Tuesday 13 July 2010

But I don't like the taste of water.....

I can't recall how many times I have heard that line from clients and friends when told they need to get more water in them.  Water doesn't taste like anything, right?  (Well I happen to disagree- good, fresh, clean water is sweet and delicious).   But I do agree that chlorinated, recycled city water often leaves a bad taste in the mouth.  There are a lot of fancy water filtering systems out there, you can take your pick.  I find a simple Britta pitcher or faucet attatchment is sufficient for me in the city.  If you have clean well water or rain water, you are blessed!
 So in an effort to hydrate people turn to those commercial fruit flavored waters sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup and full of artificial colors and flavors.


But there is a better way!  You can make your own hydrating, delicious and fun to drink flavored waters with fruits, vegetables and herbs at home!  

Cool water will graciously inherit the essence of aromatic flavors which you can provide to it.  What is your favorite flavor?  Melon?  Berry?  Mint?  Lemon?

Go beyond the simple squeeze of lemon or lime with a few interesting twists!  All you need is a few simple herbs, fresh water

Rose and Lemon Water
1 qt water
1 tbsp rose hydrosol
1 tsp rose infused honey
2 slices of lemon

Lime, Cucumber and Mint water
1 qt water
3 slices of cucumber
2 slices of lime
1 or 2 sprigs of fresh mint, crushed

Lemon Lover Water
1 qt water
2 slices of lemon
1 tsp lemon balm or lemon verbena infused honey
1-2 sprigs of  fresh lemon balm or lemon verbena, crushed

Lavender Melon Water
1 qt water
2-3 slices(thin) of honeydew, watermelon, or other melon
1 flowering sprig of lavender (you can use dried)
1 tsp lavender infused honey

Honey Water
1 qt of water
1 tsp honey (herbal infused honey is the most interesting)

Birch Water
1 qt of water
2 bruised or peeled twigs of black birch

Vanilla Cardamom Water
1 qt water
1 tsp homemade vanilla extract
1/4 tsp crushed cardamom seeds
1 tsp honey (vanilla infused if you have it)

Rosemary Lemon Water
1 qt water
1-2 sprigs of fresh rosemary, crushed
1-2 slices of lemon
Basil Water
1 qt water
1-2 leaves fresh basil, crushed (Tulsi basil is especially nice, but try lemon basil, or cinnamon basil too!)
1-2 slices lime

Lime and Cilantro Water
1 qt water
2 slices of lime
2 sprigs fresh cilantro, crushed

Orange Ginger Water
1 qt water
1 tbsp orange flower hydrosol
2 slices of fresh orange
1-2 thin slices fresh ginger
1 tsp ginger honey

Place all the ingredients in a quart jar.  Infuse for 2-8 hrs, either on the counter top or in the fridge. These will keep longer in the fridge. Serve cool!  I've found I can infuse water repeatedly with the same batch of ingredients 2-3 times, though you may want to add additional honey or hydrosol if using those in your recipe.

What other combinations can you dream up?  A splash of berry infused vinegar?  Frozen blueberries or strawberries used as ice cubes?  Other hydrosols?

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