Monday 30 December 2013

Thoughts To Ponder for 2014

Live in the Present

 "What's past is prologue."- Shakespeare

" I said there was but one solitary thing about the past worth remembering and that was the fact that it is the past."- Mark Twain

Past is to relive the "good old days"- or looking back and constantly thought about what could have been, When attention constantly fixated on the past or worrying about the future that much less energy is available for us to use in the here and now, can sap us of the full power we need to carry out our life's mission, as a result we may become preoccupied, unfocused, even chronically tired or depressed. Another factor that can keep us from concentrating fully on the present is that we may have literally lift a part of ourselves somewhere else. this could be the result of traumatic experience or abuse. But when we dont pick up the pieces and move on, It is as if a part of our soul is missing in action, harboring anger or resentment or not forgiving another - or ourselves- also prevents us from living in the present. Sometimes the most important person you have to forgive is yourself. We can certainly learn from our yesterday, but it is dangerous to live in the past.

Life's purpose and mission
by  Rannie Bernardo on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 11:18pm ·

"The purpose of life is to find God- in yourself, in your talents, in your calling and in your sacred labor."- El Morya

" Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him and then choose that way with all his might. You will know your passion because it makes your heart sing. It is the thing that gets you out of the bed in the morning. When you talk about it, you become spirited, alive, energized.."- Hasidic saying

"Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think....another principle to remember is that your mission is not necessarily equal to your job, It's wonderful if you are able to mold your passion into a career, but your mission doesnt have to be what you do for a living, It may be something you do after work hours, like composing music or working with disadvantage children or taking care of the animals. In fact, your mission may not be what you do at all , but WHAT YOU ARE. So that your very life is an example to others. For example Mother Theresa's calling was to serve the poorest of the poor while living among them, but it was more than that, her mission was to love in action. " We have to bring God's love to the people by our service " Mother Theresa once said, " We do no great things , only small things with great love."

Happy New Year ! May you welcome 2014 with Love, Prosperity, Peace and Happiness!

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