Thursday 20 January 2011

Floracopeia Essential Oils

I wanted to make an announcement to my friends and followers who use essential oils in their work and life.  I've recently become an affiliate of Floracopeia.  Floracopeia is an amazing company run by David Crow, which produces the finest quality essential oils I've ever come across.  In addition to the amazing quality all of these essential oils are sustainably & ecologically produced, supporting communities and farmers around the world with fair pay and sustainable economic development.  If you use essential oils this is the place to get them!

There are your everyday useful oils like lavender, rosemary, and mint to the finest rose attar, unique perfumes, and rare essential oils not available anywhere else (blue lotus anyone?)

As an affiliate of Floracopeia, I get a small portion of sales when purchased through the link below or on the side bar of my blog.  Please consider supporting me and Floracopeia's mission and amazing products next time you are shopping for essential oils!

Floracopeia Essential Oils

As a bonus, if you are a new to Floracopeia's products, you can get a one time discount of 25% off by visiting Floracopeia's website and entering "shamanaflora" in the code box.  (Note you must follow the link here to get the special discount.)

Thank you for your continued support and many blessings in 2011!

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