Wednesday 24 December 2008

I heard the silent call of Cedar.

Today is Christmas Eve,
a traditional family
for me of wonder.

As a child we would prepare food,

wrap gifts and welcome
friends and family

to feast and exchange presents.
Late at night we would go
to a candlelight
service at our church.

I loved the anticipation of giving and receiving,
the feasting and family connections

and the prayers and connections

through songs to God.

I am still enchanted
by Christmas Eve.

I think it is the anticipation of the birth

of the holy one
that calls me in.
The celebration
of the blessings of birth.
My spiritual path has grown and expanded

over the years.

Nature and the plants

are incorporated
into our celebrations now.

A couple of weeks ago,

I walked on our land

to connect with the trees.

I heard the silent call of Cedar.

"It is not a child that is the holy one.

It is a tree,"

May it be in Beauty.

May you find your own precious holiness.

May the wonders of nature beckon you outside in all kinds of weather.

May we all find peace in our hearts and in the heart of the world.

Green Blessings,
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter

Visit for information about all of our classes coming in 2009.

Thursday 11 December 2008

Connecting at Ground Level

Today the earth is very quite. I can sense her energy very near the surface of the ground. What lies within is what is potent right now. When I lived with Susun Weed about 11 years ago, she talked about the difference between life force and soul force. Our life force energy is that which impels us to survive and protect. Our soul force is not so interested in whether we live long lives, it is more interested in the quality of our lives and beckons us into deeper spaces of existence.

At this time of year, I feel that life force energy is at ground level. Consciously breathing natural breaths, sitting on the ground, walking barefoot, placing our hand on the earth, digging roots will bring stronger connection with our life force energy. This I feel can be helpful when we begin to feel overwhelmed by the business of the holidays. Connecting at ground level can actually help us touch into the energy of the holy days.

Our soul force energy is the fire that burns within us. At this time of year, contemplative practices such as meditation, journeying, soul singing, walking in the dark are all ways to connect with the inner fire that illuminates our core. Ritual at this time of year is powerful when the energy of the soul’s fire is channeled into a container for healing and manifestation.

Within, around and beneath these forces is the source, the darkness; the deep, dark holy womb of wisdom. I feel held in womb energy this year, I call it up to nurture me when I feel afraid to move forward with what I desire. I relinquish myself to it, succumbing to the darkness that surrounds me for most of the days now.

Life force protecting, soul force illuminating and holy womb nurturing us as we fall deeply into ourselves, preparing for what will come by focusing on what is now.

May it be in Beauty.

Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offering for the last bit of 2008 into 2009:
Call or email for more information and to request an apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~

Earth Friendly Holiday Gifts on our Website

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begin January 16, 2009 ~ 16 Months, Comprehensive Immersion in the shamanic herbal tradition of the Wise Woman. Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Plant teacher for December is Cedar
December 13, 2008 ~ 10:30-2:30
Monthly open circle, come to as many as you like, discounts when you sign up
with friends and multiple circles.

Crow's Daughter's Herbal and Earth Teachings ~ Individual Sessions
I work intuitively, consulting my shamanic helpers to offer you what is needed.
Sessions are experiential. You will be connecting with your wisdom through time in nature, creative arts, and deep listening. I recommend multiple sessions to delve deep into the heart of what you desire. Available at our farm on Whidbey Island and in Seattle

The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism, an opportunity to begin crafting a deeply nourishing life where you live.
Start anytime, participate at home. 13 monthly assignment with daily practice lessons, 9 seasonal assignment, phone consultations, and discounts on our other classes.

Abundant Earth ~ Prosperity Circle starts January 13, 2009
Details on our website soon. Call or email to reserve your space.

The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm ~ January 7, February 4
A group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.

Winter Solstice Earth Celebrations
December 20 ~ 3-6 pm
Free event ~ Everyone welcome, children are encouraged to attend

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls
Starts January 31 ~ Fee is by donation
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants ~ Learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman ~ Discover your plant ally ~ Learn to listen and talk to plants.

Enchanted Earth~The Plant Teachings of Winter,
Class a A Gathering Grove ~ December 16 ~ 7-9 pm,
Fee is by donation.

