Tuesday 12 March 2013

DIY: FIRST AID SET -for out of the country travel!-


- Party of 15 - to Nicaragua - March, 2013 -

*fine print* - This is not a first aid training, or an herbal training. This is simply to show what is packed in the kit. You take all responsibility for the contents and use of this information.
**This especially does not cover severe emergency protocols, ie; broken bones, eye injuries, CPR, anaphylaxis, seizures, concussion, or any other medical emergency that should be tended by a medic. Always know your emergency contacts!
Resources for first aid training can be found at the very end of the article.

Oh Great Spirit,

I am the woman walking in the fields

collecting plants to heal the people.

I give thanks to this plant

and I have faith with all my heart

That this plant will heal the sickness of the people.

~ Gathering prayer of Belize ~

We started with a workshop

Where we discussed the possible hazards, and basic first aid protocols.

Together, we made a super-sticky spruce resin salve, and a tincture they named 'after-bug care' which contained 3 kinds of Artemesia and a little Rue. Sweet Annie (Artemisia annua) is specific for malaria, so we made this the primary ingredient, backed up by Mugwort (A. vulgaris) and Wormwood
 (A. absinthium). Rue (Ruta graveolens) is a well loved anti-venom and anti-parasitic, so we added a bit of that too.

We discussed Chewing Herbs, and their effectiveness, ease and versatility for travel.

I packed them up together, one pouch for each traveler. Clove, Licorice, & Osha.

After our super-fun workshop where we donned bandanna fashions and fumbled with rubber glove removal,  as well as tasted various elixirs both candylike and heinous, I got busy assembling the full kit.

The goals of the kit were several: 
  • 1) Lightweight enough to carry - so I used primarily plastic 1/2 oz tincture bottles.
  • 2) Address all of the circumstances the group brought up in class, and traditional ones necessary.
  • 3) Be well organized, accessible, and efficient to use.
  • 4) Be incredibly versatile, so each herbal packed can serve at least a few purposes.
  • 5) Be theft-resistant - proper sizes so no trouble at the airport, and of the major sets, there are 2, packed with different travelers - so if one suitcase is lost or stolen, there will be another kit sufficient.
  • 6) Be non-breakable and non-meltable, it's hot there. 

The team (13 teens and two adults) from North Star have been working together for months - practicing Spanish, learning stove building techniques, understanding travel responsibilities and logistics, fundraising, learning how to obtain a passport, insurance, and proper items to pack. 

They've also done team building initiatives with seasoned Outward Bound Mentor, Pandora. Who was seriously spectacular and fierce.

They've spent time also learning about the landscape, the climate of Nicaragua, and some of the Native culture and daily life of the people. They've each done a research project on something specific. My daughter studied the bugs, which are not only fascinating, but also a wee bit scary!

So ... for the final outcome, here is the full contents of the kit. If you are traveling with a group, you can use the following documents to help you assemble your own, or reduce/adjust to your own needs for the size or location of your adventure.

These INFO CARDS, to go into the 3 main baggies. I laminated them for waterproofing, and then paired them together into what seemed logical herbal/sanitary overlap. Click to download & print:

(*note: cards not organized how the bags are - I made them first :)

Then I took stock of all the contents, and packed them up into their thematic baggies.

And a little Jitterbug Perfume Oil - aka bugs don't like this smell and it's good for those of you who like patchouli and get a headache from too much rose-geranium. Alas, you still must bring and use deet, so I hear.

Bug Essential Oil Blend: 
Cedarwood 3 parts, Patchouli 1 part, and a touch of vetiver and mugwort, with a little jojoba oil. I did put these in little 1/4 oz glass roll on bottles, as essential oils really need to be in glass.

Here are the ingredients for a few of the other combinations found in the kit: 

Burn Dressing

to a 2 1/2 oz bottle, color coded cap blue:
Aloe Vera Gel, Rose Hydrosol, Witch Hazel Hydrosol, equal parts.
St Johnswort tincture, about a tablespoon
Lavender essential oil 6 drops
Blue Chamomile essential oil 6 drops
Helichrysm essential oil 6 drops

Wound Wash

to a 2 1/2 oz bottle, color coded cap green:
Yarrow tincture, 2 parts
St. Johnswort tincture 1 part, 
Witch Hazel hydrosol 1 part
essential oils of Lavender & Blue Chamomile (7 drops ea)

Alien Elixir: (aka random fears)
Equal Parts Skullcap and Passionflower tincture

Panacea III - Traveller's Insurance essential oil blend 
10 ml glass eo bottle
(this blend is a proprietary recipe, but I will offer the ingredients and you can either create your own version or commission an essential oil practitioner to. Summer and fall I usually have it for sale.)
contains:  Pure Essential Oils of Eucalyptus, Lavender, Roman Chamomile,
Peppermint, Blue Chamomile, White Sage.  

So, here they go! Geared up, and ready for a transformational adventure. 

