Thursday 19 August 2010

Green Tea and Rose Cream- Skin saver, burn remedy, antioxidant, sunscreen

Green Tea and Rose Cream

This cream has been a consistent winner with my customers from the first time I created it over two and half years ago. 

I formulated this to be a protective antioxidant and restorative for the delicate skin of the face. Used before and after sun exposure. 

Green Tea is rich in polyphenols, catechins and other antioxidants and gives a mild sun protection factor. It cools and heals sun burned, damaged, mature and normal skin alike. Treat your skin to a rich infusion of nutrients from green tea infused sesame oil in this delightful cream.
Green Tea and Rose Cream
Rose is well known to soothe, calm and cool sensitive, reactive, burned and damaged skin. This rich cream is infused with multiple levels of rose- rose flowers infused in sesame oil, rose water, and rose otto.

Aloe Vera is another ally for healing and cooling the skin, especially after burns or sun exposure. Hydrate deeply with the polysaccharides in aloe vera.

Sesame oil is a mild sunscreen, well absorbed by all types of skin, and is rich in vitamins E and A. I have found that the creams made with sesame oil are superb in texture, and glide on like silk, and sink into the skin quickly. Sesame oil is revered as the oil of choice for the skin in Ayurveda. Tap into centuries of knowledge for beautiful skin. 

Raw, Fair Trade Shea butter completes this cream as a rich emollient full of skin restoring vitamins A and E, and is a mild sun screen.
Green Tea and Rose CreamMy customers tell me this cream applied before going outside serves as well as a sunscreen, and evens the skin tone, and applied after sunburns prevents peeling, itching, burning and more. It is safe for sensitive and reactive skin (barring nut, aloe or beeswax allergy). This is a very lightly rose scented cream- the aroma of the rich green tea infusion shines through.

Don't miss this one! 1.7 oz in a brown glass jar.  Buy this item on right now!

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