Tuesday 25 March 2014

Brain Fitness Matters

The BrainFit Promise

Being a student of Mind Development Studies in the past, my belief system is that we should take care odf our mental health as we take care of our physical health. The brain is a very important organ or system that play a key role in our mental and physical well-being.

Clean and organized classrooms, hands-on and personalized teaching method
Visiting BrainFit Studio, I was impressed with the programs and definitely recommend it to all parents out there. If you want to raise a super child or want your children to excel in school or activities, you have to visit and enroll your child in one of their programs and have your child assessed on what particular areas your child needs to develop.

Considering the location and the proficiency of the staff/teachers, I am expecting this program was expensive, but when I inquired, I was surprised that it was very reasonable. I am glad that many people discovered this kind of modality. I used to teach my niece and nephews when they are kids  with brain exercises when baby sitting them and I guess it worked for them since they excel in school and are now successful professionals, also there was a time I volunteered to teach Sunday school kids and I focus on working on their brain, psychology and mind which are not regularly  taught in school. So, I advised parents to try BrainFit for their kids.

Before entering the studio we are briefed and oriented about BrainFit by one of the teachers.

We were oriented and given a tour of the facility that correspond to different brain pillars activities. Teachers gave us the synopsis of the different programs and demonstrated to us how some exercises work, good thing we have a kid around (son of a mommy blogger) to fully demonstrate the exercises.

An exercise to help the child to focus and be attentive

Testing listening skills

Gym-based programs for better penmanship, motor control, body coordination etc.


for better eye motor control

Parents RJ  and Vanessa Ledesma, talked about their quest in looking for educational activities for their children, as parents,  they want the best possible programs that will help their kids to overcome shyness, build confidence and creativity in school and raising a smart kids. They found out about BrainFit in Singapore and they are happy that it opened branches in Metro Manila. Ms. Vanessa relates to the audience (mostly mommies) how her child improved a lot when it comes to skills, creativity, learning abilities and confidence.
RJ Ledesma
Vanessa Ledesma
Ms. Jeanette Yu Co, MA in Education and BrainFit Director lectured on the Synopsis of Brain Fitness. The use of Cognitive Mapping of one's strengths and weakness across all the 5 brain pillars using US-qualified testing methodologies. All the programmes at BrainFit Studio are run according to the SMART Protocol , a brand of learning exclusive to BrainFit.

Ms. Jeanette Yu Co
Singapore* Malaysia * Thailand * Indonesia * Philippines

1. What is BrainFit Studio and where did it originate?

BrainFit Studio is the leading provider of the most up-to-date neuro-scientific-based brain fitness training programs in Asia. It started in Singapore last 2011 and was founded by a team of therapists led by Ms. Cheryl Chia, current Director, who are all passionate about maximizing human potential and transforming lives. It has since expanded across Southeast Asia and has presence in several countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey, and the Philippines. BrainFit Studio Philippines opened its doors in 2011. It is spearheaded by a group of individuals who are experts in the fields of education and health care. Currently, BrainFit Studio Philippines has two centers – Greenhills and Binondo- and another center in Makati is opening in April 2014.

2. What is brain fitness and how important is it?

Similar to physical fitness, which is our foundational body skills that influences our performance in sports, brain fitness is our foundational brain skills which influence learning and achievement in school, work and daily life. These brain pillars namely (i) attention (ii) visual (iii) auditory (iv) sensory-motor and (v) socio-emotions ultimately impact how we acquire new knowledge, retain information, apply learning, and perform to excellence. 

Recent brain scan research has also shown that brain fitness is closely linked to our IQ and EQ. Intelligence does not reside in any one part of the brain but rather involves a network of interconnections among the critical brain areas namely attention and working memory, language, visual, and body perception. Therefore, when we build brain fitness in these pillars, we are actually strengthening the brain networks that make us more intelligent! Simply put, a fit brain means an intelligent brain.

