Thursday 6 June 2013

JUNE ~ Aromatic Muse Perfume 6.6.13 ~ Under the Linden Tree

~ JUNE ~

Amrita Aromatics'

Aromatic Muse Perfume


Inspired by....

Linden trees

River basking

Water flowing through rocks

The color green. Beach glass. Warm grass.

Old style stationery

Cherry flowers and woods

Irrepressible sunlight

Negative and positive space. 

~ JUNE ~

Under the Linden Trees, in the river, at the edge of the woods.

Featured Notes:
Crown: Lime, Ginger Lily, Rosewood

Heart: Linden, Champa, Labdanum, 

Root: Agarwood, Vanilla, Orris, Oakmoss

{with other botanical essences, carried in a small amount of coconut oil}

through the Aromatic Muse membership ( only until June 20 or while supplies last)

or singly in the shop

Sunday 2 June 2013

Can the Real Ashitaba Step Out?

Photo courtesy of Mr. Joemedes Arienda of SOAP (Spread Organic Agriculture in the Philippines)
The word or name Ashitaba, is now very popular and a household name, when it come to medicinal properties, I encountered it long time ago and didn't give much importance and attention until I have met people talking so much about it and having a first hand experience with this plant.  My Laboratory patients who for the first time their blood chemistry went normal, claim Ashitaba normalized them. So I did some research what is this Ashitaba all about, to my disappointments, it was way different from the herbs being talked about here, in terms of appearance, The Ashitaba that is flooding every household is not the real one, but the Gynura procumbens. 

Fresh leaves of Gynura procumbens mistakenly called Ashitaba, though has the same health benefits should be called by their correct names according agriculturist and  farmers. The leaves should be eaten raw, maybe added to green salads and sandwiches. (photo by the author)

So much confusion, I saw a lot of mislabeling happening, in the streets and highways, I saw people selling the plants labelled as Ashitaba, even in some gardens selling them. The SOAP (Spread Organic Agriculture in the Philippines) a group of farmers, agriculturists, botanist and organic farming advocates alarmed and want to set the record straight so that people know. The Ashitaba that they are talking about is actually Gynura. Though also a medicinal and works almost the same, it is but right to call it the proper name. 

To be honest I haven't seen or tried the real Ashitaba, as of this writing,  I heard so much about it and research show it has a lot of potential and benefits in our health. I have witness Gynura with some of my patients (Laboratory works) and showed dramatic improvements in their blood Chemistry especially, Lipids, sugar, uric acid and even PSA. It is about time our health department take a look at the potential of this plant, more studies and research hopefully, for now people are happy and satisfied using it.

Please take time to read the link below, it will tell you more about Ashitaba and Gynura: