Tuesday 1 June 2010

Make New Friends.....

It's been 4 months since I arrived in New England, spring has sprung and summer is almost upon us. I thought I would reflect a little bit on some of the new plant friends I have met in the time I've been here....as an herbalist transplanted from the hot, dry Southwest, the lush, moist greenery of New England has been a deep drink of sustenence. Of course, as the song goes...make new friends, but keep the old..one is silver and the other gold....my golden oldies from the Southwest are still some of my favorite plant allies that I wouldn't want to be without...precious anemone tuberosa, who I was able to get from generous herbalists in Tucson, Tagetes lemmonii (marigold) euphoric and antiiflamatory healer, and the always useful and fragrant larrea tridentata.

But in my efforts to remain a bioregional and wildcrafting herbalist, I will remain most closely dependent and allied with the plants of my new bioregion....
here are some of my new friends
Betula lenta (black birch) and betula allegehenensis (yellow birch) sweet stimulating, relaxing, tonic root beer tree

Hammemelis virginiana (witch hazel) astringent, refreshing tonic for skin and mucous tissues

Rosa multiflora (multiflowered rose) sweet, fragrant sister to rosa rugosa, and soothing to my rose deprived heart

panax trifolius (dwarf gingseng) magical little friend to american ginseng, who greeted me by suprise this spring

Lady's Slipper Orchid who broke my heart open and brought me to my knees with tears in the forest with her tender beauty and emanating love.

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