It's been a great honor and joy for me to do this project, both as an herbalist, and a mom. In addition it has fulfilled my goal in giving something this year - the first time I've made a philanthropic goal, and what better way to start that tradition in my work. I look forward to most of the medicines being unneeded, but also look forward to hearing what was successfully utilized.

Now, I ship my open heart off to Central America, and hope it returns to me still beating strong, maybe even stronger.

Thank you to North Star for being a truly remarkable place for teens to flourish, and to all of our friends and family that supported my daughter in making this dream come true - from donations, to gifts of colorful bandannas, and help with everything inbetween.

It takes a village.

(now if you need some comic releif after the sap I just poured on you, here is North Star's rendition of the Harlem Shake!)


SOLO Wilderness First Aid Certification (manual seen in second photo)

( I receive no compensation for these endorsements - they are my personal recommendation)

travel smart, travel safe!

Sunday 10 March 2013

My "SOAP" Experience

SOAP tagline and  mantra
SOAP (Spread Organic Agriculture in the Philippines), aims to link people and informations on evrything, everyone and anything under organic agriculture,  led by Ms Sandra Celi of Solraya Chicken (the chicken I recommend to a friend after her children developed allergies to regular chickens in the market):
CP: (0917) 847-2639
Web: solraya.com
Blog: solraya.blogspot.com
Free Ranged, Grass Fed, Pastured Colored Chickens: Raised with a lot of sunshine, fresh air, supplemented with probiotics and unmedicated feeds.(yes, this kind of chickens do exists!)

I joined this activity (SOAP) because it aims at making organic agriculture tangible, sustainable and feasible, by having more organic farmers and producers,  organic produce will be cheaper and there will be no hunger and malnutrition and filipinos will be safe from what they are eating and the food will be their medicine. Our country will be no longer dependent on imported chemical products like fertilizers and pesticide that is detrimental to our health.

The Joy of Organic farming:

SOAP collaborates with Deparatment of Agriculture (DAR), Agricultural Training Institute (ATI),  Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service (AMAS), Agribusiness Development Center (ADC)
SOAP collaborates with DAR and other government agencies
I am not actively involved in agriculture but organic producers have my support since I love everything organic, I also support LOCAVORE movement, which is also a form of organic living and advocate natural living and healthy lifestyle as my mission while still have remaining existence in this planet. I am happy that many of our people are responding to the call of saving our  planet by doing their own little way and contribution, SOAP/ SOAPers is one of them, they are actively involved in promotions, marketing and making organic markets and suppliers available, they are a hard working group that help one another, sharing tips, markets, farm tours, education, those starting up their organic farms, a wide network of organic farmers, producers, aquaculture etc etc, I learned so much from their threads and conversations and inputs, very educational, now I am dreaming of my own big organic farm someday! hope to visit more of their organic markets and exhibits, seminars and workshops and farm tours.

SOAP/SOAPers booth @ Chefs on Parade, SMX Mall of Asia
I excitedly visited exhibits at Chefs on Parade event in held last March 3, 2013 at  SMX Mall of Asia (MOA), Roxas Blvd, PH. An event of culinary feasts, feats, showdown and exhibitions, a visual delight for a foodie like me. I am glad that SOAP is there, to represent and offer organic lifestyle to our chefs and foodies, many people are into delicious and healthy cooking these days and SOAP and Chefs can work hand in hand in delivering this needs and lifestyle change that people want to embrace, Many chefs and food industry key persons check out SOAP exhibits and was given SOAP directory, a directory of all organic producers and supplier all over the country.

With Ms. Sandra Celi and my SOAP Directory
Some of the SOAP exhibitors are:

Costales Nature Farms
Bgy. Gagalot, Majayjay Laguna
Contact details: 0917-544-2023/0927-321-6205

Certified organic vegetables and fruitsproduced without using harmful chemicals, certified organic, they use kitchen waste composter for turning your kitchen wastes into fertilizer in the shortest time possible whithout flies and foul odor.

Milea BEE Farm:
Balagtasin, San Jose Batangas

Milea hold a bee keeping seminar for SOAP and organize Bee farm tour, they also teach how to make healthy products from bees like honey, bee sting, pollen, beeswax etc..

We owe big time to these "pollinators" and we should not kill them, for they make our trees and other plants to bear more fruits by cross-pollinating flowers. Milea has a wide array of bee products that guarantees quality, pure, unprocessed honey, bee polen, unpasturized honey vinegar, propolis extracts, balms, sugar bags from native stingless bees. it practices natural and organic farming method.
a sample of a bee colonies, Italian Honeybees (Apis Mellifera) and
 the Native Honey bees ( Apis Cerana)
Bee keepers
Milea's array of  Bee products

Department of Agriculture Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service (AMAS)-Agribusiness Development Center (ADC):
AMAS-ADC Office: DAR Office of the Secretary
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Tel: (02)928-8751 to 65
AMAS-ADC booth
Got this materials for free at AMAS-ADC booth
Agribusiness center of AMAS-ADC

 SOAP (Spread Organic Agriculture in the Philippines):

e-mail: spreadorganicagriculture@yahoo.com
website: www.spreadorganicagriculture.blogspot.com
Tel.: (02) 216-7018 or 0917-847-2639

SOAPers exhibit/products
Organic Goat's milk and cheese
Personal care products from Goat's milk
Goat's Milk Pastillas 
A Tele-Magazine campaign for SOAP, "OA" (Organic agriculture) ako
Congratulations Ms. Sandra Celi, SOAP team and core group, OA team for a job well done, keep up the good work and may your tribe increase.