3. How does brain fitness training work?

We use the SMART protocol for brain fitness training, which is based on neuro-scientific findings.

“S” is for setting appropriate and achievable goals for the individual, as every brain is unique. 

“M” is for measurement using a process called CognitiveMap. It involves two hour-long, one-on-one assessment using standardized tests which profile the individual’s brain in the five key areas of visual, auditory, sensory-motor, attention and memory and social-emotional.

“A” is for adaptation, which is to choose the correct brain fitness training program and level, based on the individual’s brain fitness profile. For successful brain fitness training, mental activities must be just right - not be too difficult or too easy for the individual.

“R” is for rewiring through focused practice. Neuro-scientific research tells us frequency and intensity has significant effect on brain fitness training outcomes. During a typical 50min training session at BrainFit Studio, a student may be engaged in up to 500-1000 repetitions of the cognitive tasks they are working on. Adequate frequency and intensity of training is vital for maximum results.

“T” is for transformation of the brain and the individual as one follows the SMART protocol. Typically, for an average student, we expect visible and enduring improvements in learning and performance after about 20 hours or ten weeks of brain fitness training. We expect our students to be able to learn better – focus longer, think faster and remember more. We conduct re-evaluations on all our students to measure their gains.

We have 5 different programs that address each of the Brain Pillars: Smart Moves for sensory-motor; Smart Vision for visual processing; Smart Listening for auditory processing, Smart Focus for attention and memory; and Smart EQ for socio-emotions.

4. What makes Brainfit programs different from other enhancement or tutorial programs?

BrainFitness is fundamental requirement to a learning brain that will determine how effectively they will acquire, retain, and process knowledge.

Unlike enhancement programs that target on improving a specified skill and on imparting learning strategies (e.g. drawing; reading comprehension; speed reading; etc) or tutorial programs that provide assistance on scholastic subjects to enable learners to keep up with the academic track, our programs work on the foundational skills needed to accelerate the learning process be it in acquiring and mastering academic contents in school or learning a skill (e.g. dancing; swimming; etc). The focus is on developing and enhancing the 5 critical Brain Pillars so that they will have a more efficient, easier, and enjoyable learning experience. Only when the Brain Pillars are strong and efficient can the student benefit optimally from any enhancement or tutorial programs that they will undergo. Our programs also build intelligence by strengthening the critical brain networks which scientists have found responsible for both general intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ).

5. How do I know if my child should take Brainfit programs?

Take the CogMapTM assessment -- a proprietary tool used to measure and analyze the brain fitness level or cognitive skill of a student. we will be able to identify the key opportunity or improvement areas that are needed to be addressed as well as take advantage of the strengths to achieve success and optimum performance. 

6. What age should my child take Brainfit programs? 

We have a headstart program that are catered for young kids aged 3-6years old called BrainFit Jr. This is an integrated program covering all 5 brain pillars intended to give a headstart as we prime the young Brain. The SMART Programs, focusing on enhancing core brain Pillar areas, are typically for children 4-18 years old. 

7. Who can benefit from brain fitness training?

Everyone from a young child to an older individual can definitely benefit from brain fitness training. Contrary to what people used to believe, brain plasticity (changeability) is not limited to children, but is possible at any age. With proper brain training protocols, everyone can benefit from brain fitness training, although improvements are more easily achieved in a child because a young brain changes more rapidly with less effort.

8. Can brain fitness training benefit individuals with learning difficulties/ disabilities?

Yes, BrainFit Studio has trained and gather very positive results (backed by published studies) among individuals diagnosed with learning difficulties such as attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADD or ADHD), auditory processing disorder (APD), dyslexia, language delays, sensory-modulation disorder, dyspraxia and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

9. Can brain fitness training benefit students already doing well in school?

Yes, BrainFit Studio has helped trained many average and even gifted students – we have a RESULTS GUARANTEE for our BrainFitness Training. Just as physical fitness training can benefit everyone, from the person with poor fitness levels to the top athlete, everyone can benefit from brain fitness training. An average or even top student can still be challenged to perform at an even more superior mental state.

