Saturday 26 July 2014


Photo by: Lifestyle and Health. Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) – The Miracle Tree. April 13, 2014.[1]
Common names:
      Benzolive, Drumstick Tree , Horse Radish Tree, Kelor, Marango, Mlonge, Mulangay, Saijhan and Sajna Moringa.[1]
      Arunggai (Pang.), Balungai (P. Bis.), Dool (Bik.), Kamalongan (P. Bis.), Kalamungai (C. Bis.), Kalungai (Bik., Bis., Tag.), Kalunggay (Bik.), Kamalungai (Pamp., Tag.), Komkompilan (Ilk.), Molongai (Tag.), Malungay (Tag.), Malunggue (Pamp.), Malungit (Pamp., Bis.), Maroñgoi (Sbl.), Maruñgaai (Ilk., Ibn.), Drumstick tree (Engl.), Horse-radish tree (Engl.), La mu (Chin.), Ben oil tree (Engl.).[2]

Scientific names:
      Moringa oleifera Linn., Moringa nux-ben Perr., Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn.., Guilandina moringa Linn.[2]

       Moringa oleifera, known popularly as “drumstick tree”, is an herbaceous plant grown for its nutritious leafy-greens, flower buds, and mineral-rich green pods. It is a well-recognized member in the “Moringaceae family” of trees, and thought to be originated in the sub-Himalayan ranges of Indian subcontinent. The plant possesses “horseradish-like root” and, hence, known to the western world as horseradish tree. Their young, tender seed pods are popular as “murnga” in Tamil, and “malunggay” in Philippine.[3]
      This plant grows into a medium sized tree, 4 to 6 m tall. It can be kept to a useful size by regular pruning, and can be trained to grow as a hedge. The name drumstick comes from the distinctive long tapered seedpods that hang from the branches.[2]
     Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae) is a highly valued plant, distributed in many countries of the tropics and subtropics.  It has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value.[8]
     Moringa has been identified as the vegetable with the highest nutritional value among many types of food species studied.[9]

Availability: Drumstick trees are common in Fiji and Kiribati, but can be scarce in other Pacific islands and in northern Australia.[2]
Propagation methods: Plants can be produced from cuttings or seed; seed-derived plants are usually slower to establish but develop a strong root system. Cuttings of mature wood, 200 to 600mm long, planted with at least one-third of the cutting in the soil, are most suitable for propagation.[2]
How to grow: Drumstick trees are not difficult to grow. Once established, the tree is drought tolerant, can survive on shallow soil of poor fertility, will grow in full sun and is wind tolerant. The canopy of cuttinggrown plants can be pruned to increase wind tolerance. If growing conditions are poor, growth will be slower, and leaves smaller with a stronger flavour. For the first two years mulching is recommended, keeping the soil around the tree moist and free of grass and other  weeds.[2]
Threats: Pests and diseases are not usually a problem however root rot can occur if the tree is grown in waterlogged soils.[2]
Harvesting: The leaves should be neatly picked, usually back to the third newest full leaf and ideally in the cooler hours of the day to prevent wilting.[2]
Post-harvest and storage: Full leaves (leaflets plus wiry stalks) should be washed carefully with water of drinking quality or clean seawater. If bundle wrapped in moist paper and kept in a cool location they should store for a day. Leaves can last for up to a week, if placed in an airtight container in a cool room or refrigerator. If the leaves dry they will drop their leaflets and lose their value as a food.[2]
Environment:Originally from India, planted in frost free areas around the world. Naturalized in many areas. Grows best in sand soil, tolerates poor soil. It loves sun and heat and can be grown from seed.[8]

Seed Pods: Immature seed pods are cooked and taken as food. It contains 0% cholesterol and very low fat but rich in dietery fibre,protein, energy, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Folate, Sodium, Pottasium, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Selenium, and Zinc.[10]
Flowers: Soup of flower is a good aphrodisiac. It can also be cooked and taken. Flowers contain Vitamin B, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C, Vitamin A in abundance.[10]
Root: As traditional medicine, roots are used as gargle for painful gums and throat problems.
Roots are ground into paste and applied over glandular swellings.[10]
Leaves: Leaves , flowers and pods is healthy for all.  Include this miraculous food in your diet.[10]

Plant parts utilized:
      Roots[4], Seeds[4], Leaves[2],[4], Flowers[2], Young pods[2].

Picture of the plant’s important parts:
Photos by: [1]seed envy, [2]herbs India, [3]word press, [4]stuartxchange, [5]Dave's garden, [6]Christina Sarich.

Active Constituents:
      Malunggay contains the phytochemical niaziminin, which is found to have molecular components that can prevent the development of cancer cells and correlated with inhibitory ability against superoxide generation. The first naturally-occuring thiocarbamates, novel hypotensive agents niazinin A, niazinin B, niazimicin and niaziminin A and B were isolated from malunggay.[5]
      Different parts of this plant contain a profile of important minerals, and are a good source of protein, vitamins, -carotene, amino acids and various phenolics. The Moringa plant provides a rich and rare combination of zeatin, quercetin, -sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol. In addition to its compelling water purifying powers and high nutritional value, M. oleifera is very important for its medicinal value.[8]
Leaves contain[10]
4 times more Vitamin A than Carrot
4 times more Calcium than Milk
2 times more Iron than Spinach
7 Times more Vitamin C than Oranges
3 times more Potassium than Banana
2 Times more protein than Eggs and Yogurt

Traditional use:
      For centuries, people in many countries have used Moringa leaves as traditional medicine for common ailments. Clinical studies have begun to suggest that at least some of these claims are valid. With such great medicinal value being suggested by traditional medicine, further clinical testing is very much needed. India: Traditionally used for anemia, anxiety, asthma, blackheads, blood impurities, bronchitis, catarrh, chest congestion, cholera, conjunctivitis, cough, diarrhea, eye & ear infections, fever, glandular swelling, headaches, abnormal blood pressure, hysteria, pain in joints, pimples, psoriasis, respiratory disorders, scurvy, semen deficiency,  sore throat, sprain, tuberculosis.[1]
Malaysia: Traditionally used for intestinal worms.[1]
Guatemala:Traditionally used for skin infections and sores.[1]
Puerto Rico: Traditionally used for intestinal worms.[1]
Philippines:Traditionally used for anemia, glandular swelling and Lactating.[1]
     Traditional cultures in various parts of the world have long used Moringa in their herbal medicine repertoire for ailments ranging from gout to various inflammations and fevers.[9]

Therapeutic Activity[6]:
Therapeutic Potential of M. oleifera in Chronic Hyperglycemia
Glucose homeostasis
     Glucose is a major fuel for animal cells. It is supplied to the organism through dietary carbohydrates and, endogenously, through hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. Glucose absorption from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) into blood is regulated by a variety of neuronal signals and enterohormones (incretins), as well as by meal composition and the intestinal flora. Glucose homeostasis reflects a balance between glucose supply and its utilization. Physiologically, this balance is determined by the level of circulating insulin and tissue responsiveness to it. Insulin is secreted by pancreatic islet β cells. It stimulates glucose uptake and utilization by tissues, especially by liver, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue. It also suppresses gluconeogenesis in hepatocytes, while stimulating lipogenesis and inhibiting lipolysis in adipocytes (Gerich, 2000).
     An individual is diagnosed as diabetic when his blood glucose level is chronically ≥126 mg/dL after an overnight fast, and ≥200 mg/dL 2 h after an oral glucose load of 75 g (oral glucose tolerance test, OGTT; Alberti and Zimmet, 1998). Age, genetics, environment, and lifestyle influence the development of this pathology. The relative importance of these factors and their combinatorial effects are not yet fully understood. Two types of DM are commonly recognized: type 1 DM (T1DM) results from autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β cells and represents only 5% of all cases; type-2 DM (T2DM) is the most common form of the disease and the primary concern of this review.
     In its early stages, T2DM is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, due to loss of tissue sensitivity to insulin, and compensatory secretion of the hormone by islet β cells. Its progression involves a complex network of interacting cellular and physiological alterations leading to β cell failure. Glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity are the most commonly invoked mechanisms for this failure (Robertson et al., 2004).
     Glucotoxicity arises from excessive uptake of glucose by islet β cells. The excess sugar drives glycation reactions and the mitochondrial electron transport chain, producing macromolecule-damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS), at levels beyond the antioxidation capacity of the cell. The ensuing oxidative stress impairs insulin synthesis and secretion, and initiates a cascade of cellular events that ultimately lead to apoptosis (Kaneto et al., 2007).
     Lipotoxicity, on the other hand, results in part from the unresponsiveness of adipocytes to insulin, negating the ability of this hormone to stimulate uptake by these cells of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) that result from triglycerides (TG) lipolysis in circulation, and to inhibit lipolysis of endogenous TG to NEFA. Excess plasma NEFA impairs insulin secretion by β cells, stimulates gluconeogenesis by liver, and inhibits glucose disposal by skeletal muscle, further exacerbating hyperglycemia (Stumvoll et al., 2005). NEFA accumulation in the bloodstream is further aggravated by obesity, a condition characterized by an expanded adipose mass. Furthermore, adipose tissues, especially the visceral and deep subcutaneous ones, secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), which also contribute to tissue insensitivity to insulin.
     Impaired TG storage into adipocytes facilitates the formation in the bloodstream of small, cholesterol ester-poor, TG-rich low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles.
Hyperglycemia promotes glycation of these particles, a modification that extends their half-life in circulation. These particles are prone to oxidation and are potent initiators of atherogenesis and its vascular damages (discussed in more detail below). Diabetes-associated neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy are some of the consequences of these damages (Dokken, 2008).
     Underlying these complex physiological changes are molecular alterations in the relative levels of expression and post-translational modifications of a wide variety of gene products, including surface receptors, second messengers and transcriptional factors.

Evidence of anti-hyperglycemic properties of M. oleifera
     Moringa oleifera parts have been used in folk medicine for the treatment of diabetes (Dieye et al., 2008). Five studies aimed at verifying these properties using leaves were identified in the scientific literature: two were conducted in experimental animals (Ndong et al., 2007b; Jaiswal et al., 2009) and three in T2DM patients (William et al.,1993; Kumari, 2010; Ghiridhari et al., 2011). They are summarized in Table ​Table1.

Table 1. Moringa oleifera experimental therapy for chronic hyperglycemia.
Animal studies
     In the study by Ndong et al. (2007b), Goto-Kakizaki (GK) Wistar rats were used as model of DM. GK rats spontaneously develop early glucose intolerance associated with impaired insulin secretion (Bisbis et al., 1993; Abdel-Halim et al.,1995). In an OGTT, overnight fasted Wistar controls or GK male rats were given 2 g/kg of body weight (kg-bw) glucose by oral gavage, without or with 200 mg/kg-bw of M. oleifera leaf powder. To determine blood glucose levels, vein blood was collected before gavage and at different times afterward up to 120 min. Areas under the curves (AUC) were derived from the time courses of these levels. In the absence of treatment, fasting plasma glucose levels (FPG) and their post-prandial levels (PPPG) at 120 min were greater (∼1.4× and 2.2×, respectively) in GK rats than in control rats. Treatment with M. oleifera leaf powder resulted in a lower glycemic response in GK and control rats. However, in GK rats, the treatment reduced AUC values by 23% (P < 0.05); it did not significantly affect these values in control rats. These observations suggested that M. oleifera treatment improves plasma glucose disposal only in the diabetic rats.
     In the study by Jaiswal et al. (2009), prediabetes and diabetes were induced in Wistar rats by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of 55 mg/kg-bw of streptozotocin (STZ), a cytotoxic drug that selectively destroys islet β cells (Like and Rossini, 1976). Based on FPG (mg/dL), STZ-treated rats were classified as sub-diabetic (∼88 mg/dL), mildly diabetic (∼190 mg/dL), and severely diabetic (∼300 mg/dL). A M. oleifera aqueous extract was administered to overnight fasted animals by oral gavage, at 100, 200, or 300 mg/kg-bw. FPG was determined before treatment (baseline) and at various time points post-treatment. An OGTT was conducted 90 min after the last time point. In normal rats, M. oleifera treatment lowered FPG at all doses in time- and concentration-dependent manners. Six hours after administration, 200 mg/kg-bw of M. oleifera extracts lowered FPG by about 26% (P < 0.05), compared to baseline levels or the levels in untreated mice. In an OGTT, at the same dose, a 30% fall in PPPG was observed after 3 h, in normal, sub-diabetic, and mildly diabetic rats. A 21-day treatment of severely diabetic rats with the M. oleifera extract at a daily dose of 300 mg/kg-bw reduced FPG and PPPG by 69 and 51%, respectively, relative to untreated controls. In all the above experiments, the hypoglycemic effect of the plant extract was comparable to that of the anti-diabetic drug Glipizide administered at 2.5 mg/kg-bw.

Human studies
     In a controlled study with untreated T2DM patients, William et al. (1993) examined how M. oleifera addition to a standardized meal, taken after an overnight fast, affected the 1- and 2-h PPPG, relative to the standard meal alone or a 75-g oral glucose load. M. oleifera was compared to bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) and curry leaves (Murraya koenigii). Compared to the glucose load, standard meals with or without vegetable supplements induced a significantly lower rise in PPPG (glycemic response) as derived from AUCs. However, when leaf-supplemented meals were compared to standard meals, only the M. oleifera leaf-supplemented meal elicited a lower response (−21%, P < 0.01). Plasma insulin AUCs did not differ significantly between the two meals, suggesting that the hypoglycemic effect of M. oleifera leaf supplementation was not due to increased insulin secretion.
     Kumari (2010) examined the hypoglycemic effect of M. oleifera leaf dietary consumption over a 40-day period in T2DM patients, 30–60 years of age, not on anti-hyperglycemic medication. The experimental group included 46 subjects, 32 men, and 14 women; the control group of 9 subjects included 4 men and 5 women. Daily meals were comparable among these groups in terms of relative content of food types (e.g., cereals, green leafy vegetables, fruits, etc.) and nutrients (e.g., proteins, fat, fiber, minerals, etc.) as well as calories. The experimental group received a daily dose of 8 gM. oleifera leaf powder. FPG and PPPG at the end of the protocol (final) were compared to baseline levels. Final values did not differ much from baseline in the control group. They were significantly reduced in the experimental group (FPG: −28%, P < 0.01; PPPG: −26%, P < 0.05).
     More recently, Ghiridhari et al. (2011) studied a group of 60 T2DM patients, age 40–58 years, BMI 20–25 kg/m2, on sulfonylurea medication and a standardized calorie-restricted diet. The patients were equally divided into an experimental and a control groups. Patients in the experimental group were prescribed two M. oleifera leaf tablets/day, one after breakfast, the other after dinner for 90 days. M. oleifera leaf powder constituted 98% (w/w) of the tablet content, but the average weight of tablets was not specified, making the total daily dose unclear. Blood glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was measured before and after the regimen. PPPG was determined before the regimen and every 30 days afterward. In the control group, HbA1c and PPPG progressed downwardly with time, but the change was not significant. In the experimental group, in contrast, relative to the baseline, HbA1c decreased by 0.4% point (from 7.8 ± 0.5 to 7.4 ± 0.6; P < 0.01). Compared to the starting levels (210 ± 49 mg/dL), PPPG in the experimental group progressively decreased with treatment duration, by 9% after 30 days, 17% after 60 days, and 29% after 90 days (P < 0.01), indicating that M. oleiferamedication can induce with time better glucose tolerance. However, it should be noted that treatment allocation to patients appear to have not been randomized as baseline values for the two parameters were higher in the experimental group than in the control group, 7.8 ± 0.5 vs. 7.4 ± 0.6% for HbA1c, 210 ± 49 vs. 179 ± 36 mg/dL for PPPG.