After all we don't want Organic foods to be a history...

Thursday 7 March 2013

Rebuild, Renourish and Regenerate with 3Rflex

Searching for a Nutritional drink with 3Rs? that is to rebuild, re-nourish and regenerate our body and cells with "bioactives" ingredients, here's one for you and I tell you why, it seems that  there are so many collagen products flooding the market and online today, we have to be really careful and take time  reviewing and evaluating the product, as to the source, the reputation of the source, manufacturing practice, their social responsibility, mission and vision, motives and their nature-science-social philosophy and the synergy of the product.

I want to be very particular with the brand 3Rflex, since I have been observing this product for a long time, 3Rflex has been prescribed by my Holistic Physician  Dr. Sonny Viloria, as a matter of fact it was available in his clinic,  he let me tried it too, silently I have been observing his patients some of them I had made friends with, and why they keep coming back and buying the products from him because of remarkable improvement and good results, they say you can't argue with the results, since I have no arthritis or bone problems as far as I know, I don't feel the urgency to use it, until it was re-introduced by a spiritual healer friend Ms. Emylou P. Filamor and noticed her, so full of life, energetic and glowing personality  makes me renew my love affair with 3Rflex, the good news is that it is a good preventive supplement, so why wait to get an arthritic condition before using it, the best time is NOW,  besides some of the benefits are not only for the healthy joints, bones, but for hair and nails, skin, blood vessels, healthy heart, and delay ageing- I must say not only the ladies want to look younger but guys as well, only they are just afraid to admit it. :-)

To give you more understanding about 3RFlex, it is a Collagen product but I don't want to call it as such since not all collagen supplements are the same, later I will talk about why people are drawn to collagen , why synergy with other nutrients like minerals and vitamins are important, why a reputable "bioactives" product manufacturer is important, because we don't want to waste our money with inactive products that don't really work. 

I will not bombard you with so many scientific studies, explanations, research and high falluting scientific terms which I also tried to read, since I don't expect everyone here to be a "rocket scientists" who could understand all the scientific informations and explanations, but if you want further explanations, I encourage everyone to do a more profound research and read publications available.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body that accounts for 30% of our body protein. Collagen gives structure to our tendons, cartilages, bones and connective tissues such as skin and the various membranes of our body. Collagen is the basic building blocks of our body. As we age, the production of collagen in our body tends to slow down and cause damage to our joints, cartilage, bones and skin is ever increasing. The results is degeneration of our body and give rise to health issues such as problems of joint and bones, aging skin and aching body. 



The formulation of 3Rflex is under the specialized consultations and technical expertise from the world leading Bioactive products manufacturer based in Germany .


Since it is made up of the active ingredients of collagen hydrolysate (which is highly absorbable form of collagen)  and a combination of vitamins and mineral complexes that works synergistically (meaning they work in harmony with combinations) to stimulate the production of collagen in our body for rebuilding our health. The increased production of collagen helps to promote:

Healthy Joints by increasing mobility and strengthens joints to withstand strenuous wear and tear
Helps to maintain the healthy cartilage tissue. 
Healthy bones by increasing bone formations and strengthen it, prevents Osteoporosis
Hair and Nail growth, since collagen is a precursor of hair and nail, the increased production of collagen will help to thicken and strengthens our hair and nails.
Helps improved skin condition, elasticity, restoration, hydration and skin tone.
Healthy blood vessels by strengthening the walls of blood vessels
Healthy heart by strengthening and aids in the repair of the heart against wear and tear.
Delay aging process by stimulating the repair of wear and tear to our cells and internal and external organs. 
Support and enhance the Immune system
Weight loss and improved health
Promote firm and shapely breasts

and the possibilities are endless..


In clinical trials and research, subjects taking a 10 grams dose a day see a significant improvements after 2-12 weeks.

I will not discuss anymore the long lists and the endless discussions about collagen, published materials, research, studies, I think it will be mind boggling and too much for a reader, specially to those that are not into the Biology or Medical science background but we encourage readers to know about the product they are taking or want to take, at least it was explained briefly and understandably, the company distributing 3Rflex here will be holding a series of events, seminars, presentations and advocacies to make those who want to experience the product to be well-informed of the benefits, scientific evidences, etc.

For product Inquiries: you may leave a message on contact form at the left side bar of this page. Thank you.