Friday 18 February 2011

Medicine Crow Live Herbal Retreat!

I'm writing today to tell you about an amazing event event being offered by Floracopeia.  It is called Medicine Crow Live May 3 - 8 2011, a week long retreat in California with David Crow, and leading herbalists and Ayurvedic practitioners for a one of a kind gathering and learning experience.  It is hosted at the beautiful Shady Creek Retreat center, and the registration fee covers both your lodging (camping or dormitory style) and delicious locally grown meals for the entire week!    The week long retreat is $1250, but for a limited time early registration fee is ONLY $850!  That's a $400 discount.  And I've given you an extra incentive to register early.  Below you will find a gift card with a special code that you can enter for an additional $100 off the registration price.  They even have an option for two payments over time.   But you will want to act quickly if you are interested in attending, this special price is only available for a short time, and the event is almost certain to fill up.

Morning yoga classes, delicious wholesome and locally grown meals, herbalists and plant lovers, a week of intensive education and learning, and amazing teachers like David Crow, David Frawley, John Douillard, Jill Stansbury, Richo Cech & Yogini Shambavi.  

Hoping the Spring finds you healthy, happy and full of life.  You can find out more about the event and registration by following the links below, or by going to Medicine Crow Live Event Details .

Wishing you all the best!
Darcey Blue

A World-Class Gathering of Teachers, Healers & Visionaries
Continuing the Tradition of Extraordinary Floracopeia Retreats

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