Wednesday 3 October 2012

Power Juice

Sugar beets juice, very rich in live enzymes and flavonoids, this is one of my favorite, I usually add carrot and pineapple or orange to make the taste more palatable.

Juicing is one of the best way of eating vegetables minus the bulk and longer chewing time that some people are not used to uncomfortable and bitter taste that some of it may have. It is also a form of live foods or Raw food diet  with all the live enzymes, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients intact, juicing also yields more concentrated essences of the fruits or vegetables that makes it powerful, you can eat 1-2 kilos of vegetables by juicing it and extract all the nutrients, some juice makes a powerful cleanser, detoxifier and nourishment. It is also good for those on diet, losing weight without depriving yourself of nutrition. Juicing is a form of alkaline diet as well, so get rid of the acids and start an alkaline foods now , get your power juices.

Some of my favorite and healthy juice combination:
1. Ampalunggay- Ampalaya+ Malunggay + Orange/apple or pineapple
2. Sugarbeets+ Carrots +Orange/apple or pineapple
3. Wheatgrass + apple
Wheat grass juice is very rich in chlorophyll which is the lifeblood of a plant, it is a super food loaded with nutrients and enzymes. Many cancer patients are taking the juice for healing and medicinal properties. My first experience in drinking wheat grass juice is the most toxifying physically, It is very strong that I feel a purging sensation all over, vomiting and my stomach really throwing up non stop but I got used to it, my TIP to avoid this is to drink it very slowly sip by sip, let it stay in my mouth for a few minutes to give time for salivary enzymes to digest it before swallowing it little by little.

Noni juice is a very alkaline juice, but it is a very bitter fruit. It is abound in the Philippines, it grows very well in a beach area near the sea, It is called "apatot" in local terms, I used to see and get the real fresh Noni in a beach resort in Batangas, PH. I tried to juice it when ripe but the taste is so bitter that you need to add some fruit juice to make it tolerable. Leaves are also can be made as tea and very medicinal.

Guide in choosing good vegetable or fruit juicer

Orange juice is my favorite additive to many of my fruits and vegetable juices

Enjoy your Juices! next I will share a juice diet plan/program of a friend..- RCB

Note: At first there my be discomfort since your body is not yet well adjusted in the new food or lifestyle but it will adapt eventually just keep going, also healing crises may develop, it means your juice is working, to know more about the healing crises check my blog on "Healing Crises".
From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health. - Catalan Proverb

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