Monday 28 November 2011

Medicine of the Heart: Cacao Ceremony and Journey

Medicine of the Heart: Cacao Ceremony and Journey

Jan 21, 2012
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Join Darcey Blue, herbalist and plant whisperer, of Blue Turtle Botanicals, for the first healing ceremony for the Heart with the medicine of Cacao. Cacao, in its unrefined state, is a rich source of antioxidants, minerals, and compounds that activate the heart, the blood, the mind, and spirit. The medicine of Cacao is well known in our culture, but has been dulled, refined and watered down. Literally. Come and experience the power of true cacao. There is a reason it has been called ‘Food of the Gods’ and was used regularly by indigenous peoples of the Americasfor ceremony. In this heart opening workshop we will sit in circle to create sacred space for this plant spirit and its work, and share a drink of cacao in a form you have likely never tasted before. We will use drum, journey, voice and movement to explore the teachings and healing that Cacao has for YOU at this time. Be prepared for heart opening, recovering/uncovering, deep feeling and engaging the physical senses. Your focus, intention and spirit and heart’s desires will be magnified. Use this time to journey into YOUR heart.
 at The Power of 9

Please register by Jan 20, contact Darcey -

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