughter Mystery School has many offerings this fall.
We invite you to join us in exploring the deep teachings of the Wise Woman Tradition.
Feel free to call or email anytime to find out more about all of our offerings and visit
our website
360-579-2319 ~

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begins January 25, 2008
Come immerse yourself in the nourishing and healing ways of the plants. Learn to live as a wise woman, craft herbal medicines from door yard herbs. Experience ancient shamanic listening practices, connect with your sisters on this path. This is an all-inclusive, comprehensive program that spans a year and a half with 4 ~ 13 week sessions. There is a spiralic nature to this apprenticeship. New participants are invited to join us at the beginning of each 13~ week session, each time continuing through until they have completed 4 ~ 13 week sessions.This apprenticeship program is a potent and powerful journey into the true nature of life. When you choose this work you choose to deeply nourish all of yourself. When you join us, you are called upon to craft an apprenticeship with the plants and the Earth.
Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ 13 month program
Herbal Wisdom Circle is a potent and powerful connection with the plants,
the Earth and all of life.
This 13-month course includes 12 sessions held monthly on Saturdays,
from 10:30-2:30 and one weekend intensive.
These sessions are held at our beautiful farm on South Whidbey Island
A delicious whole and wild food lunch is included.
This is an open circle. Participants may join us at anytime and continue for 13 months.
The themes and topics we explore are seasonal and crafted with participants needs and desires in mind.
This program is an opportunity to study the deeper teachings of the earth and plants first hand.
The cost is $675.
Payment plans are available.
We also welcome participants on a monthly basis.

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ October 13th
October's Theme: Fruits of Passion
Register online for Herbal Wisdom Circle

"The Well"~ A Women Study Group ~ October 3, 2007 ~ 7-9 pm
Seattle ~ First Wednesdays
We are thrilled to offer this group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us. Our new location will be in Shoreline at the home of Jennifer Sundstrom.
October's Theme: Persephone's Gift, Come take a journey to the Underworld to meet Persephone and learn of the gifts she can offer us as we move into the dark time of year.
$30 ~ 4 months for $100.
Register on our website~

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship Days for Girls ~ September 29 and November 3, 2007 10:30-2:30 ~ Come explore the amazing healing way of plants, learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman, discover your plant ally and learn to listen and talk to plants. $60 per day or $105 for both days. Pre-registration is required. Includes a delicious, nourishing whole and wild food lunch and herbal crafting supplies.

Dark of the Moon Lodge ~ October 10, 2007
Come join us for a nourishing supper, talking stick and simple ritual.
Come and just be. $10 ~ reservations are required by Tuesday October 9th.
If you lack access to resources pay what you can. If you have an abundance of resources you are welcome to pay more. This will be our last Dark of the Moon Lodge for 2007.

Healing Salves from Garden Herbs ~ October 6th ~ 10:30-12:30
UW Women's Center and Medicinal Herb Garden
Come join Julie Charette Nunn, local herbalist for this hand-on class that explores the healing herbs you can grow and craft into wonderful healing salves. This class will take place in the beautiful UW medicinal herb garden where we will see first hand the medicinal herbs that make great salves. We will make herbal salve which you can take home. $25 ~ $5 supply fee
The Nourishing Herbs ~ October 17, 2007 ~ 7:00-9:00 pm
UW Women's Center
Come discover herbs you can use daily to increase well being. Learn simple techniques for growing and preparing these herbs that you can easily do at home. Learn an amazing way to look at healing that supports optimum health. Experience a simple exercise to connect you with your body’s wisdom. You will sample nourishing herbal infusion and make nourishing herbal vinegar to take home. $25 ~ $5 supply fee

Wild Edibles and Medicinals Plant Walk ~ Magnusson Park, Seattle ~ October 7th 10-12 pm ~ Come join me right in the middle of the city to explore the wild plants that can be used for food and medicine. Discover weeds that make great salad greens, trees that heal the heart and ease muscle pain and learn about simple herbal preparations you can make in your kitchen. Julie is an herbalist and teacher from Whdibey Island that love to introduce people to plants. We will meet at Magnusson Park. To register visit

I look forward to our future connections.
Green Blessings,
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter

Monday 9 July 2007

Wisdom to Hold Ground

sun filled world

bright days wild

dark nights

potent with
what shall be
what is

our garden is wild
with weeds
nourishing foods
potent medicines
and deeper callings allow
less time for a perfect garden
how is this helping
some deeper yearning?

