Friday 7 October 2011

Winter Wellness Kits

No body likes to get the flu, and yet, even when we do all the right things to take care of ourselves- eat well, get plenty of rest, use immune supportive herbals- sometimes we still get sick.  But instead of the false security and potential hazards of getting a flu shot, invest in preparedness.  Take your elderberry daily.  Get to bed and sleep 8 hrs a night, at least!  Eat plenty of warm, nourishing foods and stay away from sugar.

I developed this Winter Wellness kit to help you be totally prepared for when despite your best efforts, you or your loved one comes down with the flu, or even a cold.  It can be miserable, and once you are in the thick of it it is hard to gather yourself to go out and find or buy all the things you might need or want to have on hand.  So start off by having everything, all together, in one place, with the Winter Wellness Kit from Blue Turtle Botanicals.  It features 3 tinctures- each for a specific purpose, made from ethically and sacredly wildcrafted plants. 

Elder Elixir- a delicious blend of immune supporting and anti-viral elder berries and elder flowers.

Yarrow Boneset Compound- an effective diaphoretic blend, that both relaxes tissues, stimulates circulation, releases tension, supports a healthy fever and relieves aches and pains.

Nighttime Respiratory Calm- this formula is designed specifically to calm the cough that just won't quit and keeps you up night.  This is strong medicine, use it during the day, but make sure you can stay bundled up and resting, as it may make you sleepy! 

In addition, you get a healthy serving of Sniffles and Sneezes herbal tea, which supports healthy fever and immune response, relieves sore scratchy throats, and  aids in breaking up congestion.
Along with all the medicines I'm including an instruction card on how best to use the medicines for maximum effectiveness, and How to Handle Winter Illness, a short article about treating winter illness at home safely and successfully.  This makes it the perfect kit to gift to someone new to herbs, or have on hand for your family to use, even if you aren't available to tell them how to use it. 

Available at Poppyswap  and Etsy  right now!  Limited quantity!

Can't buy a kit right now, but still want to know more about how to combat winter illnesses at home safely and effectively?  
Subscribe to my newsletter and get a free copy of my how to "How to Handle Winter Illness at Home"

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