Wednesday 30 November 2011

Herbal Simple Syrups: Easy, Delicious Gifts!

Yuletide is different for everyone. Some of us get excited and filled with joy at the many ways we can give, exchange, share, and create.

And some of us feel tired. Perhaps we have worked all year long and not gotten ahead yet, or perhaps we have a large family with all different personalities.

Perhaps we are stumped at what to offer our neighbors that would be lovely, personal, simple, yet not too freaky-deaky!

Herbal Syrups can provide a beautiful nature-connected gift that is simple, easy, versatile, and extremely cheap to make.

Yes, it has sugar. White sugar. So it's no good for those struggling with blood sugar issues. For them .... infuse the herbs into vinegar, oil, or butter ;)

Herbal Syrup

~ Start with a simple syrup in a non-reactive pot. A simple syrup is equal parts water and sugar. For proportion's sake, lets say we put 4 cups of water and 4 cups of sugar into the pot. 

~ Next, add your herbs! Don't worry about exact amounts, just use common sense. 

~ Add 1/2 - 1 cup of herb if it's really strong, like Nutmeg, Clove, Hot Pepper, or Garlic.

~ Add about 1-2 cups of herb if it's on the strong side, like Ginger root. 

~ Add about 3-4 cups of herb if it's a medium and palatable strength herb, like Pine Needles, Peppermint, Cinnamon, or Licorice.

~ Gently keep the syrup at medium heat (always keep under boiling) until you reach the desired strength of flavor. This may take 20-40 minutes depending on the plant you've chosen. 

~ Strain carefully (simple syrups can seriously burn) through a cheesecloth lined strainer into a large pyrex with a pour spout. 

~ Bottle into food-grade bottles and label as desired.
White Pine Needle Syrup

Citrus Fruits are also fun to experiment with. I'm doing Meyer lemons this week! Keep in mind the sugar ratio though - if your fruit is going to add a lot more water content, you'll want to match that with more sugar. Otherwise it will not have the same preserving capability and will grow mold.

Traditional syrups are still valuable. If you have Elder berries, they make a wonderful purple syrup with flu-fighting properties. Pine needle syrup is excellent for lung congestion, and Peppermint is festive and helpful after a big meal. Ginger syrup is one of my favorites, and usually is a by-product of making crystallized ginger. However the syrup is soooo wonderful and appreciated at the holidays that now I make it for gifts!

Floral syrups are also lovely. Roses, Lavender, Jasmine, or Bee Balm flower syrups are all a welcome drizzle on ice cream, cake, or in a dessert cordial. How romantic!

Blends: Play around! Orange and clove make a classic pairing. Roses and Cocoa bits are decadent together, and traditional Chai spices can be combined to impress your Barista friends. (Ginger, Black Tea, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Black Pepper, Clove, and a little Nutmeg)

Vanilla Bean is perhaps, the shining star of all things lovely in the kitchen, and makes the rounds as a welcomed gift for all tastes. Pair with homemade vanilla extract, of course.



Foraged Autumn Olives and Rose Hips, on their way to syrup together

This article was released for Poppy Swap! Where People and Herbs come together. Check it out! 

Monday 28 November 2011

Plant Medicine Journey Circle - January 26, 2012

Plant Medicine Journey Circle - January 26, 2012- 7pm

Join Herbalist and Plant Whisperer Darcey Blue for an evening exploring the world of the plant spirits. Learn about communicating with and understanding the messages and guidance the plants have for us, and using the plants as spiritual healing allies. We will use various techniques to guide us into the ways of the plant spirits, including drum journey, plant essences, sensory experience, and plant oracles. No experience necessary, this circle is open to all, regardless of experience with plants, herbalism or shamanism. We will explore and experience the plants together. We will delve deeply in how to approach and use plant spirit medicine as a healing tool for yourself and loved ones, including how to prepare plant essences, work with plant spirits in journey work, medicine bags, oracles and more. We will work with a new plant each (monthly) session, no two will be alike! Focus will be on plants growing in the Sonoran desert bioregion and Sky Islands!

Offered by Spirit guided donation.

At the Institute for Shamanic Arts in Tucson, AZ

Medicine of the Heart: Cacao Ceremony and Journey

Medicine of the Heart: Cacao Ceremony and Journey

Jan 21, 2012
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Join Darcey Blue, herbalist and plant whisperer, of Blue Turtle Botanicals, for the first healing ceremony for the Heart with the medicine of Cacao. Cacao, in its unrefined state, is a rich source of antioxidants, minerals, and compounds that activate the heart, the blood, the mind, and spirit. The medicine of Cacao is well known in our culture, but has been dulled, refined and watered down. Literally. Come and experience the power of true cacao. There is a reason it has been called ‘Food of the Gods’ and was used regularly by indigenous peoples of the Americasfor ceremony. In this heart opening workshop we will sit in circle to create sacred space for this plant spirit and its work, and share a drink of cacao in a form you have likely never tasted before. We will use drum, journey, voice and movement to explore the teachings and healing that Cacao has for YOU at this time. Be prepared for heart opening, recovering/uncovering, deep feeling and engaging the physical senses. Your focus, intention and spirit and heart’s desires will be magnified. Use this time to journey into YOUR heart.
 at The Power of 9

