Wednesday 19 November 2014

Book Review: Vermont Folk Medicine

I came across this book way back in a book sale, it is one I value and recommend to read and keep a copy. Got it pre-loved and I am loving this book.

The book is authored by Dr. D.C. Jarvis, and Ear Nose and Throat Specialist (ENT) who employs the traditional Vermont Folk Medicine in his practice. The good doctor is a highly trained physician in his chosen field, though he realized that a simple home remedies works to most of his patients better, in the book he explains medical and scientific facts about the Vermont's Folk Medicine and why it works. One reason I love about the book is that, Dr. Jarvis documented all his patients' success with the use of the tradition Vermont Folk Medicine, such as the use of apple cider vinegar, honey, iodine (Lugol's solution) etc. The books serves as my reference that helps me a lot in managing a lot of health problems, such as hypertension, chronic sinusitis, colds, flu, varicose veins and other conditions. 

I feel confident and safe using the remedies because it was fully explained by the author scientifically and medically. He had  also proven it to himself and most of their patients. 

Overweight, some of the issues discussed in the book

I find this book a treasure to keep and I highly recommend it to all my reders.

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