wild peas grow all over this year

purple blossoms spreading
intertwining with planned plants
returning nitrogen to the soil
we are in need of this here
the soil calls for more food
to strengthen her

two weeds growing
in raucous abundance
Sow thistle leaves
are mineral rich
wonderful in salads

as they flower
our goats gorge on them

little mallow is spreading far and wide
thought it would be so nice to invite her to
a little corner
of the pumpkin patch
she didn’t stay in the corner
for long
stretching out in all directions
carpeting the soil
with her heart-shaped leaves
and delicate pink flowers
delicious in salad and
enough for herbal vinegar
she soothes our insides

more weeds

dandelion ~ wise woman plant
plantain ~ bee sting plant
lamb’s quarters ~ better than spinach
chickweed ~ in the shade of the potatoes
burdock ~ yang/wild woman plant
shephard’s purse ~ midwives plant
red dock ~ remedy for nettle sting
yellow dock ~ iron-rich liver lover
red clover ~ I planted this
butter cup ~ poison tenacious plant
self heal ~ subtle chakra teacher

this year as I look

in the mirror
of my garden
I see
the intertwining fertility
of my most alive self
abundant graciousness
of growing where I land
wisdom to hold ground
spreading green ways
all over the place

may it be in beauty

Crow's Laughter
is a mystery school that teaches wise woman ways of self love and
nourishment. We facilitate the exploration of inner nature and its mirror in the natural world. We do this through connection with earth and body wisdom, herbal crafting, shamanic journeying, deep listening and simple ritual.

We are delighted to offer many ways to connect with the Earth and the plants. Come join us.

Shamanic Apprenticeships

Awaken the Wise Woman!

Residential Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program of Women
Come join me and immerse yourself in the nourishing and healing ways of the plants.
Learn to live as a wise woman, listening deeply. Discover new perspectives on health and wellbeing and ways to offer your gifts to the world.
Teens Welcome. 9 days ~ August 10-18 ~ $700
Price includes teachings, meals, camping accomodations, many herbs for crafting and much more.

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next sessions start September 14th and January 25, 2008, we meet on Fridays.
This is an all-inclusive, comprehensive program that spans a year and a half with 4 ~ 13 week sessions. There is a spiralic nature to this apprenticeship. New participants are invited to join us at the beginning of each 13~ week session, each time continuing through until they have completed 4 ~ 13 week sessions. Teens welcome.

Our Classes

Herbal Wisdom Circle
Monthly on Saturdays
July 14th ~ 10:30-2:30
"Lavender and Friends"
Next circles ~ August 11 and September 15th
Coming in September...there will be an opportunity to sign up for 13 months of Herbal Wisdom Circles. More info coming about this soon.

The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays in Seattle ~ August 1st
Come gather at the Well. Replenish, renew,
connect, reflect. Discover Wise Woman Ways and the treasured
gifts within you.

Dark of the Moon Lodge ~ July 14th ~ 6:30 pm
Reservations are required at least on day ahead. $10
Come join me in Sacred Space.
My home and land are open to you, between 6:30 and 9:30 pm. You are welcome to come anytime during this 3 hours. We will be gathering for food the first hour and then cleaning up. If you would like to eat, please come during that time.
If we are in circle with talking stick or ritual, please enter in silence and join us.
Please bring...
Any ideas, songs, stories, poetry to share. Tarot decks or other oracles with which
To imagine your future. We will co-create the space together. If ritual is desired we will create it. I will invite you into the circle with talking stick at some time in the evening.
If you desire...
Just come and connect, Listen deeply, Walk on the land.
Share with others, Do nothing,
These things are welcome.
This space is created to honor the blood mysteries,
The ancient temple of women's womb stories
Moms and girl children of all ages are welcome.
Boy children under two or breast feeding are welcome.
Pre-registration is required so please call ahead to reserve a space.
Directions will be spent upon registration.

More dates...
August 12th
September 11th
October 10th
November 9th
December 9th

Lunar Sabbats
July 29th~ Lunar Lammas
November 9th~ Lunar Samhain

Classes for Children

Herbal Wisdom Summer Mentorship for Girls
July 16-19th ~ 10-2:00 ~ $225 ~ Pre-registration is required
Girls will be learning about the healing ways of plants, through listening, herbal crafting and organic gardening.Includes a delicious, nourishing whole and wild food lunch and herbal crafting supplies.Call or email and we will send you our information and registration letter.

