Friday 11 March 2011

Labor pains

I think spring is coming...its like my friend Ananda says, the heaving of freeze, thaw, rain, snow, around and around again.

I hear more birds in the morning dawn hours, and this morning I noticed just a blush of red on the branches of the maple tree out the front window. But the snow is piled high, and the giant slush puddles expand daily...sometimes freezing tight, and at times hidden beneath a layer of fresh snow, splooshing messily when I walk out to the random piles of compost since the pile got plowed under.

I can feel changes in my body. I want to eat spring greens... I mean salad. Thats nuts especially since it is cold out still, but there is something stirring none-the-less.

But the heaving is wearisome, the heaving is hard. Its like giving birth- labor pains of pushing and pulling, giving some and then taking back. Winter hasn't lost its grip, but the Spring Equinox is around the corner. The winter Hag cackles as she goes down fighting the young spring Maiden. The veil of mist rises and rolls in from the river as the snow begins to sublimate in the field below. It whispers of spring, with a kiss of damp. Its not the bite of icy constriction, but the clammy gentle rush of wet on the skin.

No matter how I might try to stay in my dark winter hibernation, the changes are afoot, and I can't really stop them. We are likely moving from this land/house, which I think is mostly good, but has its drawbacks. It also means I have NO IDEA what sort of garden plans I can make at this point. At all. I mean assuming we move by the beginning of may, and there is a space, there is still time to put in a sort of garden. But I haven't bothered to order or start seeds, because it is just too much effort to move all that around. I'll just buy plants if I get a chance to put in a garden somewhere.
If not, I suppose I'll put out for CSA again. And hope to get enough to can and pickle for the winter.

I'm pretty sure the clinic we moved up here to see clients out of is a bust. We've dealt with 4 different business managers to no avail. I think I'll just turn a corner of our new place, wherever it may be, into a space for client visits.

I'm really excited for the Herbal CSA, and have so many ideas bouncing around in my head for what I'm going to create for the members, I can hardly wait to get started! I ordered the herbs I'm out of and the jars and bottles I need.

Everything is in flux. Home, business, life, emotions. Things die, and things grow. But hanging in the precipice between...thats the hardest place to be. Misty inbetweeness. Not yet new, but still the old- as the world heaves in response. Goverments who think they can dictate the people, people uprising in revolt, continents heaving and washing over that which we like to think of as permanent. I wonder what Gaia is giving birth to...

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