Please register by Jan 20, contact Darcey -

Sunday 27 November 2011

Acorn - Rosemary Johnnycakes, A Simple Delicacy

November brings a nice bumper crop of wild nettles. Which, in my house, gets to become one with homemade chicken soup. And to accompany the soup, what could be more appropriate for this season of nuts? Acorn Johnnycakes!

I can't take a whole lot of credit for these, however I will say that I am proud of helping to cultivate a wee bit of primitive skill and resourcefulness in my kiddos. My twelve year old son came up with these luscious and simple cracker-cakes. We were completely blown away by how delicious they were, with the richness of the acorn meal, the crispy fried outside, and the soft, warm inside. The crunchy texture of the yellowdock seeds adds another layer of interest and wild nutrition.

Acorn Rosemary Johnnycake Recipe: 

(Makes about 10-14 cakes)
  • 3 C Flour (of choice - whole wheat, almond, etc)
  • 1/2 C ground Acorn Four/Meal
  • 1/2 C Yellow Dock seeds, whizzed in a food processor
  • 3 cloves fresh garlic
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • oregano and/or rosemary to taste (about 1/2 tsp)
  • 1 tsp, approx, of  Salt
  • 1 tsp approx, of baking soda

Add enough filtered or well water, or almond milk, to create a malleable dough, like play dough

Create thin patties, as though you were going for crackers. Fry them in a cast iron pan with a layer of unrefined coconut oil, on medium heat. Flip them once like you would a pancake. They will get toasty on the outsides and rise a little bit due to the baking soda. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the tops just before removing them from the pan. 

Eat them warm! They are not so good once they have rested. But when they are warm ... ooohh la la so delicious! We ate them with big globs of goat cheese. m m m

Foraging friends ;)

Wednesday 23 November 2011

2012 Blue Turtle Botanicals CSA

It’s that time!  The Blue Turtle Botanicals Basic CSA program is accepting new members for 2012 for a limited time only!  If you’ve been waiting to get in on the CSA fun, now is the time join in!  

EARLY BIRD BONUS: And as an extra thank you, new members who join the CSA before December 15, 2011  will receive a free jar of Darcey’s highly prized Chaparral Salve in early spring 2012!

Space is limited in the CSA each year so make sure to act quickly before all the spots fill up!

Do you like delicious freshly blended teas, handcrafted medicinal quality tinctures and elixirs, healing natural salves, luscious nourishing face creams and wildcrafted herbs? Join the Blue Turtle Botanicals CSA!

Darcey Blue is the clinical herbalist, wildcrafter, plant whisperer, medicine maker and owner of Blue Turtle Botanicals.  In recent years,  the development of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA's) has blossomed all across the country.  In this unique partnership, communities support their local farms, business and ecosystems by purchasing a share at the beginning of the season, and are rewarded with rich, healthy, locally grown food and products for a specific amount of time.  

In light of this development, Darcey Blue has created a unique Herbal CSA!  Much like farming, earth centered herbalism is based on long term relationships with the land and the plants harvested, and the skill and art of making medicines, formulas and finished products from the raw plants.  Herbal products have become widely available in health food stores across the nation, allowing more people more access to natural plant medicines, but what is lacking from this model, is precisely what the Community Supported Agriculture movement has done for farming, and what it can do for herbalism!  It provides sustainable, healthy, locally produced plant medicines made by with the skill, knowledge,  intention, love and magic of your herbalist.  And now, the Herbal CSA!

The Blue Turtle Botanicals Herbal CSA is:

  • a year round program with potent herbal medicines delivered to your door spring, summer, fall & winter
  • delivery to your home each month through the mail- you never have to go anywhere to pick up your share
  • offers multiple share sizes, share lengths, and payment plans (see below for details)
  • affordable
  • provides the freshest, most potent plant medicine and products for your personal use (products are made seasonally, and fresh- nothing sitting on a shelf for months on end!)
  • supplies you with seasonally appropriate medicines and products (elderberry for cold & flu season, cooling tea blends for summer iced infusions, soup herbs to infuse your fall soups with healing plants)
  • offers a wide variety of medicines and product types for all tastes- including tinctures, elixirs, medicinal tea blends, infused healing oils, salves, luscious body care, flower essences, vinegars and more!
  • free e mail newsletter with educational information each month about each of the products included in your share, and suggestions on how to use the products
  • supports the skills, experience, knowledge, and heartfelt connection of your herbalist, Darcey, with the plants and land she works from

The Herbal CSA makes a wonderful gift to yourself each month, with a new product to nourish your well being arriving every month. It is ideal for the herbal enthusiast who would like to learn more about new plants and herbal products, the family building their natural medicine cabinet, the herbal student, and anyone who would like to use natural healing on a more regular basis, and those who support the local, sustainable and community based product model (like CSA's!)

