Tuesday 15 March 2011

Herbal CSA Update

The response the Herbal CSA (see the original posting here)and my plea for support from my community was a total hit. I'm so deeply grateful for everyone who responded in some way, by either joining the CSA or by making another generous donation.

It turns out that I can take on a couple more people for full product CSA memberships.  All I ask is a regular payment of 25$ payable via paypal subscription for 12 months, and I will send you a monthly e mail describing herbs and products, and a full sized product, or even two each month! 

At the end of the 12 months, I'll offer an optional extension (4 months to another year) before I open up the CSA to a new round of folks.

The product for March is ready and waiting, and I have to say it might be one of my best creative concoctions yet, you won't want to miss it.

Please e mail me right away if you would like to participate.  shamana.flora@gmail.com

Also, I hope in the  not too distant future to make other CSA type offerings available to the community.  Turns out my first love in herbalism, is still the one I love best.  Making herbal medicines, and wildcrafting and growing plants, and I'd love to offer those creations to the community that can use them.

This support means so much to me, and means I can pursue some much needed personal guidance and healing through the services of In Arms Coaching

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