Sunday 30 August 2015

The Land Here that Nourishes Me

There is a beautiful place up north of where I live.  It is a national wildlife refuge.  I go there often and visit such plants as lomatium nudicale, wild onion, yarrow, St. Joan’s Wort and many others.  

Yesterday, I took two of my herbal teachers there as well as other herbalists to say “Hi” to the lomatium.  I felt vulnerable in sharing my place that I go to connect with the plants.  And I feel honored to share such a wonderful place. 

One of my most important things to share about shamanic herbalism and the plants is how to connect close in.  To find a deep connection in nature right where you are is life changing.  

At the NW Herb Symposium this weekend, Susun Weed shared a story at her “Wild Plants Matter” class about having a fall in Costa Rica and a traditional healer coming to bring plants from the land to heal her.  She shared how it brought everyone closer to the land where they were staying.   

I am grateful to be home after a wonderful weekend with many herbalists and plant loving people.  And I am grateful for the land here that nourish me.  

May it be in Beauty.  

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