Tuesday 9 October 2012

Cancer Cure They Don't Want You To Know

Cancers, one of the greatest enemies of our time, also a great teacher, that we should go back to nature and re-examine our lifestyle. We are all aware that malnutrition (poor nutrition) and pollution is the leading cause of cancers. It is saddening that many victims are people close to our hearts and I can not just imagine the money, quality time  and life being wasted. I have written and shared some articles from other sources regarding cancers and how to prevent it, in this section I will talk about some simple things that can be of use in support to prevent or even a cure base on the book by Kevin Trudeau "Cancer cures they don't want you to know", I hate cancer, It took so many lives of friends and love ones, I hope and pray It does not exist anymore.
The Sun can cure diseases

The sun does not cause skin cancer. The sun is needed for life. If you don't spend time in the sun you will be sick. The sun is vital for health, longevity and to be disease free. If you are sick, one of the things that you must do is get out in the sun. Every living thing on the planet, with rare exception, cannot live without solar energy from the sun. Without sunlight, a whole host of physical abnormalities and diseases become prevalent, without sunlight you develop diseases, including depression, lack of energy, poor sleep, poor digestion, weight gain,, arthritis, constipation, bad breath, body odor, cancer, HBP, diabetes, attention deficit disorder,, stress, headaches, susceptibility to colds, flues and viral infections, PMS, male erectile dysfunction, infertility, anxiety and more. The sun can potentially cure you of all these diseases. This is an example of natural cures that they don't want you to know about. Why would a drug company want you to know that the natural cure for depression is simply getting some sunlight?  All they want to do is sell you drugs. Drug companies do not want to cure or prevent diseases, If they did, they would be out of business.
Does the sun cause the skin to wrinkle and look old? No. One of the thing the sun does is to draw out from the body toxins to the skin. it also stimulates cell re-growth, which actually makes you look younger and keeps your skin wrinkle free. Why is it then that people who spend more hours in the sun have a tendency to have a dried-up skin and wrinkled skin and look older than they are? The reason is because they are so toxic. When your body is so toxic, the sun will draw out from that body and bring those toxins to the surface. This is a good thing. It helps you cleans and detoxify your system, keeping you young, beautiful and healthy.

However if you are nutrient deficient, specifically in the good oils and fats that you need in your diet, excessive or prolonged exposure to sun can cause these problems. The solution? very simple, that you are toxic free, that you do not have nutritional deficiency, that your stress levels have reduced, Therefore you can spend much time in the sun as much as you want and it will benefit you. There is a caveat to this, every person's pigment is different and will burn at a different level. Obviously use common sense. If you are pale white and haven't been out in the sun in years, don't go out in the sun in the  middle of the day for four hours. You will get sunburned and it is not a good thing, build up the time in the sun.

Get rid of your silver fillings:

You must also address the devastation of toxic dental metals, root canals, and mercury amalgams. This information is still being ignored by by the majority of mainstream dentistry and medicine. metal simply should not be in your mouth. researches in Europe have estimated that perhaps up to half of all chronic degenerative diseases and illness can be linked to the toxic dental metals in your mouth.

Vitamin E cures cancer!
This should be a the headline but you will probably not see it. Why? because all-natural Vitamin E is such a powerful health enhancing supplement that the drug companies are trying to discredit it every way they can.

In the article by Dr. Jeff McCombs, the author of book Lifeforce. It describe the most recent study and report on Vitamin E. This explains and exposes how "studies" are really nothing more than fraudulent reports brought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry to either falsely make you believe that their drugs are effective and safe, or falsely make you believe that all natural remedies are ineffective and dangerous.

please take time to read the link on Dr. Jeff  McCombs:

Vitamin C for Cancer Treatment:

In this article Dr. Saputo discuss how an IV Vitamin can be use for cancer treatment as being shown by Dr. Linus Pauling, also known as the father of Vitamin C, for his research, studies and pioneering revolution on the use of vitamin C.

Intravenous vitamin C for treatment of cancer was pioneered by Linus Pauling in the early 1970s and now, finally, there is mainstream literature having a second look at IV vitamin C in people with lymphomas. IV vitamin C is converted in to hydrogen peroxide by cancer cells and it kills them.

Allicin a Miracle product:

Allicin comes from raw garlic. It is antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and stimulates and boosts the immune system. There are many products on the market that contains high amount of Allicin. In my opinion this is "Natural Cure" that they don't want you to know about. Why? As with natural cures, this is better than virtually any drugs or surgery. You should have some Allicin in your home at all times. In the Philippines most natural healers are using garlic for healing specially of cancers, I know one who extracted the potent allicin to cure his patients. There are also dried powdered capsulized native garlic available in the market. In my case I used to soak chopped fresh garlic in honey and apple cider and store it for weeks at room temperature and use it as a tonic drink.

There are many tips and herbs I shared in this post that talk about cancers and how to prevent it using proper diet, nutrition, herbs, fruits and vegetables, but in this topic I will talk about a simple remedy or may be a cure to cancer using cheap materials and supplements instead of the expensive chemotherapy, like did you know that a simple household or kitchen materials can simple be of use in fighting cancers, how many of us here know that a simple vitamin E is good for treating cancer? A sunlight? DMSO, Baking Soda and Hydrogen peroxide? etc.


Here are links on DMSO as an anti-cancer, there are some controversies but a lot of people/naturopaths are using it anyway: http://www.dmso.org/


Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)

Who would think an ordinary food grade hydrogen peroxide can be use for cancers? The principle is that cancers can not survived oxygen and that the oxygen in H2O2 does the job. I know of many practitioners even here in the Philippines using H2O2 for cancer patients.:


Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
The Video explain the mechanics of baking soda for Cancer:


Want the cheapest (actually free), readily available, the most specific and naturally manufactured/ occuring cancer remedy? Try drinking your own urine, It has the perfect antibodies specific to your needs. I would say it so, for I did try it for general health and I witness the effectivity to some friends I had given advice and followed it. Read my blog on Urotherapy.

The 2007 News Of The Year that did not make most of your TV Channels. Check out why:

"Cancer is finally cured in Canada but Big Pharma has no interest. The fact that the international drug & medical industry have no interest is because the cure is really cheaper than a chocolate bar and it won't get them to gain any profits at all. Besides, if people had the cure so easily, how will these medical and pharmaceutical companies make money out of that?"

Can you imagine how much life-saving information has been kept away from you by the very people you pay your taxes to, obey and call or help... A 2007 Cancer Cure, it's so inexpensive that it had to become illegal. Learn more on DCA.

You may also check links below to guide you about the nature of cancers:

Cancer is not a disease, it is a survival mechanism, read the book excerpt:

 Any chance the body would otherwise have at recovery from cancer is all but eliminated as a result of chemotherapy, as the treatment literally destroys the body's own innate, cancer-targeting immune factors. 

Watch the video: Cancer Defeated

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