Therapeutic Potential of M. oleifera in Dyslipidemia
Lipid homeostasis
     Lipids constitute a major class of hydrophobic constituents of the body. Their main forms are cholesterol, phospholipids (PL), and triglycerides (TG). Lipids are involved in a variety of biological processes, including membrane formation, intracellular and intercellular signaling, as well as energy storage and production. The body derives its lipids from de novo cellular biosynthesis and from nutrition. Cellular biosynthesis of lipids is regulated at the transcriptional level by sterol-regulated element-binding proteins (SREBPs) 1 and 2. SREBP-1 promotes the biosynthesis fatty acids and TG, SREBP-2 that of cholesterol (Horton, 2002).
     Intestinal and plasma lipids are transported by lipoproteins particles. Apolipoproteins (Apo) constitute the protein components of these particles. Lipoproteins vary in density and, depending on their relative contents in TG, cholesterol, and PL, are identified as chylomicrons, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), LDL, intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Lipids are transported by chylomicrons in the intestinal lymphatic system; and, in the bloodstream, by chylomicron remnants, VLDL, LDL, IDL, and HDL (Abeles et al., 1992; Havel and Kane,2001).
     The liver plays a pivotal role in lipid metabolism. It extracts cholesterol from intestinal chylomicrons and excretes it back into the intestines with bile acids. It biosynthesizes TG and cholesterol and packages them as VLDL, that it secretes into the bloodstream. Through the LDL receptor (LDLR), it clears up plasma LDL as well as IDL from VLDL or HDL catabolism. HDL mediates the reverse transport of cholesterol from extra-hepatic tissues to the liver (Havel and Kane, 2001). Liver LDLR levels and its capacity to clear blood LDL are down-regulated by proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin-type 9 (PCSK9), a plasma protein secreted by this organ (Horton et al., 2009).

     Dyslipidemia is a disorder characterized by alterations in the levels and composition of plasma lipids. According to Adult Treatment Panel III (2001), plasma levels ≥200 mg/dL for TC, ≥130 mg/dL for LDL-C, <40 mg/dL for HDL-C, and ≥150 mg/dL for TG are dyslipidemic. Dyslipidemia may result from inborn defects of lipoprotein production or metabolism; but in most cases, it is secondary to an unhealthy lifestyle (e.g., excessive cigarette smoking or alcohol consumption), other health disorders (e.g., obesity, diabetes, infection, obstructive liver disease), or medication (e.g., β blockers, steroids).
     Besides hypertension, chronic dyslipidemia is a major cause of atherosclerosis, a vascular disease affecting blood circulation in the coronary, central, and peripheral arteries. The pathology is initiated by irritation of the arterial endothelium by high level of circulating LDL-C, which leads to overexpression of adhesion and chemoattraction molecules (e.g., vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, intercellular adhesion molecule, P and E selectins, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) to injured sites, and the recruitment and capture of circulating monocytes to these sites. These immune cells penetrate into the sub endothelium and differentiate into tissue macrophages, which take up oxidized LDL (oxLDL) via scavenger receptors (e.g., CD36, scavenger receptor-A), becoming the lipid-laden foam cells characteristic of atheromatous plaques. In response to growth factors, resident vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) proliferate and form a fibrous cap overlying the plaques. The oxidative process that leads to oxLDL production also contributes to atherogenesis, as this modified lipoprotein and its by-products (oxysterols and oxPL) act as monocyte chemoattractants and VSMC mitogens. Clinical complications of this process include a narrowing of the arterial lumen, plaque rupture, and formation of circulating thrombi. These complications could lead to coronary artery disease (CAD), myocardial infarction, thrombo-embolic stroke, and peripheral artery disease (Steinberg, 2002; Libby et al., 2011).
     Over the years, there has been a vigorous debate over the predictive value of plasma LDL-C level as a marker of CVD risk in humans. An emerging view is that the level of non-HDL lipoproteins, also captured in the TC/HDL-C or HDL-C/non-HDL-C ratio, may constitute a better marker, and its reduction a more cogent measure of the efficacy of anti-dyslipidemia therapies (Sniderman et al., 2010; Manickam et al., 2011).

Evidence of anti-dyslipidemic property of M. oleifera
     Five studies were identified in the scientific literature: three were conducted with experimental animals (Ghasi et al., 2000; Chumark et al., 2008; Jain et al., 2010), two with human subjects (Kumari, 2010; Nambiar et al., 2010). They are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. Moringa oleifera experimental therapy for chronic hyperlipidemia.
Animal studies
     Chumark et al. (2008) examined the therapeutic potential of M. oleiferaleaves on dyslipidemia induced in rabbits on a high-cholesterol (5%) diet (HCD) for 12 weeks. By the end of the regimen, relative to rabbits on a normal diet, HCD-fed rabbits experienced several-fold (×) increases in the plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC, 55×), HDL-C (17×), LDL-C (131×), and TG (4×). The diet also caused extensive plaque formation in carotid arteries. When these HCD rabbits were concomitantly fed a M. oleifera aqueous leaf extract, at the daily dose of 100 mg/kg-bw for the duration of the protocol, these increases were reduced: for TC and lipoprotein-cholesterol by about 50%, for TG by 75%, and for carotic plaque formation by 97%. This protective effect was comparable to that of the anti-cholesterol drug simvastatin, given p.o., at a daily dose of 5 mg/kg-bw. Similar results were also obtained with HCD rabbits fed an aqueous extract of M. oleifera fruits (Mehta et al., 2003).
     The anti-dyslipidemic effects of M. oleifera leaves were also examined in rats fed a high-fat diet (HFD). In one study (Ghasi et al., 2000), Wistar rats were fed, for 30 days, a HFD containing 16% (w/w) fat, with or without an aqueous extract of M. oleifera leaves at a daily dose of 1 g/kg-bw. In untreated rats, the diet caused a 30% increase in plasma TC. In treated rats, the increase was reduced to 14%. In another study (Jain et al., 2010), albino rats were fed, for 30 days, a HFD containing 26% fat, with or without a methanolic extracts of M. oleifera leaves at daily doses of 150, 300, or 600 mg/kg-bw. In untreated rats, the diet increased plasma TC (2.4×), LDL-C (7.7×), VLDL-C (1.7×), and TG (1.6×). At the highest dose, M. oleifera treatment reduced these increases to 1.5×, 2.2×, 1.3×, and 1.3×, respectively (P < 0.01). Interestingly, serum HDL-C was unchanged by HFD diet alone; it was increased 2.4× in rats fed leaf extract-supplemented HFD, significantly reducing the TC/HDL-C ratio.