For more info, please contact:
3/F (above BPI) Metrosquare Building
224 Ortigas Avenue, Greenhills, San Juan 1502, Philippines
Tel. (632) 668 2719 / 725 8500 Mobile: (0917) 599 1992
E-mail: brainfitph@yahoo.com

BINONDO Branch: 974 Benavides Street cor Soler st, Binondo, Manila
Tel. 523 8524 Mobile: 0917 776 1689
MAKATI Branch: 108 HV Dela Costa, Salcedo Village, Makati
Tel. 816 3273

Twitter/Instagram : @BrainFitPH

BrainFit Location Map (Greenhills)

Press Release from Trianon: Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a common, worldwide, acute viral illness. The infection typically presents as a severe flu-like illness and may affect children and adults. It is usually a nonfatal disease, but it may progress to a severe form know as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). It is well known that the disease is transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes of the genus Aedesaegypti.

What is Dengue?
Dengue Fever is transmitted by a bite from an infected aedes aegypti mosquito. The Aedes mosquito gets infected through biting a Dengue-infected person. Dengue is common in tropical countries like the Philippines. Signs of illnesses vary from person to person and may present as flu-like symptoms. It can lead to a complication called Dengue Hemorrhagic fever that can be lethal.
Clinical presentations of dengue illness are non specific. They can present as fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, nose or gum bleeding, lethargy and restlessness. For patients presenting with fever, Dengue should be always be considered.

How to diagnose dengue?
The most reliable evidence for diagnosis of dengue infection can be derived from laboratory investigation. This can be done by viral antigen detection (such as for NS1) or specific antibodies (serology)-these tests are dengue IgM and dengue IgG such as the CANAMED Dengue IgG/IgM antibody tet kit. Both IgG and IgM are produced after 5–7 days. Recently, an up-to-date test for early diagnosis of dengue infection is dengue NS1 antigen detection such as the CANAMED Dengue NS1 antigen test kit. Evaluation of the NS1 assay indicated moderately high sensitivity and very high specificity to dengue infection. These two test (CANAMED Dengue NS1 antigen test kit and Dengue IgG/IgM antibody test kit) can detect Dengue infection in just  15 minutes and it can be done even in a clinic setting. It’s simple, fast, accurate, affordable and reliable to use.

Prepared by:

Ruth Gonzales
Assistant Product Manager
Trianon Diagnostics


Monday 10 March 2014

I am a Shamanic Herbalist

About two weeks ago I was sharing with my coach about my enrollment for Herbal    Wisdom Circle~13 Month Program.  I was surprised I didn’t have anyone signed up yet. I felt like something needed to change to fill the program but I wasn’t sure what it was.

My coach is highly intuitive and can read me, often when I am too hyped up to read    myself.  He suggested I reschedule the program for a couple of months.  He knows me and also suggested I talk to the land, the trees, my natural surroundings to receive     wisdom about what to do.  And then he suggested I do something else.  That I keep a log and let people on my email list in on the messages I am receiving.  This felt a little too vulnerable at first, I would have to divulge things that I don’t usually share with my entire list of contacts. 

Well I did just that.  I kept a log for seven days and reported the messages three times during the week.  Yesterday, I took all the messages out on the land and I read them over and over in a loud voice so my nature helpers could really hear me. 

As I read these messages several times, something subtle started to emerge from underneath the words.  A message for me as an herbalist.  These messages spoke about the kind of herbalism that I teach to my apprentices and students.  They spoke of a deeper wisdom that is available for us outside of what this herb and that herb do. 

I am a shamanic herbalist.  I have been a shamanic herbalist for almost twenty years.  I have studied with many teachers, read many books and spent time outside with the plants in all kinds of weather and seasons.  I have been taught the wise woman way.  I have been given a body of shamanic herbalism practices by my spirit teacher.  I have been encouraged, coaxed and loved deeply by the plants.  I am so thankful. 