Awaken the Wise Woman! Apprenticeship Weekend for Girls 10-13

July 27-29th ~ $275 ~ Pre-registration is required

Includes camping accomodations, all meals and herbal crafting supplies.
Girls will be learning the way of the wise woman through herbal crafting,
shamanic listening exercises and organic gardening. This program is an opportunity for girls to connect deeply with their true natures and learn to step into the world as powerful young women. Call or email and we will send you an application for this program.

Classes in Seattle and around Puget Sound

Edibles and Medicinals Plant Walk
July 18th ~ 6:30-8:30 pm
Lichton Springs Park, North Seattle
Offered through North Seattle Community College
To register visit

A Walk with Plant Families
Wednesday, July 25th ~ 7-9 pm
University of Washington
Medicinal Herb Garden and Women's Center

Healing Salves from Garden Herbs
Tuesday, August 14th ~ 7-9 pm
University of Washington
Medicinal Herb Garden and Women's Center
For more information call 206-685-1090

Celebrating Spirit in Community with Plants
An online course in Shamanic Herbalism
Offered through the Women of Wisdom Foundaton
For more information visit

Wise Woman Teachings and Shamanic Healing One to One
Julie is now available for one to one consultations which may include shamanic healing such as power animal retrieval, soul retrieval and shamanic extraction, shamanic exercises and discussions about herbs and foods that may support your well-being. We will structure our time to fit your needs. Please visit
for more information about these teachings. $30-$60 sliding scale

Crow's Daughter's Earthly Goods
We have been creating nourishing herbal products for over a decade.
You can shop for our hand-crafted, healing products on our website.

For information on any of these programs please Email Us and let us know you wish to be on our email list. We send out updates regularly and a beautiful seasonal newsletter.

Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter
Nourishment~Common Herbs~Wise Woman Ways

Sunday 10 June 2007

Wild Medicine

Greetings, Lovers of the Green,

I was just out on our land early this morning to listen and connect and I could smell the beauty of wild roses so potent. I am inspired to offer you this article I wrote for the Women of Wisdom Newsletter in 2004.
Visit our website for our upcoming apprenticeships, classes and dark of the moon lodge this summer. Our Wild Flower Body Tonic and Wild Rose Tincture are available now...our Rosabunda Lotion and Wild, Wild Rose Balm will be available by end of July, now soaking and releasing their potent medicine into organic olive oil
Green Blessings,

It is early June and I am making a daylong trek to a beloved spot on the Olympic Peninsula. My intention is to gather wild rose blossoms, to create healing oil, honey and tincture...wild medicine...I am going to a place where there are acres and acres of wild roses. Around the end of May, they begin to bloom and are ripe for picking. I drive into the park, gather my cloth bag and venture onto a trail along a bluff, wild roses growing thick at the edge of the world. I begin to pick the wild rose buds and the open blossoms with pale yellow stamens. (Once the stamens have turned brown, their precious essential oil is spent.)

I pick and I pick, communing with bees and occasionally noticing the salt water far below and the graceful giant kelp fluttering in the waves. I walk along on this gathering spree, indulgently poking my nose into the open wild rose flowers. After about an hour or so of this it is quite clear to me that I am intoxicated with rose. I am relaxed and happy and my thoughts are filled with dreams of love and beauty. The wild roses appear to speak a truth to me of what is possible within us and among us. I listen and obey their call to keep picking. I find a little patch closer to the entrance of the park where I finish my task. I have to literally pull myself away from this spot and stop picking. I really do have enough for my concoctions. The wild roses delight in my reluctance to leave and beckon me on to continue savoring their offerings. I speak to them in the language of connection with the unseen worlds. I will return to you in the fall to gather your fruit, the ripe wild rose hips.

It is early October now as I venture to gather their ripe wild fruit. I am wondering what this adventure will bring me after such an amazing summer encounter with the intoxicating medicine of this native plant. I am excited to see the red, ripe berries all around me as I enter the park. I start again near the bluff and begin to pick the perfect fruit. After a while of picking, I begin to notice that there are not just one kind of wild rose hip here but many. Before I am done, I have identified at least six species of rose. I am entranced this time with the deep medicine of this plant... love and beauty, yes, again come to mind but in this season I also sense a strong pull toward Earth. The wild rose blossoms express to me a manifestation of heart, while these ripe, red berries speak of womb medicine, the deep dark medicine of female power. I give thanks for this wisdom and the expansive gifts of this place on earth.

May it be in Beauty!