More monthly classes in Seattle coming in 2009.
Also classes in Bellingham coming in 2009.

Dark of the Moon Lodge
Returning January 24, 2009

Wednesday 3 December 2008

I May Flower Even in Winter

I went out walking yesterday in the garden. My eyes looked down at dark brown and yellowing leaves, flowers offering their last farewell and rich earth. What is vibrant? What speaks to me? What is offering itself for nourishment and healing?

I found comfrey. The leaves are yellow and green now with edges of brown heading toward earth. What I discovered when taking a second look, when breathing with these plants is the vibrancy of the comfrey roots. If I was to dig down into the soil around this plant I would find dark brown roots, mirroring earth so successfully that you can hardly distinguish them from it. Breaking open these roots I would find creamy white moistness that nourishes the skin, softening and healing it. These roots contain a substance that encourages replication of cells, allowing muscles, nerves, bones, and skins to heal rapidly. I won’t harvest here for a few more years. There is a place nearby with comfrey growing everywhere. I will harvest in January as I have done for the last three years.

Near the comfrey, the espalier apples are releasing their leaves one by one. Here I found Usnea lichen. This plant is a synergistic combination of an algae on the outside and a white fungus chord within. I won’t harvest this Usnea as it is quite small and sparse here on the trees. I will walk up into the deep forest to look for it. Wind brings down evergreen branches filled with Usnea. This plant kills bacteria that causes infections of all kinds. I find it most helpful as a remedy for sinus infection. Other people I know have utilized it for healing infections of teeth, bladder and skin infections. I find this plant to have strong and deep medicine and so would call upon it to offer advise for healing chronic conditions.

As I continued on the garden path, I came upon our large reclining stone. This stone was deep in the earth on our land until it was unearthed when our house was built. Growing close to its north facing base, I found Violet. The leaves are still quite vibrant and green. One purple flower, reminds me of that I may flower even in winter. I will pick some of these leaves for my salad. Violet is mineral rich, cool and moist. This plant is the most like me of any, I think. I will call upon my sister violet to nourish me during the winter months. I have planted some yellow violets under the center espalier tree. These I was invited to dig up in a place I used to live. My vision is to have violet growning all over the land here. Patience and persistance is needed in order to manifest visions. I can wait.

If I take the time to look and breathe when I walk outside, even if just for a little while, I find vibrancy, I find nourishment, I find healing at my doorstep.

May it be in Beauty.

Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offering:
Call or email for more information and to request an apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~

Earth Friendly Holiday Gifts on our Website

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begin January 16, 2009
~ 16 Months, Comprehensive Immersion in the shamanic herbal tradition of the Wise Woman. Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Plant teacher for December is Cedar
December 13, 2008 ~ 10:30-2:30
Monthly open circle, come to as many as you like, discounts when you sign up
with friends and multiple circles.

Crow's Daughter's Herbal and Earth Teachings ~ Individual Sessions
I work intuitively, consulting my shamanic helpers to offer you what is needed.
Sessions are experiential. You will be connecting with your wisdom through time in nature, creative arts, and deep listening.
I recommend multiple sessions to delve deep into the heart of what you desire. Available at our farm on Whidbey Island and in Seattle

The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism, an opportunity to begin crafting a deeply nourishing life where you live.
Start anytime, participate at home.
13 monthly lessons, 9 seasonal lessons, phone consultations, and discounts on our other classes.

Abundant Earth ~ Prosperity Circle starts January 13, 2009
Details on our website soon. Call or email to reserve your space.

The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm ~ December 3, January 7
A group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.

Winter Solstice Earth Celebrations

December 20 ~ 3-6 pm
Free event ~ Everyone welcome, children are encouraged to attend

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls
We will begin again in January 2009
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants ~ Learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman ~ Discover your plant ally ~ Learn to listen and talk to plants.

Enchanted Earth~The Plant Teachings of Winter,
Class a A Gathering Grove ~
December 16 ~ 7-9 pm,
Fee is by donation.

More monthly classes in Seattle coming in 2009.
Also classes in Bellingham coming in 2009.