Your options for joining the CSA are many:
  • 6 month or 12 month duration
  • Small share (1 product per month) or Large share (2 products per month)
  • Monthly payment plan subscription or pay up front for the entire share duration.

Registration is open from Nov 25, 2011 until Jan 15, 2012

12 Month CSA Payment Options

6 Month CSA options

Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Herbalist's Apothecary Membership 2012

The Herbalist's Apothecary Membership

    • Do you want to use herbal medicine on a daily basis for wellness and health care, but don’t have time to make every medicine you might want to have on hand?
    • Would you like to start to learn about herbs and how to use them, but don’t know where to start, or don’t have access to a local teacher?
    • Do you already use herbal medicines, but want to spend more time studying your plants, and learning a variety of ways to use them from the comfort of your home?

In this very special offering for 2012, I’m offering a special membership to a limited number of people who want to build their herbal apothecary from the bottom up and learn more about herbal medicines and plants.  Stock your herbal apothecary with potent hand made medicines frequently used by herbalists all over the world, including tinctures, oils, teas and more. The membership lasts for 12 months.

Each month will feature one or two well loved and widely used plants and includes:

  • 2 oz tincture/elixir
  • 2 oz salve or infused oil  
  • 2 oz blended tea or infused vinegar
  • PDF Herb features of the month (2 plants per month) with materia medica, recipes, activities, and plant spirit medicine of the plants included in each months package.

This membership is the perfect match for herbalists and herbal students who wish to dive deeper into their experience and learning of herbal plant medicines with in depth support content, a wide variety of preparations from each plant offered in the program, and activities to deepen their own practice and relationship to the plants they use as medicine.  It is also a wonderful choice for anyone who wishes to rely on natural, herbal medicines as their primary health care and wants to begin to stock their pantry with  a wide variety of standard and versatile plant medicines.

Registration for this membership is limited and only open from November 25, 2011 until December 31, 2011.  The membership program and mailings begin Februrary 1, 2012

Herbalists Apothecary CSA membership

Saturday 19 November 2011

Weaving the Wheel of the Year Program 2012

"The mother of us all, the oldest of us all, Hard, splendid as rock, let the beauty you love, be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth"~ Rumi ~

People often ask me what made me decide to “be an herbalist,” and I could tell them about the heroine of my favorite book I read when I was 12, or the countless botany classes I took in college, or even the vivid dream I had that illustrated to me in such clear terms a path I was to walk.  But really, it was the plants that made me an herbalist. It was the plants that beckoned me ever closer to the bosom of the Earth.  It was the plants that rooted me in ‘place.’  It was the plants that became my beloved friends no matter where I went.  I cannot express enough gratitude in words to these magnificent beings that live, breathe and inhabit our earth in an abundant blanket of green for bringing me here to today, for making me who I am, and reaching me so deeply, for teaching me how to walk on the Earth- with deep awareness, with open heart, with wide eyes, with unending gratitude.

    And so I sit with plants, on the Earth, almost every day. I watch their colors and shapes change through the seasons.  I celebrate their breaking forth from seed into fragile cotyledons, and rejoice in their fruiting.  I jump up and down like a child when I find the first dandelion flower, and cry with love and relief when I return to a beloved tree, who stands, waiting always, for her friend to sing her a song.  Time passes in our lives, and on the Earth, as she spins through space around our sun.  We have many ways of measuring time- watches, calendars, birthdays, anniversaries, women’s moon cycles, births, deaths, daylight, darkness, moon phases, constellations, seasons.  The plants have always been an exquisite and beautiful way for me to track the shifts in time- over the span of a year and the seasons, and over the longer time frames over years.  I await each spring with anticipation- to see the first leaf burst forth from the bud on the trees, and the shining faces of ephemeral wildflowers.  I feel the fullness of summer in the heavy weight of heat, and humid air- the expectation of summer thunderstorms, and the glorious release of bounty of fruits, plant medicines, wild foods, and garden produce.  I grieve as the trees let their beautiful leaves fall to the ground in autumn, and keep faith in the seeds that fall nestled in the safety of those leaves.  I know those trees do not mourn the loss of their leaves, for the shedding of what has passed, nourishes what is yet to come.  I feel the deep drawing inward in the dark of winter, and feel the sadness in the long sleep and little death that comes with the first snow- a blanket to protect the bare ground through the darkness and chill.  
   The world is always speaking to us, and the language I understand is that of the plants, the trees, the roots and seeds- and the visceral way I experience and sense the world in my body, in my spirit and my natural urges.  My body is of this earth, my bones made from the eons of mineral rocks ground to soil, my waters of the salty brined sea, my passions tied to the firey core of her, my breath fed from the respiration of the trees, my body nourished from each morsel of plant, animal and air that has existed.  When I feel the anguish of loss, the sharp knife of anger, the ecstasy of passion, the sweetness of presence and peace- I go to her. I give of myself to her.  She holds me- she makes me.  Earth. I am.

