Saturday 2 February 2013

Neem: A Nature's Pharmacopeia

Neem Leaves
Neem trees are everywhere present in the country though its origin is India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, here are some leaves I gathered in my neighborhood. A bunch like this could be boiled in one liter of water.

I first encountered the name Neem through herbal products from India and Himalayas, saw that their ingredients is mostly Neem, so I though it must me a good plant.  I have no idea how it looks like and thought all along it can be found only in India, since the name also very unfamiliar. But to my surprise a visit to Symbios Holistic and Wellness Sanctuary herbal garden in Timberland, San Mateo Rizal has so many Neem trees, and my my friend Dr. Sonny Viloria told me it is good for High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension, lowering blood cholesterol and sugar, boost immune system etc.  I also happened to meet an  Ayurvedic Doctor from  India, and he told me more about Neem, how to use it and its benefits.
I boiled the leaves in a clay pot for healthy reason

On an empty stomach , every morning upon waking up drink at least 1/4 to 1/2 cup of boiled fresh leaves, boiled only fresh leaves and not the dried ones, dried ones are used to drive mosquitoes away by burning the dried leaves. The taste is very bitter but tolerable, a good cleansing and nourishing regimen.
The Neem Tree
The good news is that Neem can be found anywhere in the Philippines, I saw a lot of them in landscaped gardens, in ULTRA (sports complex in Pasig), I saw them like a wild trees in the parks, parking lots, highways, villages and subdivisions, even in my Sister's home in Bulacan, I was surprised and delighted to see one big Neem tree. I don't know where they came from but I learned that birds love its fruit and they carry and plant them anywhere they go, so you would see they grow anywhere. Talking to some Landscape Designer it is their favorite plant in their projects because it is both ornamental, easy to grow and maintain. Department of Health (DOH) Compound has many of this tree, I learned it drive away mosquitoes, ( but according to the Ayurvedic Doctor, only by burning the dried leaves. When I went to Tahanan Village in Paranaque and in Alabang area, I saw every corner, household, parks with so many Neem trees, you could see them on highways too but be cautious to use those that are exposed to pollution as they can also absorb pollutants. I don't even know if people are aware that it is a good and medicinal plant/tree. It is being used as a landscape outdoor trees for it grows with less water, low maintenance and give a good shade and they say drive away insects such as mosquitoes.

Neem Tea
The extra tea is used to mix with my shampoo, for gargle, facial wash and for taking a bath, it is not only refreshes but good for my skin and hair. So if you have a piece of land try to plant this wonderful tree. I must say it works for me and I feel better taking this tea. I just love Neem tree.

So far, So good been using it, whenever I saw a tree, I gathered leaves and boiled into tea, It works for me in so many ways, help my blood pressure under control and my blood chemistry at a normal level, give me resistance to any flu despite the sudden changes in temperature, take good care of my hair and skin since I used them, not to mention it keeps my body weight under control. All friends and people I know using this swear for its health benefits.This is not recommended though if you are pregnant, and in case you are not diabetic 1/2 cup once a day every morning before breakfast only since in could lower you sugar level dramatically  and may cause hypoglycemia.

More on Neem from Wiki:

Traditional medicinal use

In India, the plant is variously known as "Sacred Tree," "Heal All," "Nature's Drugstore," "Village Pharmacy" and "Panacea for all diseases". Products made from Neem trees have been used in India for over two millennia for their medicinal properties: Neem products are believed to be antihelmintic, antifungal, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, contraceptive and sedative. It is considered a major component in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine and is particularly prescribed for skin disease. Neem oil is also used for healthy hair, to improve liver function, detoxify the blood, and balance blood sugar levels, and is considered to have no side effects.

*all photos taken by the author

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