But there has been an ever present nagging by my small mind that my training isn’t enough.  That I should take more clinical herbal classes, get a degree, get an AHG certificate etc. etc. to really be an herbalist.  What I heard from these messages given to me over the course of a week, when I called them out to our beautiful valley was that right there in front of me was my work.  Teaching shamanic herbalism, the expansive relationship with the plants, the invisible tradition of herbalism is what is mine to do. 

Even now when writing this so that I may share it, I feel vulnerable and scared about sharing.  What is so potent for me about this right now is that I see that the vulnerability is the openness to share exactly what is mine to share.   It is exciting to me that the land spoke to me in phrases, slowly over a week’s time with the synthesis being a potent    program in shamanic herbalism and also the full reclamation of my path in this lifetime.

Twenty years before becoming an herbalist, I became a school teacher.  That too was a calling for me and prepared me to be a teacher of shamanic herbalism.  There are many possibilities for us when we are wondering what our sacred path is.   There are not so many paths that are true for us though.  It is good to find ours. 

May it be in Beauty.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe : A Haven for Healthy Stuffs

Inside Sugarlef is a compendium of anything healthy, from food and non-food products like accesories, supplies and equipments 

Believe it! Healthy can be yummy! that is Sugarleaf 's mantra, affirmation and fiat.  Now you can sustain your healthy lifestyle with the fantastic parade of wide health and wellness food and non-food products at HEALTHY CHOICES, a brand of foods that nourish by Sugarleaf.

Browsing at the menu, I like what I saw and read, everything is so healthy from sandwiches, goody wraps, salads, soups, pasta, snacks, smoothies to coffees. I Will defitely go back to try some more of thier food products and browse more of their non-food products and of course share and recommend to friends. The Makati store and cafe located in MEDICARD Lifestyle Center, a health facility and clinics, so clients can have an access and exposure to these healthy choices. Check out some of their Menu:  Sandwiches and Wraps .

Breville and Matstone are stars in juicing and raw food preparation.

Non-food products: Low Speed Multi-purpose Juicers from Matstone, more than just Juicers, check this out.

Try visiting the Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe and taste their delicious healthy offering, an all day menu that slims you down, energises, detoxifies and more.Take out orders also available ( for pick up only, not for delivery).

Makati Store: G-2/F MEDICARD Lifestyle Center, 51 Paseo De Roxas cor. Se. Gil Puyat avenue, Urdaneta Village, Makati City
Tel. 812 7323
Greenhills Store: G/F Health Cube Building, 226 Wilson Street, West Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila
Tel./Fax: 661 6639 , 570 0878
E-mail: info@sugarleafph.com
Facebook: SugarleafPH
Twitter: @Sugarleafph

Awesome Finds @ Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe: Lola Conching's All Natural Coco Nectar Vinegar

Lola Conching's Vinegar is  great for salads, dips,  sauces, marinating, cooking and household use

Tried and tested many times over, I just love these lines of vinegars from Lola Conching Brand from SFE (Sorsogon Foods Enterprises).  This is not new to me since I'm using it already, way back  I discovered it from some food and health expo. I'm just delighted to see them at Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe.

Certified organic, all natural, pure, naturally fermented, aged like wine, 100 % chemical free, an amazing treasure from the "Tree of Life", and proudly Philippine made. Aren't we glad and fortunate that these kind of product and commitment still exist today? Commercial vinegars in supermarkets, in wet markets and even in my native province of Bulacan are so commercialized and added a chemical that smells like vinegar, the acetic acid and there's a lot of fake vinegars so frustrating. That's why I buy  only from reputable brands with commitment for quality. Vinegars are not only for cooking but it has a lot of medicinal properties depending on the source and preparation. Naturally fermented has more probiotics (good bacteria),  live enzymes, minerals and essential elements such as Potassium. Medicinal value such as: Cancer-fighting antioxidants, natural appetite suppressants, reduces cholestrol to prevent heart disease, lowers glycemic index of food, helps retards osteoporosis, helps cure many ailments, from dandruff, athlete's foot to acne and sinus congestion.