Weaving the Wheel of the Year

Do you feel the seasonal shifts of the Earth in your heart, bones, and spirit?

Are you yearning to find meaningful ways to connect with and honor these energies of the Earth and your spirit?

Do you have a sense that the power and magic of the Earth and the plants is something you could tap into for your healing and well being?

Do you notice the ways that certain plants seem to become more vibrant and powerful at different times of the year?

Would you like to learn practical and effective ways to nourish and prepare your body, your home, and your spirit to live in tune with these seasonal cycles and shifts through food, herbal medicine, ritual, and community?

Do you feel like a kitchen goddess, who enjoys brewing up pots of soup, creative meals, herbal brews, and magical potions for your family and friends?

Are you ready to dive whole-heartedly into all this and more?

Friday 18 November 2011

Lady's Slipper Ring ~ Luxurious Herbal Self-Care Membership!

If you haven't had a chance to check out my Private Apothecary Membership - don't wait! Enrollment ends soon!

Amrita Apothecary Lady's Slipper Ring

EVERY month you get: Luscious herbal skin delights at your doorstep, rich and engaging support content replete with self-care practices, activities, suggested reading, a checklist, and a recipe.

Plus a personal email exchange every month too.

We're already nourishing ourselves with goodies and pleasure-filled action!

For all the Juicy Details CLICK HERE

I can't wait to send your treasures!!!



What women are already saying:

"I have just joined the ring and all I can say is WOW! I am excited and thrilled to be a part of this! Each month is packed full of simple, rewarding things to do to make you feel better about yourself and open yourself up to the true potential you really have. It's like a big hug delivered to your mailbox, followed by a gentle massage and a light, loving caress. Each month you'll receive suggestions and tasks to do that open up your mind and heart without being overwhelming. I'm already in love with this amazing journey of self worth and herbal love. If you are feeling a bit down, lost, misguided or burnt out, the Lady's Slipper Ring is perfect for you!" 

-Kristine Brown of Dancing in a Field of Tansy

"Women friends, i have something really important to share with you. my friend Ananda Wilson, a true goddess, is offering this amazing program, the Lady's Slipper Ring, that includes not only her phenomenal luscious herbal goods, but the most amazing, heartfelt, deep self care program- perfect for those of us who are busy, give a lot of ourselves, and need extra support and practical tools for giving ourselves the care we need and we DESERVE! I've signed up for my membership and already am astounded and moved and so thrilled by the materials provided and the luscious goodies already sent out. She only has a few more spots to join in!!!

You deserve this. Really. If need be, Skip your latte each day to find the extra $$ you need to make this happen for yourself. Tell the universe that you LOVE yourself, respect yourself and treat yourself like the goddess you are!" 

-Darcey Blue French of Blue Turtle Botanicals

WOMEN: When we step into our beauty, truth, and power, the world shifts. It's simple. Love yourself. Lady's Slipper Ring guides you gently and consistently with conscious, pleasure based healing with powerful results. 

Saturday 12 November 2011

Medicine Trees

Willow draping stories like waterfalls through the air

Chestnuts throwing daggers

Dripping perfume sap and resin

Broken limbs and torn ligaments

Ripped shoulders across the forest

Open, wounded, left

Littered medicine on neighbors lawns

Left for mulch and compost

Never taken for flu, tea, fire, scars

I scoop the drips from the branch

and dot it carefully on my daughter's incision

she says "thank you"

and I say "thank you"

to all the trees with giant scars

and take home the abandon medicine

for my chest.

Longing to create more meaningful nature practices? Called into the Forest to learn the Medicine of the Tree Nation?
Struggling to put into practice all those notions of Self-Care? Need real tools to help you put YOU first? Longing for a woman's voice to remind you how beautiful and powerful you are?

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Eat Berries, Dig Roots, Hug Friends. Repeat.

 Chestnuts, sweet Chestnuts,
To pick up and eat,
Or keep until Winter,
When, hot, they're a treat!

 -Cicely Mary Barker

Sunday 6 November 2011

Pleasure Medicine ~ Your Pipeline to Source

"Imagine a woman in love with her own body,
A woman who believes her body is enough, 
just as it is.
Who celebrates her body's rhythms and cycles as an
exquisite resource."

~Patricia Lynn Reilly~