Monday 1 July 2013

Manage Asthma Naturally

Asthma is a form of allergy, it can be internal (bronchial) or external (skin) , localized or systemic (urticaria), the problem is that  attacks could be fatal and may  cause death specially if lungs are affected, it can constrict  the airways and cause shortness of breath (bronchial asthma). 

After College graduation while waiting for my board exam to be released, I did training at Makati Medical Center as Pulmonary or Respiratory Therapist although I am a Medical Technologist. I worked with Pulmonologists,  ABG (arterial blood gas) machine, ventilators, respirators and do pulmonary function studies. I had seen many patients how they suffered,  I learned that Bronchial asthma is untreatable case (patients come and go) but can only be remedied, and management is not really a cure but temporary relief and to avoid further complications such as infection and mucus formations that can clogged and aggravates the airways. Most of our patients during that time are  asthmatic, our job is to administer treatment prescribe by doctors (Pulmonologists) such as bronchodilators (Berodual or Ventolin) through an air compressors or aerosols and worse, if the attack is too much to handle patients are given steroids, but prolong used of steroids cause many problems in the long run such Diabetes (according to many Internist), early formation of Cataracts ( According an Ophthalmologists) to name a few. Poorly managed asthma can also cause COPD ( Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) in the long run which is an irreversible damage to the bronchioles (airways).

Since I wrote this to share my observations during my "Pulmonary" days and to hopefully help friends who suffer from chronic asthmatic attack and how to take care of these problems naturally as possible. I am not asthmatic but I used to work with this people and learned so much about this condition, how they feel and how hard to have this kind of condition.

In my own observation and understanding of asthma we are dealing with allergies and inflammation and can be manage by natural methods only if we try to address those issues, by cleansing, detoxifying and nourishing and balancing energy through exercises.

Some remedies that could help:

One -half teaspoon each of baking soda and sea salt mixed into a glass of purified water, why baking soda? I guess it is to alkalize the blood which developed respiratory and metabolic acidosis during attacks.

Steam inhalation using boiled eucalyptus leaves (dried or fresh), I used this whenever I have cough or sinus problems and it relaxes and soothe my lungs and breathing. you may also use eucalyptus oil if fresh leaves are not available. Steam inhalation dilates and moisturize the airways making breathing easier.

If no eucalyptus available and in extreme situation , Steam inhalation using distilled water and sea salt.

Supplements for Asthma:

1. Omega 3 fatty acids or Fish Oil: It is a natural  anti-inflammatory  supplements
2. Turmeric capsules: Natural Anti-inflammatory supplements
3. Vitamin C and E

Herbs that help Asthma:

1. Eucalyptus- Aromatherapy and Soothing effect
2. Anise Seed Tea
3. Kelp
4. ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)
5. Ginger- relieved pain, stimulate blood circulation and dissolve stagnation
6. Turmeric
7. Yamoa is the ground bark of a rare gum tree and has been used effectively in the villages of Africa for centuries.Scientists have independently studied Yamoa and published papers about the unique properties of Yamoa in journals such as the International Immunopharmacology and The Journal of Immunology.
Two to three months of Yamoa is often all you will need for long term lasting results, with some people only requiring one months' supply or less for really positive results. Yamoa is Powerfully Good!
Yamoa contains a variety of compounds, which are well recognised as having positive, health-giving properties. Yamoa has important antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic properties because it contains anthocyanins, flavonoids, tannins, natural anti-fungals and unique polysaccharides which stimulate the immune system and has even shown potential in the lab to fight infectious disease.
Yamoa has been traditionally used in its native environment, tropical Africa, to treat asthma, allergies and other respiratory conditions as well as malaria. It was introduced to the UK and the rest of the world by Jerry Yamoa nearly two decades ago since which time it has transformed the lives of thousands of people. It is non-toxic, free from heavy metals, Salmonella, E.coli, coliforms and streptococci. It is safely used for respiratory allergies including hay fever, asthma and COPD in humans and cats. This product is not available int he Philippines but I think we can get this online or health food stores.

Since Asthma boils down to weak immune system and toxemia, herbs which strengthens immune system could be use also to help boost immune system, herbs like Neem, Taheebo and Narra bark is a good boosters of the immune system. To know more about this herbs I wrote separate articles on them that you might want to read as well:

Physical and breathing exercises to strengthen the lung meridians:

1. Refer to my article on macrobiotic exercises: trunk bend meridian exercises to streghten the lungs:
2. Buteyko controlled breathing technique
3. Qi-gong
4. Accupuncture, Reflexology, Therapeutic massage, Lymphatic drainage, Ventosa and Moxibustion also helps
5. Steam Bath or Suob, using herbs for steaming such as eucalyptus, mango leaves, Suha (Pomelo) leaves and some other aromatic leaves.

Foods to avoid:

Common sense dictates that hyper allergenic foods such as dairy products (eggs, chickens, cheese and milk products etc.), refined sugars.

In the Philippines, they called this "malansa" or fishy foods not necessarily fish products, like watermelons, pineapples, etc.

Some seafood like crabs, shrimps, shrimp paste (bagoong) and shellfish

Any food or medications with history of allergy

Cleansing regimen for Asthmatics:

Asthma can be due to many pollution, toxemia in the system, detoxifying regularly help manage  the condition, one detox regimen that is being teach is the use of one drop castor oil in the water to drink, it can flush away allergens,

Colon cleansing using Calcium Bentonite Clay to get rid of allergens  in the gastro-intestinal system , also activated charcoal can be use  to detoxify toxins in the digestive system. Please read my separate  article on the two items mentioned :


"Peace! be still and know that I am God!"  This mantra can be use to calm the air elements in the body.

In general asthmatics should learn how to manage stress, do physical activities, breath fresh air, go for a nature walk or beach walk, lots of sunshine,  these places has very rich in negative ions, that is good source of oxygen, prana (life force/energy), good for  lung care in general. I have known of many individuals and children who manage their asthma so well by just spending time with nature and sea breeze. 


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