Dark of the Moon Lodge
Returning in 2009

Call or email anytime to find out more, share your inspirations and request an apprenticeship application. 360-579-2319 ~

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Earthen Gratitude

Greetings, Lovers of the Green,
It has been quite a year so far, hasn't it?
I have had some amazing challenges and
some parts
of my life have been turned upside down.
I could easily complain about quite a few things.

But that would not be in line with the season.

We are now in the time of gratitude.

It is time to look back over the year,
the seasons of birth, growth, expansion,
flowering and fruiting and be thankful for
all that is given.

Earth rests on her surface,
and below she moves deeply.

You can put your hand on
the earth right now and

with breath and intention
you can feel this vibration.

You must be very patient
and still because the vibration
very slow and low.

We can choose to find
this slower and lower pace.

And from this place take time
to glance backward
we begin again to move forward.

Earthen Gratitude Practice...
  • Go outside
  • Bend down and touch the earth
  • Notice your breath and breathe in and out several times as you continue to place your hand on the ground.
  • Listen...first listen to your surroundings and what you hear.
  • Then listen...under this to the earth herself.
  • Now go inside and with pen and paper, write 21 things you are thankful for in your life.
  • Go back outside and breathe and listen again to the earth.
  • Return to your home and write 21 more things you are thankful for.
  • Do this at least one more time.
May it be in Beauty.

Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offering:
Call or email for more information about the following offering.
360-579-2319 ~

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Plant teacher for December is Cedar
December 13, 2008 ~ 10:30-2:30
Monthly open circle, come to as many as you like, discounts when you sign up
with friends and multiple circles.

Crow's Daughter's Herbal and Earth Teachings ~ Individual Sessions
I work intuitively, consulting my shamanic helpers to offer you what is needed.
Sessions are experiential. You will be connecting with your wisdom through time in nature, creative arts, and deep listening.
I recommend multiple sessions to delve deep into the heart of what you desire. Available at our farm on Whidbey Island and in Seattle

The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism, an opportunity to begin crafting a deeply nourishing life where you live.
Start anytime, participate at home.
13 monthly lessons, 9 seasonal lessons, phone consultations, and discounts on our other classes.

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begin January 16, 2009
~ 16 Months, Comprehensive Immersion in the shamanic herbal tradition of the Wise Woman. Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.

Abundant Earth ~ Prosperity Circle coming coming in January 2009
Details on our website soon. Call or email to reserve your space.

The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm ~ December 3, January 7
A replenishment group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.

Winter Solstice Earth Celebrations

December 20 ~ 3-6 pm
Free event ~ Everyone welcome, children are encouraged to attend

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls
We will begin again in January 2009
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants ~ Learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman ~ Discover your plant ally ~ Learn to listen and talk to plants.

Enchanted Earth~The Plant Teachings of Winter,
Class a A Gathering Grove ~
December 16 ~ 7-9 pm,
Fee is by donation.

Dark of the Moon Lodge
Returning in 2009

Call or email anytime to find out more, share your inspirations and request an apprenticeship application. 360-579-2319 ~

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Laugh with the Gifts

frozen earth this morning
foggy blanket covers our valley
deep maroon dock seeds
remind me of inner bounty

amber leaves lead me to the goat barn

chickweed laughs
with the cold and wet
so happy, so content

I will take her lead
will be thankful for this day
and laugh with the gifts
I am receiving

A shamanic exercise to connect with the gifts this day offers:
  • Walk outside near where you live
  • Find a plant that is thriving in your surroundings
  • Sit or stand near this plant
  • Notice your breath and breathe a few natural breaths in and out
  • Now shift your perseption and take 7 more breaths, breathing in the breath of this plant and breathing out, offering your breath to the plant.
  • Notice how this plant is growing, everything about it. How it comes up out of the earth, what colors are present and imagine its root below the ground.
  • Now for just a few minutes, imagine you are this plant, thriving here in the energy of the earth right now.
  • What is your breath like? What do you feel? What thoughts come to mind? What sensations? as you embody this plant thriving...
  • When this is complete, give thanks for the plant and this day.

May you find humor and joyfulness in life's circumstance.
May it be in Beauty.