Wednesday 23 May 2007

The Journey of the Rose

Greetings, Lovers of the Green,
The wild roses are deliciously blooming on our land. I would like to share them with you and
also this article I wrote for my column The Wise Woman's Garden in The Beltane Papers,
Journal of Women's Mysteries in Spring 2004.
You can visit for more info. The pictures were taken on our land on Whidbey Island. You will see wild roses and also other rose family plants.

Green Blessings,

petals and pollen
of Goddess
kiss my senses
so sweet
allure me
so deep
infuse my womb
with love

Rosa nutkana, Rosa rugosa,
Rosa damascena, Rosa canina, Rosa gallica,
Rosa sancta...

Rose lives in a world of peace.
Follow me through the garden gate as we experience the world of Rose...
The journey unfolds as we forgive ourselves and remember who we are...
the journey unfolds as we let go into the void and feel, smell, taste,
see, hear ourselves in every moment...
the journey unfolds as we emerge once more into
a world of sensual wonder.
Forgiving ourselves and re-membering who we are...

Rose nourishes and protects our skeletal structures, our blood, circulation and heart supporting us to re-member and love ourselves. She nourishes feminine power, helping us modulate hormonal surges and mood swings and offering grounded support for our journey of reclamation.

Letting go into the void...
Rose’s incredible nutrients nourish our emotional body, calming nervous tension, uplifting the spirit and easing depression. Rose is antibacterial and antiviral acting gently to encourage our physical body to release colds and flu.
Rose is nourishing to the kidneys, the place where chi originates, and thus can be called upon to nurture our spiritual bodies. Rose enhances the amazing
interplay of life forces stirred by erotic connection.
And we are full-bodied once again, at one with life.

Emergence into a world of sensual wonder...

The world we greet in the morning and the one we close our eyes to at night is a world of our own creation. Love is ever present for us to gather. As we deeply nourish our full-bodies with Rose and other whole and wild foods
there is nothing but Beauty to behold.

From the Wild Rose thicket to your bountiful table...

There are so many ways to prepare roses for our nourishment and enjoyment. I use Wild Rose, Rosa nutkana, as she is abundant where I live.
You may substitute garden rose petals and
Rosa rugosa rose hips in any of these recipes.
Here are a few of my favorites:

Wild Rose Hips Nourishing Herbal Vinegar is made simply by collecting wild rose hips in a basket or cloth bag. (If you wait until after the first frost to gather they contain more Vitamin C.) Take these home and sort out the best ones to place in a glass jar. Fill the jar with these beautiful hips and fill again with apple cider vinegar. Place a lid on this. Let this sit for at least six weeks, shaking often. Strain this through a sieve covered by a cloth and store in your cupboard. Consume this freely on cooked greens and salad (with olive oil) or
add to water for a refreshing, daily tonic.

Wild Rose Petal Infused Honey is made in a very similar way. Collect Wild Rose Petals in early June. Wait for a time when the sun has shone on them for at least two days. Collect the roses that have just opened. You can tell these because the stamens are pale yellow and not yet brown. While gathering, stick your nose right inside the flower and smell the aroma. Fill a jar once with the petals lightly packed and then drizzle local wildflower honey over this. Place a lid on it. After this has infused for a good six weeks, strain it. Sometimes I warm the honey slightly to make it easier to strain. This concoction is delectable and once you’ve tasted it you will understand much about
how rose enhances erotic connections.

Rose Hips Nourishing Herbal Infusion is most easily made with the rose hips you purchase from your favorite herbalist but can also be made from dried whole wild rose hips. Place one ounce of dried rose hips in a quart jar, fill this with boiling water and put a lid on it. Let this sit overnight and strain it. This brew you have created can offer you all the nourishment mentioned above. And after you have strained this infusion save the precious plant material to add to bread and muffin recipes. I, recently, made a wonderful corn bread,
folding in rose hips before baking. (the organic commercial rose hips work best here as the wild rose hips contain little hairs within them that may irritate our innards.)

Edible Massage Oil

Wild Rose Infused Olive Oil is created from Wild Rose buds and flowers picked in June. My favorite way to do this is to pick mostly rose buds and chop them and fill a jar with them. Then, like the honey and vinegar, I pour olive oil over this and shake and place in a cool dark place for six weeks. Strain this exquisite, aromatic oil and store in a beautiful glass bottle. Share this oil with those you love for foot rubs, sensuous facial massage and erotic exchanges.