Human studies
     Nambiar et al. (2010) examined the potential anti-dyslipidemic effect ofM. oleifera in 35 hyperlipidemic subjects (TC > 180 mg/dL or TG > 140 mg/dL), 26 men and 9 women. The control and experimental groups consisted of 18 subjects and 17 subjects, respectively. Anthropometric values (age, height, weight, body mass index, waist/hip ratio) within gender were similar between the two groups, as was their daily nutrient intake. The experimental group consumed a daily total of 4.6 g of dehydrated M. oleifera leaves, as four 550-mg tablets twice daily, for 50 days. Plasma lipid profiles were determined before and after the regimen. Compared to the control group, the experimental group experienced a 1.6% fall in plasma TC (P < 0.05) and a 6.3% increase of HDL-C, with non-significant trends toward lower LDL-C, VLDL-C, and TG. However, relative to baseline, final non-HDL-C and TC/HDL-C values decreased by 3.7 and 6.6%, respectively (P < 0.001), indicating that the treatment induced a lesser atherogenic lipid profile.
     In the study of T2DM patients reported by Kumari (2010), the corrective effect of M. oleifera dietary leaves on dyslipidemia was also examined. Compared to the control group, the experimental group receiving 8 g of M. oleifera leaf powder daily for 40 days experienced a significant fall in the plasma levels of TC (−14%), LDL-C (−29%), VLDL-C (−15%), and TG (−14%; P < 0.05 to <0.01). HDL-C increased by 9% (non-significant), but the HDL-C/non-HDL-C ratio increased by 37% (P < 0.01).

Pharmacology of M. oleifera Leaves
Broad-spectrum physiological properties
     Because of the chemical complexity of the M. oleifera medicinal formulations used in the studies reviewed above, their apparent therapeutic effects could be due to the combined actions of various bioactive components found in the plant, including trace metal ions, vitamins, alkaloids, carotenoids, polyphenols, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins (Coppin, 2008; Amaglo et al., 2010). Some compounds may collectively affect broad aspects of physiology, such as nutriment absorption and processing, redox state, or immunity.
Anti-nutrient properties
     Moringa oleifera leaves contain phytosterols such as β-sitosterol (Jain et al., 2010). These compounds can reduce intestinal uptake of dietary cholesterol (Lin et al., 2010). They could partly account for the decrease of plasma cholesterol and the increase of fecal cholesterol observed in rodents treated with M. oleifera leaves (Mehta et al., 2003; Jain et al., 2010). M. oleifera leaf powder also contain about 12% (w/w) fibers (Joshi and Mehta, 2010). Dietary fibers reduce gastric emptying (Bortolotti et al., 2008). They may partly explain the greater stomach content, the improved OGTT response in treated GK diabetic rats (Ndong et al., 2007b), as well as the progressive improvement of PPPG levels in treated T2DM patients (Ghiridhari et al., 2011).
Antioxidant properties
     The viability and functionality of a cell partly depends on a favorable redox state, i.e., on its ability to prevent excessive oxidation of its macromolecules, including DNA, proteins, and lipids (Ryter et al., 2007; Limon-Pacheco and Gonsebatt, 2009). ROS and free radicals are the major mediators of the oxidative process. Cellular inability to reduce ROS leads to oxidative stress. All cells are variably capable of endogenous self-protection against this stress through the actions of enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase, as well as through reducing molecules such as glutathione. Nutritional antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E provide additional protection from the stress (Limon-Pacheco and Gonsebatt, 2009).
     Oxidative stress is widely accepted as a major contributing factor in the pathogenesis of CVD and diabetes (Dhalla et al., 2000; Kaneto et al., 2007; Rodrigo et al., 2011). A recurring explanation for the therapeutic actions of M. oleifera medication is the relatively high antioxidant activity of its leaves, flowers, and seeds (Chumark et al., 2008; Sreelatha and Padma, 2009; Verma et al., 2009; Atawodi et al., 2010). Among the major classes of phytochemicals found in the plant, flavonoids appear to carry most of this activity.

Anti-inflammatory properties
     Inflammation with its wide array of cytokines secreted by immune cells is an integral part of the pathophysiology of obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and diabetes (Rana et al., 2007). Extracts from M. oleifera leaves have been shown to modulate humoral and cellular immunity in rats and mice (Gupta et al.,2010; Sudha et al., 2010). They have exhibited strong anti-inflammatory properties in rodent models of chemically induced inflammation of the paw (Sulaiman et al., 2008; Mahajan and Mehta, 2009). These properties have been more extensively studied with fruit and seed extracts (Cheenpracha et al., 2010; Mahajan and Mehta, 2010; Muangnoi et al., 2011). They may also contribute to the observed anti-atherogenic and anti-diabetic effects of M. oleifera therapy.
Bioactive phytochemicals
     An informative historical account of research in the phytochemistry of M. oleifera prior to 1995 can be found in Saleem’s doctoral thesis available on line (Saleem, 1995). Since then, the research has been expanded and refined, not only on the chemical structures of plant molecules, but also on their nutritional and medicinal properties. Of major medicinal interest are three structural classes of phytochemicals: glucosinolates, flavonoids, and phenolic acids (Saleem, 1995; Bennett et al., 2003; Lako et al., 2007; Manguro and Lemmen, 2007; Coppin, 2008; Amaglo et al., 2010; Kasolo et al., 2010). Their content in M. oleifera leaves varies somewhat with the geographic and climatic conditions under which the plant was grown, as well as with the processing methods for the collected leaves (Bennett et al., 2003; Coppin, 2008; Mukunzi et al., 2011).
     Glucosinolates are characterized by β-thioglucoside N-hydroxysulfate motif (Figure ​(Figure2A).2A). In M. oleifera leaves, most phytochemicals of this class carry a benzyl-glycoside group linked to the single carbon of the motif. The most abundant of them is 4-O-(α-l-rhamnopyranosyl-oxy)-benzylglucosinolate, otherwise known as glucomoringin (Amaglo et al., 2010). Enzymatic hydrolysis of the glucosinolate motif of members of this class leads to the formation of corresponding isothiocyanates, thiocyanates, or nitriles. Several of these by-products have been shown to possess antihypertensive properties (Faizi et al., 1992, 1994, 1998).

Figure 2. Structural motifs and backbones of major phytochemicals found M. oleifera leaves. 
     Flavonoids and phenolic acids are collectively referred to phenolic compounds. The structural skeleton of flavonoids is made of two aromatic rings joined by a three-carbon link; that of the sub-class of flavonols is 3-hydroxy-2-phenylchromen-4-one (Figure ​(Figure2B).2B). Quercetin and kaempferol, in their as 3′-O-glycoside forms, are the predominant flavonols in M. oleifera leaves. The sugar moieties include, among others, rhamnoglycosyl (rutinosides), glucosyl (glucosides), 6′ malonyglucosyl, and 2′-galloylrutinoside groups (Bennett et al., 2003; Manguro and Lemmen, 2007; Amaglo et al., 2010). Biologically, flavonoids are best known for their antioxidant properties, but their metabolic pathways of activity remain to be fully elucidated (Rice-Evans, 2001). Phenolic acids have benzoic acid and cinnamic acid as backbones, with one or several hydroxyl groups (Figure ​(Figure2C).2C). Chlorogenic acid, which is an ester of dihydrocinnamic acid (caffeic acid) and quinic acid, is a major phenolic acid in M. oleifera leaves (Bennett et al., 2003; Amaglo et al., 2010).
     Four of the best-characterized phytochemicals for their therapeutic efficacy in hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, or related physiological conditions are shown in Figure ​Figure3.

