Sunday 27 February 2011

Path of the Faery Seer Apprenticeship- March 26 & 27- Worcester, VT

I'm sharing this event with you because I have been looking forward to it for months. It needs several more people to register for it to happen, and I'll be kind of devastated if it doesn't happen.  Please share and register ASAP if you are interested.  Registration info is below.

Please join us for...

The Path of the Faery Seer Apprenticeship Series:  Module II

Ancestral Voices: Working with the Spirits of the Dead in Faery Seership
An intensive weekend with Orion Foxwood

March 26th & 27th, 2011
Worcester, VT     
$150 ($75 deposit needed immediately)

Attendance at module I is not required, but please contact the coordinator below for further details on preparing to join the existing apprenticeship group; module I material will also be reviewed during the weekend.

About Faery Seership:
Based upon Orion Foxwood’s “Tree of Enchantment,” Faery Seership involves a collection of lore, customs, techniques and prohibitions, which are influenced by the Celtic and pre-Celtic tribes of Europe. It focuses on the living inner common- wealth of the sacred land in the other world. It is a philosophy, way of life and a paradigm through which we, as humans can re-enter alliance with the Earth, other living creatures, the plant/tree kingdom and other races of beings which share the Earth's surface and underworld life with us. Faery Seership is distinct from other magical and spiritual approaches in its philosophy, symbology and use of magical technique. It focuses on preparing self and place for inter-world traveling, entering and exiting a mystical inner/underworld realm, forming alliances and accessing the “Faery Gifts”.

Application of the Faery Seership© principles and techniques allows the student to reweave their awareness into the overall fabric of life and guiding vision of this planet of which we are a part. This re-weaving brings about deep healing of the sense of "abandonment" and "disconnection" that plagues humanity because of the gift of "individuation" and "free-will". Once this is healed, immense magical potential and healing is opened out of their inherent virtue.

About Module 2:
In all folk magic traditions, it is clear that the magic worker must engage and work with the spirits of the human dead (“the ancestors”) before they work with any other spirit being, be they God, Goddess, Angel or Faery. Through this work, the inner senses are developed and the outer ones are extended for perception through the worlds. Traditional Faery practices always involve work with the Ancestors along with the Faery. This workshop will deal with the necromantic aspects of Faery Seership and how we can work with “our spiritual next of kin.”  Our work will focus on ancestral reverence, redemption, partnerships, folk practices, death-bed midwifery, blood voices and other aspects of this branch of the work, including:
The River of Blood and the Cave of Voices
Building the Ancestral Shrine
Souls in pain and the power of redemption
The Door of Parentage
The Gate of Remembrance
The awakening of the blood
The Opening of the Way Rite for Transitioning Work
Faery and Ancestral relationships
The role of the beloved dead in inner world contact and work
Soil as the providence of the dead
The role of the Faery in birth and death transition
Ancestral contacts of the future and past
Ancestral dead and the power of place
Death as a spiritual intelligence

A great deal of material and techniques have been covered in earlier sessions of the apprenticeship series. At this point in the training, many of apprentices have been fitting the information into the paradigm and applying the techniques to their spiritual disciplines. This application of the material has stirred questions and inspired changes. This session is to discuss the progress thus far and the process. Orion will also spend time discussing the road ahead and how that fits into the diagrammatic process outlined in the Tree of Enchantment. Participants will have time to discuss their personal process and ask questions. Foundational techniques will be re-visited and practiced within in the group setting, with an emphasis on how they fit into an overall process of transformation through Faery Seership.

DAY 1: Saturday, March 26th, 10:00 AM -  6:00 PM (includes review of previous teachings)
DAY 2: Sunday, March 27th,  10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Lodging and meals are the responsibility of the participant. Many participants live in the Worcester, VT area and are willing to host. Let the organizer know if you need a place to stay or would like a B&B or hotel recommendation. We will bring our own lunches and may have a potluck dinner on Saturday. Details to follow upon registration.

Make checks payable to "House of Brigh"; contact organizer for address.
via Paypal:

Please Note:  Space is limited. A 50% deposit ($75) is required to hold your spot and should be sent ASAP as of this mailing.  Deposits are non-refundable, unless the course is cancelled.

House of Brigh is a teaching and apprenticeship school established to offer quality and in-depth teaching for those who wish to develop further their natural ability resident in the blood for the arcane arts.  Through workshops and intensives, practitioners learn to cultivate an inner practice to grow these gifts. The teachings offered by House of Brigh include in-depth teachings in Conjure, Cunning Craft, Traditional Witchcraft,  Seership and spiritual maturation techniques from seasoned practitioners developed specifically for people who walk between the realms.

For more information about Orion or House of Brigh, visit
To register, contact Larken Bunce at 802-272-9933, by March 5th.

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