Wednesday 30 June 2010

Online Course Announcement: Stress: The Vitalist Perspective

an online seminar with Sean Donahue
July 12 - August 30

Our bodies have developed an amazing set of responses to help us respond to danger.

But life in our fast-paced society puts many people perpetually on edge -- and that constant stress throws us out of balance with serious consequences for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

In this seminar we will explore herbal and nutritional strategies for supporting the body, mind, and spirit in times of extreme stress -- and helping bodies that have been under stress for a long time remember how to relax into a natural state of relaxation that allows for healing and rejuvenation.

The emphasis will be on nourishing the body, identifying and removing "obstacles to cure," and supporting the body's natural healing processes.

Topics covered will include:

-- The Biology and Energetics of Stress
-- Nourishing the Adrenals
-- Nourishing the Nervous System
-- Understanding Adaptogens from a Vitalist Perspective
-- Stress and Physical Tension
-- Acute Anxiety
-- Trauma and Anxiety

I am open to considering payment plans and thoughtful barter, but all such requests must be received by July 5.

To register, e-mail
About the instructor:

Sean Donahue is a traditional herbalist, poet, activist, and witch committed to healing and transformation through connection with the living Earth. As an herbalist, Sean works primarily with the wild plants of the forests and fields of New England. He views the plants as teachers, helping the body, mind, and spirit learn to correct imbalances that stand in the way of health. As a teacher, poet, and ritualist, Sean works to connect people with their own wild nature and with the life of the world around them. He believes that personal, community, and cultural healing are all deeply intertwined with the healing of our planet.

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