Thursday 1 November 2012


"Techno-detoxed and recharged me"

The technology generation has provided us much convenience on our daily life, in whatever field you may think of engineering, medicine, social services, politics just to mention a few. Unfortunately these development comes with a price to pay, among them the ions in the atmosphere that runs in no direction affecting our body's electromagnetic field. The result, a multitude of diseases, which used to be seen among the aged and now even for the young generation is increasing statistically, among them heart and kidney disease, hypertension and cancer.

What technology are we talking about?
Electronic and electrical appliances particularly the microwave oven, computers, televisions and most popular of all the cellular phone which is somehow considered to be inevitable or indisposable for all ages. I remember the time we are already so contented calling somebody with tatlong beinte singko, and you still have to look for a telephone booth, well that was about 30 years back.

Fast Forward considering that the Phillippines is being considered as the text capital of the world, sad to say we may still be expecting higher incidence of those kind of diseases which will affect the younger generation.
To address this " TECH-DETOX ", beyond cleansing of our biological body, it is about time to learn how to cleanse our own electromagnetic field for disease prevention.

Creating awareness to the ill effects of ELECTROMAGNETIC SMOG so as maintaining healthy EMF or electromagnetic field is one of my goal.   

In some of my articles here, I talked about Mechanical,  Internal  and Mental Detox, ( we are talking a lot of detoxifications here). There is one more important "toxins" that we should be aware of,  due to fast-paced lifestyle and the rise of modern technologies and gadgets, there is this so-called "Techno-detox" coined  in this era of technologies and gadgets in answer to treat electro-magnetic pollutants. I had a great deal of learning about this so called electro-magnetic pollutants way back 1999.

With me is Alex a friend from Mexico City and Connie Rodis where I learned a great deal of HK.
This Photo is taken 1999 at the food tent during a Spiritual conference and retreat
@ Summit University in Montana, USA.
I first heard of electro-magnetic pollutants/toxins from HK (Health Kinesiology) practitioner friend Ms. Connie Rodis from Montana, USA, a Filipino-American.  I met her and become close friend during a spiritual retreat in Royal Teton Ranch in Montana. I used to have HK treatment and a bit of training from her and it was amazing knowing that we could actually talk to our body and ask our body which is bad or not for us and very specific! using our own electro-magnetic field and currents. She said she used to be very weak and sickly and in a state of almost her life force is being snuff out  due to exposure to too much electronic appliances at home and electronic equipments at work. According to her, her treatment using HK bring her life back and so she studied it and became a practitioner. I know her  very well, but  unlike me, she is not into so much gadgets and "wired", so I wonder where she is now.  I know why, she is trying as much as she can to be away from "electro-magnetic pollutants" because her body is very sensitive to the energy from this gadgets and could also affect our energy balance. In the studies of HK (Health Kinesiology) it is a big no. I learned so much from my friend on how a simple electrical apparatus, electric currents, appliances could affect our health, psyche and well-being. 

Many people are sickly, lethargic, have a low self esteem, vibrancy and energy  because of the "short-circuits" of electrical current and impulses brought about by modern gadgets and appliances. Did you know a simple laptop can cause infertility? Did you know that electrical wires/posts near your window or bedroom  could affect your sleep pattern?  so if your room or house is near electrical post, it could affect your well-being and even psyche, well, that is debatable, but again be safe than sorry, don't put laptop on your lap! the heat and electrical energy radiation emitted by laptop concentrate on your reproductive organs and could make it sterile. Could it be a reason for  the population's (specially those in corporate and IT world) low fertility rate this day? I noticed in my country those who live without these stuffs like the slum areas has more children, while most of those corporate couples having a hard time having children, this is just my speculation but a good thought to ponder, so use a table for your laptops and keep it away from you as much as you can. There are these electro-magnetic pollutants that we don't know and see but we can feel and manifest a body reactions, take for example now, they found out that mobile phones (cell phones) could cause brain tumors/cancers, but no one could live without it these days anymore, it is a must for everyone, unless we would like to live a hermetic life in the mountains. The thing is we could still keep a balance energy by doing at least a "Techno-Detox" once in a while. 

That is the concept of this idea, to keep away once in a while from electro-magnetic pollutants, and spend much time with nature. Technology is great but there are price to pay also. I have noticed that with all the technologies available, my mind and brain activity became lazy, I can't think hard enough, everything is too visual that left nothing for my imagination and brain activity, somehow we lack mental exercises. I experimented on this, I went to a health  farm at the top of the mountain (the farm is encouraging a techno-detox for its guests) and tried not to bring any laptop, mobile phones, even radio or anything electronic and just relax, enjoy nature sounds and my mind appear clearer. I could have vivid memories of pasts, recall events, names and I felt my mind is sharper, I can visualized better without the aid of electronic media, somehow I had a mental detox as well, letting go some phone calls and deal with them later, it just "frees" my mind. 
(Nothing beats the relaxing sleep and waking up feeling refreshed and energized in the farm, hearing only the sounds of nature: real sound of streaming waterfalls, chirping of birds, swaying of bamboo trees etc. Happiness. )

I encourage everyone, especially those "techie" people to try it, to not let technology run or rules your life, once in a while it is good to  be free from these gadgets and modern technologies and just be with yourself and take time to nurture our  "nature deficiency syndrome". :-)

* Pictures by the Author, taken at a health farm at the top of a mountain in San Mateo, Rizal, Philippines

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