Figure 3. Some bioactive phytochemicals found M. oleifera leaves. 
     The flavonol quercetin is found at concentrations as high as 100 mg/100 g of dried M. oleifera leaves (Lako et al., 2007), predominantly as quercetin-3-O-β-d-glucoside also known as isoquercitrin or isotrifolin (Bennett et al., 2003; Atawodi et al.,2010; Figure ​Figure3A).3A). Quercetin is a potent antioxidant (Zhang et al., 2011) with multiple therapeutic properties (Bischoff, 2008). It can reduce hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis in HCD or HFD rabbits (Juzwiak et al., 2005; Kamada et al., 2005). It has shown anti-dyslipidemic, hypotensive, and anti-diabetic effects in the obese Zucker rat model of metabolic syndrome (Rivera et al., 2008). It can protect insulin-producing pancreatic β cells from STZ-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in rats (Coskun et al.,2005). Its hypotensive effect has been confirmed in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled, human study (Edwards et al., 2007).
Chlorogenic acid
     Chlorogenic acid (Figure ​(Figure3B)3B) can beneficially affect glucose metabolism. It has been shown to inhibit glucose-6-phosphate translocase in rat liver, reducing hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis (Hemmerle et al., 1997; Karthikesan et al., 2010a). It was found to lower PPBG in obese Zucker rats (Rodriguez de Sotillo and Hadley, 2002). In OGTT experiments performed on rats or humans, it reduced the glycemic response in both species (van Dijk et al., 2009; Tunnicliffe et al.,2011); in rodents, it also reduced the glucose AUC (Tunnicliffe et al., 2011). Its anti-dyslipidemic properties are more evident as its dietary supplementation has been shown to significantly reduce plasma TC and TG in obese Zucker rats or HFD mice (Rodriguez de Sotillo and Hadley, 2002; Cho et al., 2010) and to reverse STZ-induced dyslipidemia in diabetic rats (Karthikesan et al., 2010b).
     The alkaloid moringinine was initially purified from M. oleifera root bark (Ghosh et al., 1935) and later chemically identified as benzylamine (Chakravarti, 1955; Figure ​Figure3C).3C). It is also present in leaves. This substance was suspected to mediate the hypoglycemic effect of the plant. An early study showed that Wistar rats provided with drinking water containing 2.9 g/L of benzylamine for 7 weeks exhibited a reduced hyperglycemic response in an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT), suggesting improved glucose tolerance (Bour et al., 2005). More recently, the effect was further explored using HFD-fed, insulin-resistant C57BL/6 mice taking an estimated daily dose 386 mg/kg-bw in drinking water for 17 weeks. Compared to untreated controls, these mice gained less weight, had reduced FPG and plasma TC, and were more glucose tolerant (Iffiu-Soltesz et al., 2010).
     Niaziminin (Figure ​(Figure3D)3D) is a mustard oil glycoside initially isolated (along with other glycosides such as niazinin and niazimicin) from ethanolic extracts of M. oleifera leaves, based on their hypotensive properties on Wistar rats. At 1 mg and 3 mg/kg-bw, these compounds caused a 16–22 and a 40–65% fall of mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), respectively (Faizi et al., 1992). Other active isothiocyanate glycosides and thiocarbamates were isolated from the plant using the same bioassay (Faizi et al., 1994, 1998; Saleem, 1995).
Aurantiamide acetate
    This compound was isolated from M. oleifera roots and structurally identified as N-benzoylphenylalanyl phenylalinol acetate (Figure ​(Figure3E).3E). At 25 μM, this unusual dipeptide derivative inhibited by nearly 90% the secretion TNFα and IL-2 from lipopolysaccharide-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes in culture. It had no effect on IL-6 secretion (Sashidhara et al., 2009). This inhibitory activity may contribute to the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant.

     Hydroxyurea (HDU) is an antineoplastic agent that is commonly used in the treatment of Sickle cell disease (SCD).However, the therapeutic value of HDU is limited by its organotoxicity including testicular toxity. It has been shown that free radicals are involved in HDU-induced toxicity. The Application of natural phenolic compounds in the prevention of many pathologic diseases has been reported. Herein, the ability of polyphenolic-rich Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract (MOLE) to protect rat testis against HDU-induced histomorphometric, spermatogenic, and oxidative status impairments were investigated. Three experimental groups of Sprague-Dawley rats were used; MOLE- alone group that received orally MOLE 50 mg/kg body weight (b.w) daily for 90 consecutive days. HDU-alone group that had 25 mg HDU/kg b.w/day/orally for 90 consecutive days. MOLE plus HDU-group that were Moringa oleifera world’s most useful trees is also widely grown in the tropical regions.treated orally for 90 consecutive days with both 25 mg HDU/kg b.w/day and MOLE 50 mg/kg b.w/day. There was also a corresponding control group which had distilled water 2.5 ml/kg b.w/day/orally for 90 consecutive days. Our results demonstrated that co-treatment with MOLE protected the testis against the morphologic, spermatogenic and oxidative status changes induced by HDU. Industrial relevance: Hydroxyurea is commonly used in management of sickle cell disease. The use of this drug is however limited by its organotoxicity including testicular damage. The present study therefore explores the ability of extract of Moringa oleifera. Leaves to prevent testicular damage during HDU therapy with a view of providing base line information on its possible use as an adjunct in future treatment regimes.

[1] Dolcas Biotech LLC. (2006-2008). Nutritional Values of Moringa Leaves. Moringa: fresh leaf vs. dried leaf.
[2] StuartXchange. August (2011). Malungay. Philippine Medicinal Plants.
[3] Umesh Rudrappa. (2009-14). Moringa Nutrition Facts. Power Your Diet: Your Guide to Healthier Nutrition.
[4] Luke Coutinho. (2013) Our Herbs. Herbs India: Pure Nutrition, Natural Treasures.
[5]Mr. Adolf Victoria Ortega. (2010). food supplement: malunggay. Interchemex laboratories, inc.
[6] Shamsuddeen Rufai, M. M. Hanafi, [...], and Jannatul Ferdous. May 21 (2013). Genetic Dissection of New Genotypes of Drumstick Tree (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Marker. BioMed Research International.
[7] L C Saalu, A A Osinubi, A A Akinbami,O E Yama. (2011). Moringa oleifera Lamarck (drumstick) Leaf Extract Modulates the Evidences of Hydroxyurea -Induced Testicular Derangement. International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products.
[8] Green Deane. (2007 - 2014). Moringa, More Than You Can Handle. Eat The Weeds (and other things too).
[9] Fozia Farooq, Meenu Rai, Avinash Tiwari, Abdul Arif Khan and Shaila Farooq. (no date). Moringa oleifera: A plant with multiple medicinal uses and benefits. Moringa Medicinal Benefits.
[10] (no authur). (no date). Medicinal Uses or Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera – Drumstick. Siddham.

Compiled by: Coriento, K. A. R.