I have been using apple cider vinegar (ACV) as an elixir or health tonic and energy drink, but since this came out, I switched to Lola Conching, for the reason that it is much more cost-effective, same quality and potassium content as ACV and proudly Philippine made, something we should support, buy and go local, patronize those  who are committed to the quality and purity of their products.

Naturally fermented and raw vinegars are alkaline, since it is rich in alkalizing minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium and nmagnesium. Whenever I have a clogged nose or on a diet, there's always a vinegar around. I use this also for a facial (whenever I have a chance), hair tonic and muscle relaxant for my tired feet and legs, it even cured my acid reflux and much more, just make sure you are using the plain and without flavor when use externally.

Honey Vinegar cocktail
 What is coconut sap or nectar?
It is a sweet juice or sap that drips from a newly formed coconut flower bud or unopened baby flowers . These sweet "drippings" are the same nectar that honeybees sip from from the flowers and turn them into honey in their beehives.

Some of the Lola Conching's Specialty flavors available (in 750 ml and 350 ml glass bottles): Classic Vinegar; Virgin Vinegar (with mother-of-vinegar) ; Vinegar with Garlic; Vinegar with Chili and Ginger and the Vinegar with wild Honey which is my favorite. 

Sorsogon Foods Enterprises (SFE)
20 Julius St., Don Jose heights, Commonwealth, Quezon City
Tels. (63-2) 427 2227 / 9330 9859 (telefax)
Mobile: 0918 634 6010
E-mail: sorsogonfoods@yahoo.com
Plant: Bgy. San rafael, Fabrica, Bulan, Sorsogon, Philippines 
Contact: Ms. Linda Rebosura Corsiga (Owner/General Manager)

Available at Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe:

Makati Store: G-2/F MEDICARD Lifestyle Center, 51 Paseo De Roxas cor. Se. Gil Puyat avenue, Urdaneta Village, Makati City
Tel. 812 7323
Greenhills Store: G/F Health Cube Building, 226 Wilson Street, West Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila
Tel./Fax: 661 6639 , 570 0878
E-mail: info@sugarleafph.com
Facebook: SugarleafPH
Twitter: @Sugarleafph

Juice Therapy: The Healing Juices

I attended a workshop on Juice Therapy by Rman Lorenzo at the Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe. Rman is well versed when it comes to juicing, he is the juice man! He mentioned about Gerson Therapy, Ayurveda and Macrobiotic, Cohen, Blood type diet which I am also familiar with since I've studied them, so I can relate. 

Juice therapy is becoming a trend and I just hope it's not just a fad. We are living in a toxic world, regular cleansing, detox and nourishing should be a part of our lifestyle, and juice therapy will be our friend in this century.

Rman points out that we can make juice therapy and vegan choices without compromising the taste, so far all the juices ( a mixture of vegetables and fruits) I have tasted during the event was really good. We sampled the Vegan Choco drink, a mixture made of cashew milk (made by blending soaked cashew nuts), organic cocoa and coconut sugar . I learned that cashew can be made also into delicious vegan cheese (blend with olive oil, pepper and some herbs). We learned so many tips, recipe on juicing. 

This Maison Jar is beautifully made into
stylish juice bottles that can be carried out in the gym or yoga class
A sample of a recipe
A sample of our meal that day: Camote and potato
with rice balls (mixture of red,brown, sticky and black rice)

Cleans, Detoxify, Slim, Rejuvenate, Energize with Juice Therapy programs, read more:  Body evolution reset programs.

Juice Therapy juices are blended daily and they ensure that the food they serve will fit your lifestyle. Make them your partner inn achieving your health goals and happy you. 