Green Blessings,

Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offerings:
Call or email for more information about the following offering.
360-579-2319 ~

Join us and listen to another Inspirolog with Jamie Walters of Ivy Sea and Crow's Daughter. In this recording Jamie and I are sharing more about connecting with the spirit of nature and the trees.

Crow's Daughter's Herbal and Earth Teachings ~ Individual Sessions
I work intuitively, consulting my shamanic helpers to offer you what is needed.
Sessions are experiential. You will be connecting with your wisdom through time in nature, creative arts, and deep listening.
I recommend multiple sessions to delve deep into the heart of what you desire. Available at our farm on Whidbey Island and in Seattle

The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism, an opportunity to begin crafting a deeply nourishing life where you live.
Start anytime, participate at home.
13 monthly lessons, 9 seasonal lessons, phone consultations, and discounts on our other classes.

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begin January 16, 2009
~ 16 Months, Comprehensive Immersion in the shamanic herbal tradition of the Wise Woman. Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Plant teacher for December is Cedar
December 13, 2008 ~ 10:30-2:30
Monthly open circle, come to as many as you like, discounts when you sign up
with friends and multiple circles.

Prosperity Circle coming coming in January 2009
Details on our website soon. Call or email to reserve your space.

The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm ~ December 3, January 7
A replenishment group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.

Winter Solstice Earth Celebrations

December 20 ~ 3-6 pm
Free event ~ Everyone welcome, children are encouraged to attend

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls
We will begin again in January 2009
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants ~ Learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman ~ Discover your plant ally ~ Learn to listen and talk to plants.

Enchanted Earth~The Plant Teachings of Winter,
Class a A Gathering Grove ~
December 16 ~ 7-9 pm,
Fee is by donation.

Dark of the Moon Lodge
Returning in 2009

Call or email anytime to find out more, share your inspirations and request an apprenticeship application. 360-579-2319 ~

Saturday 11 October 2008

Finding Nourishment at Your Doorstep ~ A World of Possibility

This writing begins a series of essays, poems, recipes, shamanic exercises and connections to inspire our journeys to live full and rich lives of peace and possibility.

A World of Possibility
Yesterday I spent three hou
rs planting garlic at a historic farm in Greenbank on Whidbey Island, just up the island from where I live. I volunteered to help a friend who is starting a new project there; an internship for folks to learn to create CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farms. Outside on the earth, rich soil, picking rocks, appreciating rocks, breathing in the salty sea air, raking, creating deep rich beds, listening, connecting with others who love the earth, digging small holes and dropping in organic red garlic cloves, raking to fill holes and standing to view the good hard work we had done.

Later we ate soup and homemade bread together and my friend and I looked out the kitchen window of the old restored house on the farm. We could see the field where this project is being created. Anza told me about her vision of seeing this field planted with food ~ organic vegetables ~ a world of possibilities.

I returned home to our farm and went out to feed our goats. The beech tree on the path had dropped rich, amber colored leaves. I felt nourished by this day of connections and good work. I felt nourished by the colors of fall all around me. As I walked back from the barn, I looked out over our valley and felt content to be here at this place on the earth and this place in time.

And I am so thankful.

One of my teachers told me that feeling gratitude is the opposite of feeling lack. In this precious time, this wild and powerful time, this creative time,
We cannot afford a feeling of lack.
Acknowledging our gratitude for what we have and who we are
and breathing in and out this acknowledgement
Allows the breath of possibility to come forth.

The Breath of Connection ~ The Breath of Possibility ~ Shamanic Exercise
  • Go outside where you live, very close to your home.
  • Notice your breath and breathe in and out three times.
  • Notice the natural world around you and how it moves. A leaf, an insect, a bird...
  • Choose one of these beings and move like it.
  • Breathe in the teachings of this being as you do this.
  • Begin to notice all of your surroundings and take hold of the notion that all things are of the earth.
  • Give thanks for this experience with your breath.
May it be in Beauty.

Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offerings End of 2008 into 2009:

Listen to Crow's Daughter as Jamie Walters of Ivy Sea offers one of her Inspirologs.
From Anxiety to Inspiration, and the Wisdom of Nature. (the 3rd one down.)

