Thursday 26 May 2011


I'm not doing a whole lot these other than this...i think i'm making progress...but videos make me nervous so i mess up more.

Friday 6 May 2011

Manifesting Abundance Program for Women

Here's a shameless plug for a new program my coach Britt has put together to serve women who want to manifest abundance and work and life that feeds and nourishes the soul and heart!  Its a two month program with weekly group coaching calls that promises to be an amazing tool for jump starting your dreams of abundance and happiness.  Britt has done so much for me already...i can't speak highly enough of her work.  If you are considering this at all, don't delay! Programs starts soon and the price is SUPER deal!   





Britt Bolnick


Week of May 9th--through week of June 30th


Tele-Seminar & On-Line Forum

Join My Mailing List
  ~ a powerful two-month group experience for women who are ready to create space for abundance and success in their lives

Are you a woman who:
  • repeats the same old behaviors and actions in your life over and over again and is ready to get new, different, POSITIVE results?
  • feels held back by by voices of fear and self doubt, and just knows that a supportive community of women will help raise you up and bring you to a place of confidence and small, successful steps forward?
  • is tired of feeling disconnected from her inner wisdom and knows that with some proven tools and high-level support you can develop supportive relationships, joyful work and heart-centered daily practices that nurture you to the tips of your very toes?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Your Manifesting Abundance Program (Your MAP) is just for you.

Here is a brief look at what is possible for you to create through Your MAP:
    ~ envision and commit to your heart-centered path
~begin that heart-centered project that's been gathering dust for years
~find your voice again and step towards creating what you’ve been longing for in your life
~identify and examine blocks and held beliefs that hold you back from creating what you WANT
  ~ manage your time and energy
~ release blocks and sabotaging behaviors and beliefs that stand in your way
~ develop self-care practices that will actually make you MORE successful at everything else you do...
and get even more details, information, and your registration options at Your Manifesting Abundance Program

Now let's take a look at how you'll be receiving all of these tools: 
  1. 3 powerful group calls a month (6 total calls) full of content and powerful tools 
  2.  an opportunity to connect with other awesome women in your group -- ample time to give and get wisdom, support, and love from like-minded women on their own heart-centered path 
  3. a private forum to post your goals, visions, steps and successes and communicate with other women in your group
  4. coaching, support, wisdom directly from me for your heart-centered path work, your questions, your blocks (with only 7 other women on the call and direct answers to your questions, it's almost like having a private coach -- at a massively discounted rate!)
  5.  all at a never-before, never-again offered price!

  I’ll be talking to women who have any questions about how this program is right for them all this week, taking registrations, and BEGINNING our M.A.P. journey the week of May 9th!!

Your LOWEST EVER investment fee :
$ 250 (just $125 per month!)

You can register by clicking the word "register" below. All the information you'll need will be emailed to you after you've completed your registration.
    PLEASE join our mailing list at the top on the right of this page.
  Please visit for more information about Britt and in Arms Coaching for Women.

   Hope to "see" you there!
  much love and light,