Friday 14 January 2011

Craving Killer Cocoa

So, you know how it craziness ensues and the sugar monster comes out to bite...
it's a real pain to get free of the sugar cravings once you cave in ....

I spent all day today desperately craving things I shouldn't eat...and not even hungry, rather stuffed full of vindaloo roast, farm eggs, tea and more...but none the less...I was aching for a morsel of something sweet.

Willpower withstood while at work, but came home and whipped up this totally sugar free cocoa drink to kill the craving...complete with protein, minerals, and tastiness!

Heat water in a tea kettle to boiling.
In a mug whip together:
2 tbsp cocoa,
1/2 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 tbsp mild chile powder
pinch of sea salt and/or 10 trace minerals drops
two or three tbsp of piima cream or whipped coconut milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg yolk

Slowly pour hot water over the whipped cocoa piima egg mix gently stirring as you do. Out comes a frothy, foamy, deeply chocolate, creamy delight.

If you want, you can add some stevia to the mix for a slightly sweeter drink, but remember those bitter flavors are there to help you with your sugar cravings!


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