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begin January 16, 2009 ~ 16 Months, Comprehensive Immersion in the shamanic herbal tradition of the Wise Woman.

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Plant teacher for November is Dandelion
November 15, 2008 ~ 10:30-2:30
Monthly open circle, come to as many as you like, discounts when you sign up
with friends and come to multiple circles. December's Circle in on the 13th.

Seasons of Plenty ~ Full Moon Dinner and Prosperity Circle
November 12 ~ 5-9 pm
Community Potluck at 5 pm and Circle start at 6 pm~ Fee is by donation

The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism,
start anytime, participate at home.
13 monthly lessons, 9 seasonal lessons, phone consultations, and discounts on our other classes.

The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm ~ December 3, January 7
A group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.

Winter Solstice Earth Celebrations
December 20 ~ 3-6 pm
Free event ~ Everyone welcome, children are encouraged to attend

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls
We will begin again in January 2009
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants ~ Learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman ~ Discover your plant ally ~ Learn to listen and talk to plants.

Class a A Gathering Grove
December date to be announced

Dark of the Moon Lodge
Returning in 2009

Tuesday 23 September 2008

I Offer Persephone an Apple

Greetings, Lovers of the Green,
I have learned quite a bit from standing under our Gravenstein Apple Tree. She is a stately home for many birds and insects. She wears garlands of pink blossoms in spring and in Autumn her fruit offers deep nourishment.

Apple is the guardian of the gateway to the underworld, her fruit an offering to the Dark Goddess. We took our first step into the underworld at Autumn Equinox. We are now on the inward journey to our source and center. What will we cast off? What belongings are too heavy to carry on this journey? What will we bring along? What strengths and gifts will nurture this dark journey? And who will be our helpers?

I used to have a difficult time in fall. I carried a great deal of emotional baggage. I felt sorrow for myself as the season’s turned toward the dark. That is when I discovered Persephone. This dark maiden has helped me navigate the inner realms, teaching me how to feel deeply so that I don’t need to carry so much on my back.

I offer Persephone an apple. She in turn offers me a necklace. Persephone tells me that this necklace will help me find my inner treasures. Each time I encounter a difficulty, return and connect to the necklace of jewels and see this hardship as a treasured gift. As I walk the inner spiral, I encounter many beings. Persephone teaches me that they are here for me for a reason. She says, imagine a mirror held up as you encounter each being. Look into the mirror and ask, “Who am I?”

The gift of apple is an initiation. When we acknowledge and embody the act of nourishng ourselves, we can fully incorporate its gifts. Apple increases the vibration of the inner realms. She stimulates our cells into vibrant aliveness. Connecting, listening, harvesting, crafting and eating apple will set these vibrations in motion so that you may fully experience this journey through the inner realms.

A shamanic exercise with Apple to increase vibration:
  • Find a favorite apple tree.
  • Put your hand on her trunk.
  • Notice your breath and breathe in and out three times.
  • Now as you breathe imagine the breathe, the oxygen of this apple tree filling your lungs.
  • Breathe out and offer your breath to apple tree.
  • Do this 7 times or more.
  • Ask apple tree, “What have you for me?”
  • Listen.
  • Harvest apple, asking permission before you do and offering gratitude when you are complete.
  • Cut up apples and cook them in a heavy pot with a lid. Put just a little bit of water in the bottom so they won’t burn. Don’t peel the apples as this removes the vibrancy.
  • Stir often. Smell the aroma of apples and again breathe this into your lungs and breathe out offering your breath. Again ask, “What have you for me? and listen.
  • Now eat the cooked apples and once again breathe in the vibration of the apples and breathe out offering. And again ask, “What have you for me? and listen. Allow your vibrancy to expand as you eat apple.
  • Offer Gratitude for this whole and holy nourishment.
May it be in Beauty.