Rose Meditation
Offer yourself this meditation on the new moon from winter solstice to midsummer and on the full moon from midsummer to winter solstice.
Sit near rose in your garden or out in the wild
Observe the rose plant, noticing how it comes up out of the ground and how it twists and turns toward the light
Find the thorns and observe the thorns
If it is spring, observe the intricate patterns of the leaves, if summer notice the buds and flowers allowing yourself to detect the aroma, if fall observe the hips and their vibrant color and if winter notice the dark engaging color of the thicket of stems and the last remaining hips.
Begin to feel yourself take shape as a rose, which part are you?
(What’s the first thing that comes to your mind?)
Feel yourself become that part in all its intricacy, noticing many details
Now, ask yourself, “Where is love?” Take note.
Open your eyes and move and stand once again.
Give thanks to the rose.

The rose’s many gifts mirror the miraculous abundance before us.
May you seek and find these treasures within you.

I give thanks for the many books that offer wisdom about rose. Here are just a few that I used to inspire this writing.

Opening our Wild Hearts to the Healing Herbs, by Gail Faith Edwards, Ash Tree Publishing, Woodstock, New York

Peterson Field Guides, Pacific States Wildflowers, by Theodore F. Niehaus/Charles L. Ripper, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York

The Quest for the Rose, by Roger Phillips and Martyn Rix, Random House, New York

Common Herbs for Natural Health, by Juliette de Bairacli Levy, Ash Tree Publishing, Woodstock, New York

Bible Plants for American Gardens, by Eleanor Anthony King, Dover Publications, Inc, New York

Witches Heal, Lesbian Herbal Self-Sufficiency, by Billie Potts, Cohosh Corners Press, New York

The New Menopausal Years, by Susun S. Weed, Ash Tree Publishing, Woodstock, New York

Visit our website for current schedule of shamanic herbal apprenticeships, classes and one to one teachings.

Friday 11 May 2007

Leaves reflecting all of Life

Greetings, Lovers of the Green,

at your doorstep
a vibrant green world
leaves reflecting all of life.
motherwort chanteuse,
rhubarb giantess,
steadfast fir,
womanly rose,
mother of all...cleavers
nourishment avails herself

May it be in beauty.

With delight I offer shamanic teaching of plant and earth.

I look forward to when you will join me for one of these offerings.

Green Blessings,

Crow's Laughter Mystery School ~ Spring and Summer
Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeships, Classes and One to One Teachings
Please call or email us anytime for more information about any of these offerings and to request an apprenticeship application. We would love to hear from you.
And visit our website

Our Apprenticeships:

Awaken the Wise Woman!

Residential Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program of Women
An incredible opportunity to immerse yourself the nourishing and healing ways of the plants! Learn to live as a wise woman and craft herbal medicines from door yard herbs. Experience ancient shamanic listening practices and connect with your sisters on this path. We had an amazing time last year with this program. I encourage you to participate in both programs this year. This will give you an opportunity to connect with the plants during different times in the growing season. The wild roses will be blooming in May-June and during August, the harvest will be lusciously apparent. Teens Welcome.
13 days ~ May 31 to June 12 ~ $1000
9 days ~ August 10-18 ~ $700
$1540 for both programs
Price includes teachings, meals, camping accomodations, many herbs for crafting and much more.

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next sessions start September 14th and January 25, 2008, we meet on Fridays.
We have begun this incredible program! It is truly amazing to share these teaching of the plants and earth.
Come immerse yourself in the nourishing and healing ways of the plants. Learn to live as a wise woman, craft herbal medicines from door yard herbs. Experience ancient shamanic listening practices, connect with your sisters on this path. This is an all-inclusive, comprehensive program that spans a year and a half with 4 ~ 13 week sessions. There is a spiralic nature to this apprenticeship. New participants are invited to join us at the beginning of each 13~ week session, each time continuing through until they have completed 4 ~ 13 week sessions. This program is an opportunity for all women including teens to step fully into the life you desire with health, wholeness and holiness. Call or email to request an application and meeting.

Our Classes

Herbal Wisdom Circle

Monthly on Saturdays

May 19, 2007 ~ 10:30-2:30
"The Journey of the Rose"

From thorny briar to delicate beauty, discover how rose mirrors all aspects of being human. The Wild Roses on our land will soon be blooming. We will spend time with them, listening, making some herbal preparations and acquainting ourselves with their mysteries.

Also, learn how roses support the immune system, nervous system, kidneys and their precious connection with women. Herbal Wisdom Circle is open to women and men, adults and teens
Includes a delicious, nourishing whole and wild food lunch.
$60 ~ 3 months for $150
Register on our website

Next circles ~ June 9th and July 14th

The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays in Seattle ~ June 6th
Last Wednesdays on Whidbey Island ~ May 30th

Come gather at the Well. Replenish, renew,
connect, reflect. Discover Wise Woman Ways and the treasured
gifts within you.
Register on our website

Dark of the Moon Lodge ~ May 16th ~ 6:30 pm
Come join me in Sacred Space.
My home and land are open to you, between 6:30 and 9:30 pm. You are welcome to come anytime during this 3 hours. We will be gathering for food the first hour and then cleaning up. If you would like to eat, please come during that time.
If we are in circle with talking stick or ritual, please enter in silence and join us.
Please bring...
Any ideas, songs, stories, poetry to share. Tarot decks or other oracles with which
To imagine your future. We will co-create the space together. If ritual is desired we will create it. I will invite you into the circle with talking stick at some time in the evening.
If you desire...
Just come and connect, Listen deeply, Walk on the land.
Share with others, Do nothing,
These things are welcome.
This space is created to honor the blood mysteries,
The ancient temple of women's womb stories
Moms and girl children of all ages are welcome.
Boy children under two or breast feeding are welcome.
Pre-registration is required so please call ahead to reserve a space.
Directions will be spent upon registration.

More dates...
June 14th
July 14th
August 12th
September 11th
October 10th
November 9th
December 9th

Lunar Sabbats
July 29th~ Lunar Lammas
November 9th~ Lunar Samhain

Classes for Children

Herbal Wisdom Summer Mentorship for Girls
July 16-19th ~ 10-2:00 ~ $225 ~ Pre-registration is required
This is a delightful program...girls will be learning about the healing ways of plants, through listening, herbal crafting and organic gardening.
Includes a delicious, nourishing whole and wild food lunch and herbal crafting supplies.
Call or email and we will send you our information and registration letter.

Awaken the Wise Woman! Apprenticeship Weekend for Girls 10-13

July 27-29th ~ $275 ~ Pre-registration is required

Includes camping accomodations, all meals and herbal crafting supplies.
Girls will be learning the way of the wise woman through herbal crafting,
shamanic listening exercises and organic gardening. This program is an opportunity for girls to connect deeply with their true natures and learn to step into the world as powerful young women. Call or email and we will send you an application for this program.

Children of the Earth ~ Herbal Day Camp for 5-8 year old
July 10-12th ~ 110-1:00 ~ $125 ~ Pre-registration is required
Children will be exploring organic gardening and permaculture technique and learning about the healing herbs in our big, beautiful garden and on the land. Includes healthy snack and all herbal crafting supplies.

Classes in Seattle and around Puget Sound:

Bastyr Herb and Food Fair ~ June 2nd ~ 10-5 pm
Free Event! I will be selling my Nourishing Herbal Creations and
I will be leading an Herb Walk at 11:00 am
Visit for the schedule of events and directions

Edibles and Medicinals Plant Walk
July 18th ~ 6:30-8:30 pm
Lichton Springs Park, North Seattle
Offered through North Seattle Community College
To register visit

A Walk with Plant Families
Wednesday, July 25th ~ 7-9 pm
University of Washington
Medicinal Herb Garden and Women's Center

Healing Salves from Garden Herbs
Tuesday, August 14th ~ 7-9 pm
University of Washington
Medicinal Herb Garden and Women's Center

You can register for these classes at the UW Women's Center by mail or fax.
You can go to their website and download the current catalog of classes and registration form.
For more information call 206-685-1090.

Celebrating Spirit in Community with Plants
An online course in Shamanic Herbalism
Offered through the Women of Wisdom Foundaton
For more information visit

Wise Woman Teachings and Shamanic Healing One to One
Julie is now available for one to one consultations which may include shamanic healing such as power animal retrieval, soul retrieval and shamanic extraction, shamanic exercises and discussions about herbs and foods that may support your well-being. We will structure our time to fit your needs. Please visit
for more information about these teachings. $30-$60 sliding scale

Crow's Daughter's Earthly Goods
We have been creating nourishing herbal products for over a decade.
You can shop for our hand-crafted, healing products on our website.

For information on any of these programs please Email Us and let us know you wish to be on our email list. We send out updates regularly and a beautiful seasonal newsletter.

Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter
Nourishment~Common Herbs~Wise Woman Ways

Saturday 17 March 2007

A Cup of Green~Nourishing News from Crow's Daughter

Greetings, Lovers of the Green,

Welcome to our first entry in this new blog,
Crow's Daughter's Herbal Wisdom.

a cup of green

happy to say
i got the poppy seeds
planted in time this year
the cold soil inspires
their growth.
poppy is such
a wicked witch
i use her seeds
in breads
a few years ago
i dried some poppy heads
and was pleased that the tops
never opened
to release the seeds
this produced
little poppy head rattles
i use these rattles
to listen
gentle sounds
delicate instrument
wild divinatory medicine

strong and subtle
energies of spring equinox
dance through my mind
they are like the new
green poppy leaves
rising up out of the soil
almost invisible still
just a little bit of
green now

Earth holds our world
in her cup
She unfurls
her newness and invites
us into her open hand

this subtle life giving container
that holds the spring
invites me to soften my hold
on the seriousness of the world
and open myself
to the beauty around me

it is the child
that is creating us
the delicacy that yearns
for the sun on her leaves
and conjures
a bright red flower
bold green fruits

and goddess wand

May it be in Beauty.

Come play with me and the plants this Spring!

Call or email anytime for more information about the following programs. 360-579-2319
And visit our website

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
4-13 week sessions, next session start May 4th, we meet weekly on Fridays.
We have begun this incredible program! It is truly amazing to share these teaching of the plants and earth. Come immerse yourself in the nourishing and healing ways of the plants. Learn to live as a wise woman, craft herbal medicines from door yard herbs. Experience ancient shamanic listening practices, connect with your sisters on this path. Call or email to request an application and meeting.

Awaken the Wise Woman! ~ Residential Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program for Women
3 days ~ May 31 to June 12 ~ 9 days ~ August 10-18
Here is another incredible opportunity to immerse yourself the nourishing and healing ways of the plants. We had an amazing time last year with this program. I encourage you to participate in both programs this year. This will give you an opportunity to connect with the plants during different times in the growing season. The wild roses will be blooming in May-June and during August, the harvest will be lusciously apparent. Teens Welcome!
Price includes teachings, meals, camping accomodations, many herbs for crafting and much more.

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Monthly on Saturdays ~
April 21st ~ 10:30-2:30
April Theme: Liver of Life
$60 ~ $150 for 3 Circles ~ Preregistration is required.
Register on our website!
A delicious whole and wild, local and organic lunch is provided.
I will be selling my herbal products at this event.
More Circles...May 19th, June 9th

The Well Being of Women Study Group
Whidbey Island (our farm) ~ March 28th, April 25th~ 7-9 pm
Seattle (Three Moon Healing Arts near Greenlake) April 4th, May 2nd ~ 6:30-8:30
Do you wish to discover new perspectives on health and well being?
Would you like to take healing into your own hands?
This class is for you!
Come and listen deeply, be supported and honored
and discover the treasured gifts within you.
$30 ~ pre-registration is required.
Register on our website!

Shamanic Herbalism Online Course
Celebrating Spirit in Community with Plants
offered by the Women of Wisdom Foundation
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow’s Daughter offers this 3-session exploration in shamanic herbalism with simple practices in listening, connecting and collaborating with plants. The ancient ways of deep listening will be offered through shamanic exercises, writing assignments, spending time in nature and herbal crafting. Lessons will take place in your home, in your yard and in your surrounding community. When you complete this course, you will see the world of plants through different eyes.
WOW members: $30 ~ Non-members:$36
Register online

Classes in Seattle and around Puget Sound this Spring

Shamanic Herbalism ~ East West Bookshop ~ Seattle
April 1, 2007 ~ 1-4:00 pm ~ $35
Join Julie Charette Nunn, local herbalist, for an introduction to Shamanic Herbalism. Julie's been given ancient shamanic listening practices to share with the world. Come experience these rare practices that connect us deeply with the compassionate nature of plants. Learn to use the local plants for healing. You will leave this workshop with a greater understanding of your wholeness. To register visit

The Nourishing Herbs
~ University of Washington ~ Women's Center
April 11th ~ 6:30-8:30 ~ $25
Come discover herbs you can use daily to increase well being. Learn simple techniques for growing and preparing these herbs that you can easily do at home. Learn an amazing way to look at healing that supports optimum health. Experience a simple exercise to connect you with your body’s wisdom. You will sample nourishing herbal infusion and make nourishing herbal vinegar to take home. $5.00 supply fee.
You can register for these classes by mail or fax. You can go to their website and download the current catalog of classes and registration form.
For more information call 206-685-1090.

Wild Edibles and Medicinals Plant Walk ~Magnuson Park, Seattle
Offered through North Seattle Community College Continuing Education
April 14, 2007 ~ 10-12:00 ~ $25
Come join me right in the middle of the city to explore the wild plants that can be used for food and medicine. Discover weeds that make great salad greens, trees that heal the heart and ease muscle pain and learn about simple herbal preparations you can make in your kitchen. Julie is an herbalist and teacher from Whdibey Island that love to introduce people to plants. We will meet at Magnuson Park. To register visit

The Nourishing Approach to a Healthy Immune System
Offered by Discover U in Seattle ~ April 28, 2007 ~ 10-2:00 pm
Discover new perspectives on health and learn to create wellness for yourself throughout the year. Discuss foods and herbs you can use everyday to support good immune system functioning and have the opportunity to sample nourishing herbal infusion. A simple technique for listening to the wisdom of your body is offered. Added bonus: Learn to make yogurt and kefir, incredible immune healing foods! Register on-line

The Wise Woman Herbalist ~ Firway House in Bremerton
12:00-4:00 ~ $45 includes lunch
Come discover your wholenes through exploring Wise Woman Herbalism. Explore new perspectives on health which are actually part of the most
ancient healing tradition. Learn to listen deeply to your natural
surroundings and connect this to the wisdom that is within you. We will gather together on the land at Firway House in Bremerton listening deeply through shamanic exercises, exploring the nourishing and healing herbs and making a few simple herbal prepartions that you can take home. Includes a nourishing lunch at 12:00. Class time begins at 12:30.
To register email Leta Stever

Introduction to Wise Woman Herbalism
University of Washington ~ Women's Center

Saturday, May 12th ~ 10-2 pm ~ $45

Come discover your wholeness through exploring Wise Woman Herbalism.
Learn new perspectives on health which are actually part of the most ancient healing tradition.
Learn to listen deeply to your natural surroundings and connect this to the wisdom that is within you. We will spend our time together outside in the medicinal herb garden and around the campuslistening deeply through shamanic exercises, exploring the nourishing and healing herbsand making a few simple herbal prepartions that you can take home. $8.00 supply fee.
You can register for these classes by mail or fax. You can go to their website and download the current catalog of classes and registration form.
For more information call 206-685-1090.

Classes for Children this Spring and Summer

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship Days for Girls
March 31st and May 5th ~ 10:00-2:00
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants, learn herbal crafting, discover your plant ally and learn to listen to the plants and the Earth. $60 per session paid monthly. Pre-registration is required. Price includes a delicious, nourishing snack and herbal crafting supplies. This class takes place at our farm in the beautiful Maxwelton Valley.

Herbal Wisdom Summer Mentorship Days for Girls
July 16-19 ~ 10:00-2:00
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants, learn herbal crafting, discover your plant ally,
learn to listen to the plants and the Earth. Includes a delicious, nourishing lunch and snacks.
This is a beautiful time of year to commune with the fairies on the land, listen deeply to the song of the earth, and learn the ancient healing ways of nourishing wholeness!
$325 ~ Pre-registration is required. Call or email to receive a letter of registration

Awaken the Wise Woman!
An apprenticeship weekend for Girls 10-13
July 27-29, 2007
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants, learn herbal crafting, discover your plant ally,
learn to listen to the plants and the Earth. We will be hiking, wildcrafting, gardening, herbal crafting, deeply listening, creating ceremonies, singing and dancing and more!
Girls will be camping!
Delicious, nourishing food and snack are provide.
$325 ~ Pre-registration is required.
There are only 8 spaces for this amazing opportunity for girls so register early.
Please call or email to request an apprenticeship application.

Children of the Earth
Herbal Day Camp for 5-8 year olds
July 10th-12th ~ 10:00-1:00 ~ $125

Tantric Dance of the Divine Feminine
March 31st ~ 4-7 pm
with Kathy Kali
Visit for more information on this
beautiful, sweet practice

Wise Woman Teachings and Shamanic Healing ~ One to One
Available in person and by phone. $30-$60 sliding scale one hour.
This is a lovely gift to give yourself. I have been so blessed to offer these sessions.
Visit our website for more information and please call or email anytime to get more information.