How to extract the juice without leaving the nutrients behind? Use Breville juice extractors. 
The fast juicer is use for fruits, succulents and other vegetables,
 the blender is to puree nuts such as almonds and cashew nuts 
The Matstone Low Speed Multi-purpose Juicer  is a good health investment for juicing your fresh herbs, vegetables and some fruits like berries.
Slow Juicer  is use for leaves and stems such as wheatgrass and maluggay 
Why Juice Therapy?

Rman recommendes to set a goal, a reason and motivation to really appreciate the Juice Therapy. In his case, he is doing it for longevity and good health, to spend more time to his family. Some may be for weight-loss or beauty reasons, but whatever it is, he suggests to have a reason and motivation to keep it sustained.

JUICE THERAPY: Be Yourself,  Be Naturally
Contact them for the next Juice Therapy Workshops and Learning Events Schedules
Facebook: JuiceTherapyPH
0922 849 2154/ 0917 648 8788/ 0917 518 2343 

Available at Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe:

Makati Store: G-2/F MEDICARD Lifestyle Center, 51 Paseo De Roxas cor. Se. Gil Puyat avenue, Urdaneta Village, Makati City
Tel. 812 7323
Greenhills Store: G/F Health Cube Building, 226 Wilson Street, West Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila
Tel./Fax: 661 6639 , 570 0878
E-mail: info@sugarleafph.com
Facebook: SugarleafPH
Twitter: @Sugarleafph

Awesome Finds @ Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe: Hineleban Coffee and Cenyu Probio Chicken

100% Highland Arabica Coffee from Bukidnon, Mindanao

I've met two cool dudes, Jai Ferrer of  Hineleban Coffee and Ian Tristan Madera of Pronic Foods (Food of the Future) both social entrepreneurs in a media preview of Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe. They introduced me to  a great tasting highland coffee and hypoallergenic chicken respectively. 

Hineleban Coffee 100% Highland Arabica Coffee from Bukidnon, Mindanao,  graded Best Arabica in the Philippines by Karen Lo-Tsai, the only Internationally Certified Q-grader in the Philippines. 

Graded Specialty Coffee by Level Ground Coffee, a Canadian Roaster that import specialty coffee from around the world.

Hineleban in Bukidnon tribal culture represents " The spirit of the gathering and giving Mother tree of the rain forest that sustains the cycle of life". In 2008, Hineleban Foundation partnered with Indigenous People (IP) providing them Arabica Coffee growing as their source of livelihood while reforesting, today they are living their role as Custodians of the Rain Forests.

Brewing my Hineleban coffee
Being a coffee drinker myself  ( natural coffee and not instant), organic and natural coffee is the best than instant coffee which is chemically processed and with all the anti-caking, aspartame (3-in-1) and fake aroma that gives coffee a bad name. We should really stay away from 3-in-1 instant coffees in the market today for health reasons, brewing coffee is actually cheaper and safer in the long run.

We have the best coffee, buy and go local, that way we all support our economy. Hineleban as I learned their advocacy and social responsibility is something we can be proud of, this coffee also support our local farmers and environment.  I have been an ally for such causes in the past, one is the flight of cordillera coffee farmers, but that's another story. Having tasted the coffee, I gave my two thumbs up for its great taste, aroma, source, social responsibility and packaging.

*Some coffee tips from yours truly:

  • Don't throw those used coffee grounds away, they can be use as a soil conditioner and fertilizer for your garden. 
  • Used coffee grounds are good exfoliating body scrub as well, just mix them with olive oil or coconut oil.  
  • To preserved the aroma of ground coffee, store them in the freezer if not in use. 
  • If you are grinding your coffee, do not over grind, too much grinding makes your coffee bitter due to release of coffee oil. 


Purchase your Hineleban coffee online at : store.hineleban.org . For every Hineleban Coffeee bag purchased Hineleban Foundation plants a forest tree in your honor. Just enter the ID code with its corresponding GPS coordinates found at the back of each coffee pack on the google maps section of www.hineleban.org to view your tree. 
Love the "eco-friendly" packaging and design

Manolo fortich, Bukidnon, Mindanao, Philippines
Facebook:  Hineleban
For orders please call Renee @  +63 (917) 879 8112

The Cenyu Probio Chicken and Eggs

Now, If you have allergies to chicken, this is probably what you need. I have been telling this quite often that allergies to chicken may be not because of the chicken itself but what is being fed with the chickens. Commercial chickens in the supermarket nowadays are loaded with hormonal feeds, antibiotics and artificial vitamins and minerals that can cause allergic reactions to consumers. Try organic chickens, fed with only vegetables and probiotics like the Cenyu Probio Chickens.  

Cenyu Probio Chicken are specially raised and fed with natural grains, beans and legumes without the addition of arsenic and antibiotics. it's the healthiest grown chicken in the market today. 

Cenyu probio Chicken enjoys the luxury of fresh air, not controlled and conditioned aire supply, so they are healthy and happy chickens. 

Cenyu Probio Chicken breast marinated with salt and pepper
easy to cook, can be fried without oil, just rub with salth and pepper
The result is a tasty, tender and juicy fried chicken breast, it is rarely noticed in the chicken breast to be juicy, plus there is no "lansa" (meaty smell) that you can taste in the chicken, just real goodness of chicken meat. 

Pronic Foods (Food of the Future)
E-mail: futurefoods.manila@gmail.com 
Mobile: +(63) 917 833 3392   I  +(63) 922 862 3372 

Jai Ferrer (www.mypersonalfarmer.net) and Ian Madera of Pronic Foods (Cenyu Chicken) 

Available at Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe:

Makati Store: G-2/F MEDICARD Lifestyle Center, 51 Paseo De Roxas cor. Se. Gil Puyat avenue, Urdaneta Village, Makati City
Tel. 812 7323
Greenhills Store: G/F Health Cube Building, 226 Wilson Street, West Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila
Tel./Fax: 661 6639 , 570 0878
E-mail: info@sugarleafph.com
Facebook: SugarleafPH
Twitter: @Sugarleafph

Saturday 8 March 2014

Awesome Finds @ Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe: AloeCure

99.7 % Certified Organic Extract, Balances Stomach Acidity Naturally.

It was already known that Aloe Vera is one of the wonder and miracle plant today, A key to your good health and longevity.
  • Core benefits of Aloe Cure:
  • Soothes the digestive system
  • Acts as natural acid buffer
  • Aids in balancing your stomach acidity
  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • Maintains blood sugar
  • Enhances the immune system

  • For stomach acidity relief:  take 2 fluid oz with breakfast and dinner
  • For health maintenance: 2 oz during breakfast
I Love this pure organic aloe chunks, only the goodness and pureness of real aloe meat, not your usual aloe vera juice or bits that you buy in the supermarket, this one is real. I dilute it with water to drink, or maybe added to your favorite drinks or fruit juices such as apple, grapes or cranberry, perfect for my pandan juice as well.
Organic Aloe Chunks

Also available in Natural Grape Flavors 500 ml. (16.7 oz)
No charcoal filtering, enzyme degradation and water dilution. Contains more than 99.7% organic aloe extract.
Price: PhP 550.00

Exclusively Distributed by : ORGANIC BASKET
Tel. 888-ALOE (2563)  I 819-ALOE (2563) Mobile: (0919) 991 5207
E-mail: info@aloecurephilippines.com

Available at Sugarleaf Organic Market and Cafe:

Makati Store
G-2/F MEDICARD Lifestyle Center, 
51 Paseo De Roxas cor. Se. Gil Puyat avenue, Urdaneta Village, Makati City
Tel. 812 7323

Greenhills Store
G/F Health Cube Building, 
226 Wilson Street, West Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila
Tel./Fax: 661 6639 , 570 0878

E-mail: info@sugarleafph.com
Facebook: SugarleafPH
Twitter: @Sugarleafph