Crow’s Laughter Mystery School Offerings for Fall and Winter 2008 into 2009: Please call or email us any time for more information, 360-579-2319, and visit our website

13 Months of Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ We have extended our enrollment period!
You can sign up and begin October 11, 2008 ~ Come join a vibrant circle of lovers of the green world and her teachings. Plants as Teachers is the focus for this 13 month spiral of Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ October’s Teacher ~ Burdock ~ October 11, 2008 We meet monthly on Saturdays ~ 10:30-2:30 ~ at our farm on South Whidbey Island.
Includes 4 seasonal one to one sessions and 25% off our other classes ~ $925 or $81 a month
A delicious whole and wild, local and organic lunch and herbs for crafting are provided.
To register call 360.579.2319 or email This is an open circle. You can also come to one or as many circles as you like. Next circles ~ October 11, November 15, December 13

Earth Mysteries Weekend ~ Immersion in Shamanic Herbalism
November 1-2, 2008 ~ This time of year, the Earth above ground, appears to be sleeping, to be dormant. What is really happening is below the ground and in the subtle bodies of the Earth. What stirs is deep within us. Come join us and discover the deep nourishment that comes from connecting with the Earth Mysteries. On our first day, shamanic listening exercises will be offered to connect with the roots and our rootness. We will be digging, harvesting and crafting herbal preparatons with roots here at our farm. After dark, the community is invited to gather for supper and a ritual to Honor Our Ancestors. When this is complete, we will gather together to journey to Bone Woman and the Land of the Dead to receive messages from The Ancestors. On our second day, you will journey to meet your center and gather stories of deep personal transformation. The common weeds will be teaching, guiding and nourishing you in this process. This weekend will be filled with deep work, soulful, creative, connection and compassionate community.

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program

Open Day ~ October 3, 2008 ~ Next session begins, January 16, 2009

A rare opportunity to connect with the common plants and the spirits of the land on beautiful South Whidbey Island and around the Puget Sound area, to listen deeply to your surroundings and your own inner yearnings and gather the bounty of the Earth.

The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism ~
13 monthly lesson, 9 seasonal lessons.
Connect, listen, gather and craft herbs at your doorstep ~ Start anytime.

Dark of the Moon ~ September 27 ~ 6:30 pm
A nourishing supper, talking stick and co-created ritual are offered at our farm on Whidbey Island. RSVP by Friday, September 26

The Well ~ A Study Group for Women ~ First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm In North Seattle ~ October 1, November 5, December 3 and more.
October’s Theme: The Treasured Gifts Within Us

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls, 8-13~October 4 and November 8 Come explore the amazing healing way of plants, learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman, discover your plant ally and learn to listen and talk to plants

Rooting Yourself in Earth ~ An Exploration in Shamanic Herbalism Dandelion Botanical in Seattle, Oct 7 Come join Julie Charette Nunn, Crow’s Daughter and discover the shamanic herbal tradition of the wise woman. Experience shamanic listening practices that will connect you with your rootedness and the Earth Mysteries. Learn about the plants at your doorstep, who’s roots you can gather for nourishment and healing. We will craft an herbal preparation together that you can take home. 5424 Ballard Ave. NW Suite 103 in Seattle, (local)206-545-8892 (toll-free) 1-877-778-4869

Plant Yourself Deeply ~ Explorations of the Wise Woman

East West Bookshop in Seattle ~ October 20 ~ 7-8:30 pm

East West Bookshop in Bothell ~ November 7 ~ 7:30-9 pm

Come join Julie Charette Nunn, Crow’s Daughter and discover the ancient shamanic tradition of the wise woman. Experience shamanic listening practices that will connect you with your rootedness and the Earth Mysteries. Learn about the plants at your doorstep, who’s roots you can gather for nourishment and healing. 206-523-3726, 1-800-587-6002

Shamanic Arts and Herbalism ~ October 22 ~ 7-9 pm

UW Women’s Center in Seattle ~
Come join Julie Charette Nunn local herbalist as she weaves together the ancient shamanic teachings of the plants with the sustainable gifts the plants offer us today for nourishment and healing. Discover ways you can connect, listen and heal yourself utilizing the plants in your own yard and community.
Take home an herbal preparation you made yourself. For more information call 206-685-1090.

Honoring Our Ancestors ~ Earth Celebration
Time and Date to be announced soon.
Winter Solstice ~ Earth Celebration ~ December 20

For those in the Portland area, visit
where you will discover Artemis Institute. This is a project created by and for women to encourage community, education, and the healing arts. We offer affordable and accessible Women's Healing Arts courses which powerfully integrate the creative and healing arts. In each series, we share, listen, learn from elders, and create together in a supportive circle.

Saturday 2 August 2008

Active Breath ~ Summer's Fruit

release into life
breathe in life
active breath
active being

I am intrigued with this seasonal time. The earth is working so hard and yet so peaceful.

This to me is active being. Everything we have dreamed of is now coming to fruition.
It is time to celebrate life and be fully present in it.
There is a shamanic exercise that faciliates this process:
  • Go outside where you live to a place you love.
  • Notice your breath and breathe naturally three times.
  • Now breathe in with the notion that you are breathing in all of life.
  • Breathe out with the notion that you are giving life with your breath.
  • Continue this breath for a short time.
  • Then listen to your surroundings.
  • What is your experience?
  • When you are done, give thanks for all of this.
May it be in Beauty.

Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offering for Summer's End
and into Fall 2008:

Please visit our website more details about all of the following offerings. And call or email anytime. You can also register for many of our programs using paypal.

Our Apprenticeship Program:

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
New session begins on September 12, 2008
We meet weekly on Fridays, 10:30-2:30. Once you are enrolled you will attend Four 13~week sessions over the next 16 months, coming around again the following year and repeating the session you began with. You will be walking the spiral. Gathering wise woman wisdom from all four seasons. Women only

Call or email to request apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~

Weekend Immersions:

Earth Mysteries Weekend ~ Immersion in Shamanic Herbalism
November 1-2 ~ Details coming soon.
2nd Annual ~ Journey of the Rose ~ Weekend Immersion in Shamanic Herbalism
Dates to be announced in Fall 2008

Classes and Events on Whidbey Island:

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Monthly on Saturdays
August 9th, August's Theme: Plants as Teachers
This is an open circle, participate for 13 month or come when you like.

13 Months of Herbal Wisdom Circle
Begins on September 20, 2008
We meet monthly on Saturdays, 10:30-2:30. Also included in this program are 4 seasonal one to one consultations and 25% off the price on weekend immersions.

Passionate Abundance Earth Celebration on Whidbey Island
August 10th ~ Noon-4 pm ~ Free and Open to everyone ~ Children Welcome
Noon ~ Free Herbal Class ~ Listening, Gathering and Preparing Herbs
Followed by Passionate Abundance Ceremony and Community Potluck
More Earth Celebrations coming up:
Autumn Equinox ~ September 21
Honoring Our Ancestors ~ October 31
Winter Solstice ~ December 20

Dark of the Moon ~ Women Only
August 30 ~ 6:30 pm

Mentorships for Girls and Teens:

Into the Wood ~ Immersion in Green Witchery for Teen Girls
August 18-21 ~ on Whidbey Island

Herbal Wisdom Mentorships for Girls
Saturday, 10:30-2:30, October 4 and November 8

Study at Home in Your Own Garden:

The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism ~
Start anytime ~ Request a sample lesson
Introductory Offer:
You can now sample our 13-Month Home Study Course by

signing up for the First Month for $45.

Classes in Seattle, around Puget Sound and More:

The Well ~ A Monthly Study Group for Women ~ in North Seattle
First Wednesdays: August 6, September 3, October 1 and more

A Healthy Gut ~ Explorations in Intuitive Wellness
August 7 ~ 7-9 pm Offered through North Seattle Community College to register

The Wise Woman Herbalist ~ September 15 ~ 4-8 pm ~ Missoula, Montana
To register, contact Kali Star,,

Rooting Ourselves in Earth ~ An Exploration in Shamanic Herbalism
October 7, Dandelion Botanical Company, Seattle

Festivals and Faires, Herbal and Earth Conferences:

Seattle Tilth Organic Harvest Festival ~ September 6
I will be selling our nourishing herbal creations.

Seattle Bioneers Confernce ~ October 17-19

American Herbalist Guild Conference ~ Redmond, WA ~ October 24-26

We look forward to seeing you at some of these events.
Green Blessings,
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter