Tuesday 21 January 2014

Raw Food Prep With Chef Asha Peri

Ms. Asha Peri giving her lecture

17 January 2014 Manila. A FREE Seminar by SOAP ( Spread Organic Agriculture in the Philippines) was held at Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) with a theme: REBOOT, RENEW WITH RAW FOOD, conducted by Ms. Asha Peri, a raw food chef of Dahon Kusina

The seminar is in collaboration with Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR), Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service (AMAS)  & Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards  (BAFS) of the Department of Agriculture (DAR). 

It was a very successful occasion, everyone is attentive and enthusiastic during the seminar.

The participants
I first encountered raw food way back when I was still in New York, but I didn't pay much attention because I was a student of macrobiotic diet and other healing modalities then, besides I have no plans of being a vegan because my body can't take it. A friend Fleta Errasquin, a cancer survivor of 15 years without a kiss of chemotherapy who embraced a holistic lifestyle re-introduced me to raw food diet and sprouting, she made a really delicious raw foods that I became interested again, not to mention raw and organic food that's keep her healthy (she took a course way back in the US, that time it's not available here), I am just glad that many are into this nowadays and there are now many raw food chefs sharing their passion for live foods. One of them is Chef Asha Peri of Dahon Kusina, let's take a look at some of her recipe..
Chef Asha and her staff

How to make a raw green smoothie

Coconut Vanilla Cream
Chia seeds soaked in water, used as toppings
Angel Hair Pasta

Rainbow Salad

The rainbow salad
More tips from chef Asha
I Noticed in the presentation of Ms. Asha Peri, she loves adding colorful herbs and very creative in food design, being lived in Bali, Indonesia for quite sometime, she learned the art of making food visually appealing.  She also teach participants how to adjust to the diet and how to counteract the downside reaction of the body.

Also she encourage to use our local fruits and vegetables because it is safer and has less toxins. To which I agree, in the principles of Locavore, buy local and grow your own food is good for the environment because it will lessen the carbon impact by transporting produce to different places and not to mention hasten spoilage time. In Macrobiotic principles, food that grows in our soil and temperature is the best food for us and what we really need. Not to mention that imported fruits are sprayed with chemical preservatives and most of them are GMOs. 

This is a diet worth trying and taking a look, cleansing and energizing, that's why it is also called live foods because the nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals  are intact and bio-active.  

To know more about SOAP and its coming activities, seminars and updates: 

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