Sunday 16 February 2014

Profile: Mother Knows Best

Had an Angel and Fairy card reading for 2014 (divination)

I have met Kanchan through a common friend, a sweet fine lady, a mother, a spiritual healer and counselor and a woman of substance. She said, she was born and raised in Zambia, Central Africa of Indian ethnicity and living in the Philippines for 30 years, but to her, where you came from is irrelevant, all she knows is that she is a child of God and came from God. Her Life is truly inspirational and she dedicate her new leash in life sharing her wisdom, experiences, spiritual journey and finding her true self. She inspires and empower others by life coaching, using the art of divination such as the angel and fairy card reading, which I found a revelation of our inner self and what our inner self says about us.

Visit her website : to know more about her life story, teachings and way of life.

Kanchan sharing her thoughts in one event  about emotional cleansing

Her Story of True Self ( Excerpt from her website)....

The return was so sudden and blissful. I opened my eyes and looked around me, trying to grasp my surroundings. As I felt my whole being coming back within my body, I saw my brother and sister in law standing beside my bed, talking. I looked up at them and declared with a smile, I am ALIVE! They laughed at my usual chirpy ways and my brother in law said, ok! Kanchans back." I must have fallen asleep after that because I dont remember much of what happened after that. I just felt such joy knowing that I was alive and back with my family. When I awoke again, I realized where I was in ICU, with all these needles and machines attached to me. But still I was in bliss, feeling the joy I am alive!" And my Guru, Deepakji, flew in from India to do healing for me... My story began six years ago... For a few days already I had felt an excruciating headache. One August night in 2004, the pain blinded me and I could feel my legs giving way as I fell to the floor. My husband, saw me , realizing the situation to be more serious than I made it to be on instinct called Deepakji in India, to ask him for healing for me. I remember talking to Deepakji on my husbands cellphone I told him, I surrender! This pain is too much to bear. Then I became unconscious. Deepakji started prayers and healing from that moment and I was rushed to the hospital that night. I was diagnosed with a hemorrhage from an aneurism found in a delicate spot at the center of my brain.

My husband, who remained the pillar of strength, together with his brother/doctor, researched throughout Asia and India to try to find a treatment for my aneurism. They heard of only one surgery, and the only doctor who had performed an operation on the part of the brain where my aneurism was located, was in France. Costs would be exhorbitant plus there was no guarantee that I would recover completely, let alone survive the operation. While all this research was being made, I was still oblivious to the gravity of my illness and what was going on around me. I was focusing on slowly working at normally doing routine activities. I got tired very easily, so the most part of my day was spent sleeping. When it was clear that a choice had to be made, and that choice had to be made by me, Deepakji came into my room and jarred me out of slumber. To me there was only one choice Deepakji would do healing for me. It was non-invasive and more certain than if I were to have an operation. I spoke to my husband and children about my decision and for the most part, I stayed in solitary confinement while Deepakji did healing for me. At home, my children all grew up so fast. They took charge of the household. My brother and sister flew in to help both at home and in the office. While I was by myself, I felt the bliss from Gods love. I watched from a distance how everyone did their share of working, coping and healing. My family went through their share of emotional ups and downs blaming, regrets, love, support. As for me, that was the start of a Road of Bliss. My life is Heaven on Earth. I knew at the time my being returned to my physical body, had a purpose and that I have a mission realizing my mission was not yet done. Each day that I live is so meaningful this is life after death. I have discovered the reality of having a purpose of life. Its about knowing who I really am and loving that ME unconditionally. Its about faith in healing and patience as healing became a deep part of me. My purpose as a wife and mother being grateful for my husband and each child is giving them hope. Extending myself to the World, giving all who come into my path,,,, hope. This is my mission my purpose in life. My aneurism was only the beginning there have been several illnesses after that including cancer of the breast. Yet, I feel like a rock. I have become Hope and Support pulling my family together in Unity. Unity has indeed been the strength of my family, God is our Power, and Love for each other is our support.

Welcome to Mother Knows Best - I hope I can share with you messages of love, hope and bliss as I've felt since that day in August, 2004.