Sunday 17 August 2014

Monsanto Now Creeping the Philippine Soil

It was a sad news that Monsanto is here, I just saw their latest event poster at Sofitel Luxury Hotels in Manila, banned in Europe and some American states due to toxic crops,  but here we welcome it with open arms  and grand launch. 

What a bitter news for organic consumers and farmers who fought and work so hard to preserved our indigenous crops, and heirloom seeds for contamination. It crosses a question in my mind, are we a dumping site for all these garbage and GMO crap? 

Last time I heard about Monsanto is when a friend saw a big poster of GK (Gawad Kalinga) partnership with Monsanto. As part of Monsanto's corporate social responsibility they donated money for the housing project of GK in Iloilo and Tacloban and they will donate seeds to local farmers, oh no! They exploit our weaknesses, needs and vulnerability. I don't agree accepting dirty money for a good cause, definitely it has vested interest and self-serving.  

I don't want GMO crops in our soil, the government must do something about this, It will be NOT beneficial at all to Filipinos.  If government is serious and thinking about this, they should take a look at the dangers of GMO crops. Infertility, autoimmune diseases, allergies, deformities, even cancer and many other side effects are associated with consuming GMO produce due to added component in the crops such as built-in pesticides.

Monsanto works for food security and sustainability but is it worth it? mass producing GMO crops to sustain the needs of consumer but poses threat in the health of the community in general. Government agencies behind it should realized it will be a threat rather than a solution. In the long run our government will spend billions for health care for the sicknesses brought about by this evil crops.

Event screen from Sofitel shows Monsanto's  two events, who allowed this company here ?

What can I say, what can I do? money talks in this issue and there's no other reason, other countries are banning Monsanto into their soil and yet they are here now without prior consultation to stakeholders. Our DAR is really great in doing its job, allowing this evil crop to destroy our civilization. 

This the reason why I am anti-GMO, read more:
My thoughts on GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)

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