Saturday 17 October 2009

Plant Spirit Medicine Workshops

Please join me for an evening exploring the world of the plant spirits. Learn about communicating with and understanding the messages and guidance the plants have for us, and using the plants as spiritual healing allies. We will use various techniques to guide us into the ways of the plant spirits, including drum journey, plant essences, sensory experience, and plant oracles. No experience necessary, this circle is open to all, regardless of experience with plants, herbalism or shamanism. We will explore and experience the plants together. We will delve deeply in how to approach and use plant spirit medicine as a healing tool for yourself and loved ones, including how to prepare plant essences, work with plant spirits in journey work, medicine bags, oracles and more.

This workshop is offered by Spirit Guided Donation.

Oct 23 2009 @ 6:30pm

Nov 5 2009 @6:30 pm

Offered at the Healing Cave @

Woman Kraft Art Center
388 S. Stone Ave
Tucson, AZ 85701

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