Luyang Dilaw

Luyang Dilaw
English Name: Turmeric
Common Name: Luyang Dilaw, Kalawag, Dilaw, Lampuyang, lawag[1]
Scientific Name: Curcuma longa [1]

Family Name: Zingiberidaceae [1]


Luyang dila is a perennial plant with roots or tubers oblong, palmate, and deep orange inside; root-leaves about 2 feet long, lanceolate, long, petioled, tapering at each end, smooth, of a uniform green; petioles sheathing spike, erect, central, oblong, green; flowers dull yellow, three or five together surrounded by bracteolae. It is propagated by cuttings from the root, which when dry is in curved cylindrical or oblong tubers 2 or 3 inches in length, and an inch in diameter, pointed or tapering at the end. [2] It is grown commercially in India and has been since before the written record. Unlike ginger, tumeric rhizome is brightly coloured, yellow as a matter of fact. The colour it produces is deep orange as compared to the canary yellow produced by saffron. It grew in India and was another import item for the Israelites. It was used by all the ancient cultures as both a food colouring and as a medicine. [3]

Part Used:

Active Constituents
Turmeric constituents include the three curcuminoids: Curcumin (diferuloylmethane; the primary constituent and the one responsible for its vibrant yellow colour), demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin, as well as volatile oils (tumerone, atlantone and zingiberone), sugars, proteins and resins. [4]

Traditional Use:
Many South Asian countries use it as an antiseptic for cuts, burns, and bruises, and as an antibacterial agent. In Pakistan, it is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, and as a remedy for gastrointestinal discomfort associated with irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders. In Pakistan and Afghanistan, turmeric is used to cleanse wounds and stimulate their recovery by applying it on a piece of burnt cloth that is placed over a wound. Indians use turmeric, in addition to its Ayurvedic applications, to purify blood and remedy skin conditions. Turmeric paste is used by women in some parts of India to remove superfluous hair. Turmeric paste is applied to the skin of the bride and groom before marriage in some parts of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, where it is believed to make the skin glow and keep harmful bacteria away from the body. Turmeric is currently used in the formulation of several sunscreens. Several multinational companies are involved in making face creams based on turmeric. [5]
Another traditional use of turmeric is as a food colorant and dye for cloth – in both cases a cheaper alternative to saffron. It was and is used in religious ceremonies and offerings – often representing life, purity, and prosperity. [2]

Pharmacologic Activity


Studies have shown that C. longa peel wastes possess antioxidant properties which could probably work by counteracting and or quenching of reactive oxygen species [6]

Alzheimer's Disease
Turmeric possesses multiple medicinal uses including treatment for AD. Curcuminoids, a mixture of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin, are vital constituents of turmeric. It is generally believed that curcumin is the most important constituent of the curcuminoid mixture that contributes to the pharmacological profile of parent curcuminoid mixture or turmeric. A careful literature study reveals that the other two constituents of the curcuminoid mixture also contribute significantly to the effectiveness of curcuminoids in AD Turmeric possesses multiple medicinal uses including treatment for AD. Curcuminoids, a mixture of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin, are vital constituents of turmeric. It is generally believed that curcumin is the most important constituent of the curcuminoid mixture that contributes to the pharmacological profile of parent curcuminoid mixture or turmeric. A careful literature study reveals that the other two constituents of the curcuminoid mixture also contribute significantly to the effectiveness of curcuminoids in AD. [7]

Colon Cancer

A recent study detailed the modulating effect of curcumin on apoptosis in tumors. Curcumin was administered to the test animals at 0.2% and 0.6% level in the diet late in the premalignant stage, during the promotion/progression stage of colon carcinogenesis in male rats. 0.2% curcumin significantly inhibited colon tumorigenesis in treated rats as compared to untreated controls. The inhibition of adenocarcinomas of the colon was found to be dose-dependent. The authors confirmed that the chemopreventive activity of curcumin is observed when it is administered prior to, during and after carcinogen treatment as well as late in the premalignant stage of colon carcinogenesis. [8]

Curcumin was given in different doses to SD rats after 4 weeks of diabetic GI complication induction. At the end of 4 weeks, significant GI dysfunction characterized by weight loss, delayed gastric emptying and intestinal transit associated with reduction in antioxidant enzyme levels and increased lipid peroxidation was observed. [9]
Weight loss
Curcumin was given in different doses to SD rats after 4 weeks of diabetic GI complication induction. At the end of 4 weeks, significant GI dysfunction characterized by weight loss, delayed gastric emptying and intestinal transit associated with reduction in antioxidant enzyme levels and increased lipid peroxidation was observed. [10]
Due to its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, it is not surprising that Turmeric is now being used as an effective natural remedy for Arthritis pain. Therefore, taking 500mg to 1000mg Turmeric capsules three times per day may provide significant relief from osteoarthritis pain. [10]

Since turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, it can help reduce the inflammation associated with asthma. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk, and drink this mixture as an effective asthma home remedy. [10]

Cardiovascular disease
Age-related cardiovascular decline in postmenopausal women is characterized, in part, by increased left ventricular afterload, an indication of vascular dysfunction and hypertension. An 8 week pilot study randomized 45 postmenopausal women to one of four interventions: placebo, 150mg curcumin, exercise training plus placebo or exercise training plus curcumin. [11]

 Gastrointestinal and Respiratory disorder
The crude extract of turmeric (Cl.Cr), relaxed the spontaneous and K+ (80 mM)-induced contractions in isolated rabbit jejunum as well as shifted the CaCl2 concentration-response curves. In rabbit tracheal preparation, Cl.Cr inhibited carbachol and K+-induced contractions. Activity directed fractionation revealed that the vasodilator and vasoconstrictor activities are widely distributed in the plant with no clear separation into the polar or non-polar fractions. When used for comparison, both curcumin and verapamil caused similar inhibitory effects in all smooth muscle preparations with relatively more effect against K+-induced contractions and that both were devoid of any vasoconstrictor effect and curcumin had no effect on atria. These data suggest that the inhibitory effects of Cl.Cr are mediated primarily through calcium channel blockade, though additional mechanism cannot be ruled out and this study forms the basis for the traditional use of turmeric in hyperactive states of the gut and airways. Furthermore, curcumin, the main active principle, does not share all effects of turmeric. [12]

Testicular Damage
The study demonstrated protective effects of low concentrations (1–50 μM) of curcumin on mouse sperm motility in vitro and on DEHP-induced damage of seminiferous tubules in testes and its ability to diminish the decrease in sperm motility in vivo. In contrast, curcumin used in high concentration (100 μM) decreased sperm motility and viability in vitro. The effects of curcumin were dependent on its concentration. In male germ cells in vivo the protective effect was seen despite the low bioavailability of curcumin. In contrast, high, unattainable in the organism, concentration of curcumin had a cytotoxic effect on male reproductive cells in vitro. Curcumin also had a protective effect against the harmful impact of DEHP on the male reproductive system. [13]


Precautions: Turmeric should be limited in women trying to get pregnant and should be avoided entirely hen pregnant. It should also be avoided by people with congestive heart failure. [14]

It has very low toxicity, too. As the global scenario is now changing towards the use of non-toxic plant products having traditional medicinal use, development of modern drugs from turmeric should be emphasized for the control of various diseases. Further evaluation needs to be carried out on turmeric in order to explore the concealed areas and their practical clinical applications, which can be used for the welfare of mankind. [15]

  2. Alter, Dean : Turmeric :
  3. (2010) Doctor Schar :
  4. Yadav D, Yadav SK, Khar RK, Mujeeb M, Akhtar M. (2013): Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.): A promising spice for phytochemical and pharmacological activities. :;year=2013;volume=7;issue=2;spage=85;epage=89;aulast=Yadav
  5. Sahdeo Prasad and Bharat B. Aggarwal (2011): Turmeric, the Golden Spice: Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition. :
  6.    M. Chethankumar, N. Anand, N.S. Gangadhara (11-2010) “Isolation and characterization of an antioxidant protein from turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) peel waste: A new biological source”, in Journal of Pharmacy Research. LA: Association of Pharmaceutical Innorvators. :,000I.U.-and-Cytotoxicity-of-Selected-Philippine-Medicinal-Plants.pdf
  7. Touqeer Ahmed and Anard- Hassan Gilani (07-19-2013) : Therapeutic Potential of Turmeric in Alzheimer's Disease: Curcumin or Curcuminoids?
  8. Sabinsa Corporation : (2009) :Curcumin C3 Complex 
  9. Nitin Indarchandji Kochar, Kshitija Gonge, Anil V. Chandewar, C. D. Khadse : (2014) :Curcumin ameliorates gastrointestinal dysfunction and oxidative damage in diabetic rats: Internationa Journal o Pharmacological Research:
  10. Apo Celestina de Alex (2013) : Health Benefits of Turmeric (Luyang Dilaw) :
  11. Sugawara J, Akazawa N, Miyaki A, Choi Y, Tanabe Y, Imai T, Maeda S. (06-2012): Effect of endurance exercise training and curcumin intake on central arterial hemodynamics in postmenopausal women: pilot study. Am J Hypertens.: Turmeric (Curcma longa) :
  12. Anwarul Hassan Gilani, Abdul Jabbar Shah, Muhammad Naeel Ghayur, Kashif Majeed(2005) :Pharmacological basis for the use of turmeric in gastrointestinal and respiratory disorders : Life Sciences:
  13. Kataryza Glombik, Agnieszka basta-Kaim, Marta Sikora- Polaczek, Marta Kubera, Gabriela Starowicz, Jozefa Styma, (2014) :Curcumin influences semen quality parameters and reverses the di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)-induced testicular damage in mice : Pharmacological Reports :
  14. Specialty Herb Store :
  15. Hamid Nasri, Najmeh Shahinfard, Mortaza Rafieian, Samira Rafieian, Maryam Shirzad, Mahmoud Rafieian : (2014) : TURMERIC: A SPICE WITH MULTIFUNCTIONAL MEDICINAL PROPERTIES : Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology :

Compiled By: Casuyon, Mel Rose S. 



Nim (Tag., Engl.) [1]
Margosa tree (Engl.) [1]
Indian Lilac (Engl.) [1]

 Azadirachta indica [2]

Meliaceae [3]


  •  The Neem Tree is evergreen and can reach heights of about 15 -30 m. The trunk of the Neem Tree is straight. The texture of the trunk is hard and scaly. It has wide spreading branches with dense clusters of leaves. During extreme dry conditions the Neem Tree sheds all the leaves.[3]
  • The leaves of the Neem Tree are arranged in a comb like structure called as the “pinnate” arrangement. The pinnate leaves are arranged opposite to each other on a long stalk. The leaves of the Neem Tree are 20-30 cm long.[3]
  • The flowers are found in large clusters called “inflorescence”. Each inflorescence bears about 150 -250 flowers. The individual flower itself is very small. They are white in color and have a strong fragrance.[3]
  • The fruit of the Neem Tree is oval to round in shape and smooth just like the Olive fruit. This fruit is edible but bitter in taste. It has one elongated seed and rarely two to three seeds. [3] Neem is a tree. The bark, leaves, and seeds are used to make medicine. Less frequently, the root, flower, and fruit are also used.

  • Neem leaf is used for leprosy,eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms,stomach upset, loss of appetite,skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever,diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis), and liver problems. The leaf is also used for birthcontrol and to cause abortions.                                                                                                                                                        The bark is used for malaria, stomach and intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, pain, and fever.

    The flower is used for reducing bile, controlling phlegm, and treating intestinal worms.

    The fruit is used for hemorrhoids , intestinal worms, urinary tract disorders, bloody nose, phlegm, eye disorders, diabetes, wounds, and leprosy.

    Neem twigs are used for cough, asthma, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, low sperm levels, urinary disorders, and diabetes. People in the tropics sometimes chew neem twigs instead of using toothbruseh, but this can cause illness; neem twigs are often contaminated with fungi within 2 weeks of harvest and should be avoided.

    The seed and seed oil are used for leprosy and intestinal worms. They are also used for birth control and to cause abortions.

    The stem, root bark, and fruit are used as a tonic and astringent.

    Some people apply neem directly to the skin to treathead lice, skin diseases, wounds, and skin ulcers; as a mosquito repellent; and as a skin softener.

    Inside the vagina neem is used for birth control.

    Neem is also used as an insecticide.[4]


NEEN TREE (figure1) [5]

BARK  (figure2) [6]

LEAVES (figure3) [7]

    SEEDS(figure4) [8]

  FLOWERS(figure5) [9]

  FRUITS(figure6) [10]


From the seed is produced a bitter fixed oil, nimbidin, known as "Oil of Margosa" or neem oil. Neem seeds yield a fix oil of glycerides and bitter compounds including nimbin, nimbinin and nimbidol. Neem bark and leaves contain tannin and oil.Azadirachtin, the insecticide constituent of the seeds, is biodegradable, non-mutagenic, and nontoxic to birds, fish, and warm-blooded animals. The EPA has approved a neem formulation (Margosan-O) as a pesticide for limited use on nonfood crop Antiinflammatory (nimbidin, sodium nimbidate, gallic acid, catechin, polysaccharides) Antiarthritic, hypoglycemic, antipyretic, hypoglycemic, diuretic, anti-gastric ulcer (nimbidin) Antifungal (nimbidin, gedunin, cyclic trisulfide) Antibacterial (nimbidin, nimbolide, mahmoodin, margolone, margolonone, isomargolonone) Spermicidal (nimbin, nimbidin) Antimalarial (nimbolidfe, gedunin, azadirachtin) Antitumor (polysaccharides)Immunomodulatory (NB-II peptoglycan, gallic acid, epicatechin, catechin) Hepatoprotective (aqueous extract of neem leaf)Antioxidant (neem seed extract)[1]

Various parts of the neem tree have been used as traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India. Neem oil and the bark and leaf extracts have been therapeutically used as folk medicine to control leprosy, intestinal helminthiasis, respiratory disorders, constipation and also as a general health promoter. Its use for the treatment of rheumatism, chronic syphilitic sores and indolent ulcer has also been evident. Neem oil finds use to control various skin infections. Bark, leaf, root, flower and fruit together cure blood morbidity, biliary afflictions, itching, skin ulcers, burning sensations and pthysis.[11]


  • Biological and pharmacological activities attributed to different parts and extracts of these plants include antiplasmodial, antitrypanosomal, antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral, larvicidal and fungicidal activities. Others include antiulcer, spermicidal, anthelminthic, antidiabetic, anti-implantation, immunomodulating, molluscicidal, nematicidal, immunocontraceptive, insecticidal, antifeedant and insect repellant effects.[12]

  • Neem leaf and its constituents have been demonstrated to exhibit immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycaemic, antiulcer, antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties.[13]
    » IntroductionTop

    Azadirachta indica A. Juss. synonymous with Melia azadirachta and Melia indica (A. Juss) belongs to the family Meliaceae. In English, it is called the Indian Lilac, neem tree or margosa. Vernacular names are neem or nim (Hindi, Urdu), neeb (Arabic), azad dirakht (Persian) and Nimba (Sanskit). Azadirachta indica is indigenous to the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. Medicinal properties of the oil are attributed to the presence of bitter principles of the odorous compounds. The seeds contain about 20% oil.

    Our study aimed at testing the antifungal effects of 10 different solvent extracts of the neem seed kernels against Candida sps. This yeast like fungus is part of the normal flora of the mucous membranes, in the respiratory, gastrointestinal and female genital tracts. Under conditions like immunosuppression, diabetes mellitus, indwelling urinary or intravenous catheters, intravenous narcotic abuse, administration of corticosteroids or antimicrobials that alter the normal flora, infection with Candida occurs. Most commonly infection occurs in the mouth (oral thrush), female genitalia (vulvovaginitis), nails (paronychia) and skin, principally warm moist parts of the body such as the axillae, intergluteal folds, groin, or inframammary folds.

    The 15 isolates of Candida species tested were those from patients infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

     » Materials and MethodsTop

    Dried neem seeds were obtained from native medical shops. The seeds were authenticated as those of Azadirachta indica A. Juss by the Department of Botany, Presidency college, University of Madras. The solvents chosen to extract the neem seeds were hexane, methanol, chloroform, water, petroleum ether, 5% dimethylsulfoxide, dichloromethane, acetone, methanol: chloroform: water (12:5:3) and absolute alcohol. The seed kernels of healthy neem seeds were surface sterilized with spirit and dried. They were then cut with sterile scissors and dropped into the solvent. The seed weight:solvent ratio was taken as 1:10.The seeds were allowed to soak in the solvent for 8 days at room temperature. The solvent was then filtered through a Whatman filter paper (No.1) to remove the coarse seed material, into pre-weighed sterile containers. The vials were covered with filter paper and the solvent was allowed to evaporate. The weight of the residue was calculated (weight of the vial plus extract minus the weight of the empty vial) and the extracts were refrigerated. A successive extraction procedure was also attempted with the seed kernels in hexane, followed by chloroform and finally extraction with methanol each for 48 h, respectively.

    As the extracts were mostly oily or waxy, they were immiscible in the test broth. Several methods were tried to make a uniform suspension of the oil in broth using Tween 20, chloroform, petroleum ether: ethanol, gum acacia, benzene and methanol.

    The 15 isolates of Candida species tested were those from patients infected with HIV.

    Anticandidal activity of the extracts was tested by measuring the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) by the broth dilution method. An amount of 2 ml of diluent solvent (petroleum ether:alcohol) was added to each vial containing extract and from this stock solution various volumes were drawn for the MIC assay such that in each volume the concentration of extract was 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 and 0.0625 mg. Mueller Hinton broth was used in this assay. The highest dilution of extract, at which inhibition of test organism was observed, was recorded as the MIC. Aliquots from each of the tubes were subcultured onto Saboraud's dextrose agar (SDA) and incubated overnight. Minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of the extracts was read as the highest dilution of extract that showed no growth on SDA. Fluconazole was used as the antifungal control and the MIC breakpoints of which are ( < 8 µg sensitive, 16-32 µg susceptible dose-dependent, > 64 µg resistant).

     » ResultsTop

    During extraction, we encountered repeated contamination of aqueous and 5% DMSO extracts on overnight soaking of the seed material in solvent. Hence, these extracts were not used. Extracts with hexane, chloroform and acetone gave pale yellow oil. Thick yellow oil was obtained from dichloromethane and methanol:chloroform:water extracts and waxy or greasy extracts were obtained with methanol. Pale yellowish white extracts were obtained on extraction with ethanol. The w/w yield of the extract fell in the range of 30-40% of the dried seed weight.

    Oil or wax, dissolved best in equal quantities of petroleum ether: ethanol (1:1) and was uniformly distributed in the broth. The solvent control was non-toxic to Candida sps. The disc diffusion method was not a reliable antimicrobial testing method, as the oil did not diffuse well into the medium.

    The direct hexane and ethanol extracts of the seed kernels were the best, inhibiting more than 13 out of 15 strains. [Table1] The ethanol extract of the neem seed kernel and that of the commercial oil showed similar activity. All strains were resistant to chloroform obtained by the successive extraction method and methanol: chloroform: water extracts. However, 9 out of 15 strains were inhibited by a direct chloroform extract. All other extracts showed satisfactory inhibition at concentrations at or below 1 mg/ml. Out of the 15 strains tested against the antifungal control fluconazole, 8 were sensitive, 2 were resistant and 5 were susceptible-dose dependent. A comparison of the activities of all the extracts has been made in.

     » DiscussionTop

    The neem seed kernel yields an acrid bitter greenish yellow to brown fixed oil (40-48.9%) known as 'Oil of Margosa' with a strong disagreeable garlic odor. Oil is extracted in local presses from the seeds and is sold for native medicine purposes.

    Medicinal properties of the oil are attributed to the presence of bitter principles and odorous compounds. Neem oil is used to treat certain chronic skin diseases, ulcers, different types of metritis, leprosy, gum and dental troubles. Some studies have shown that neem has antifungal properties especially against dermatophytes. The seed oil is said to be non-mutagenic. However, seed oil intoxication has been reported at oral doses of 5-30 ml displaying symptoms of Reyes syndrome ruling out ingestion of the oil for medicinal purposes.

    Candida sps. are opportunistic fungal pathogens that usually infect immuno-compromised, immunosuppressed and diabetic patients causing a spectrum of infections like oral thrush, intestinal candidiasis, vaginal thrush, onychomycosis, etc.

    This study aimed at assaying the efficacy of 10 different solvent extracts of the seed kernels against 15 strains of Candida isolated from immunocompromised patients. The extracts were rated based on the number of strains of Candida inhibited at concentrations of 1 mg/ml or less. Among the extracts tested, the best activities were observed using direct ethanol extracts of the seed and the commercially available seed oil. Alcohol extraction done after hexane extraction showed lesser activity. Direct chloroform extracts were also inhibitory but chloroform extraction of the seed after hexane extraction showed no activity indicating that an active component was extracted by hexane. Dichloromethane, acetone and petroleum ether extracts inhibited fewer strains. Methanol: chloroform:water extracts showed no activity. Direct ethanol extracts of neem seed and ethanol extract of the commercial neem oil obtained from native medicine suppliers inhibited similar number of strains.

    Neem seed extracts such as those of hexane and ethanol could be potential anticandidal agents. In vivo studies could show whether they could be useful in treating nail and skin infections with Candida sps. Since neem oil is used intravaginally as an abortifacient, spermicide, and antimicrobial agent in sexually transmitted diseases, studies could also be done on the use of these seed extracts in treating vaginal candidiasis. NIM-76 a fraction of neem seed oil has been shown to have spermicidal and antimicrobial activities. However, neem seed oil is toxigenic when given orally. Further studies might throw light on the systemic toxicity of the solvent extracts of the neem seed.

     » ConclusionTop

    Azadirachta indica is a valuable plant source of medically useful compounds that has been used in several traditional drug preparations. The antimicrobial activities of the plant have not been extensively documented. Three of our solvent-derived extracts showed good anticandidal activity. Further ethnopharmacognostic studies and antimicrobial investigations might identify newer compounds which may have better antimicrobial properties.[20]
  •  Various chemical agents have been evaluated over the years with respect to their antimicrobial effects in the oral cavity; however, all are associated with side effects that prohibit regular long-term use. Therefore, the effectiveness of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) leaf extract against plaque formation was assessed in males between the age group of 20–30 years over a period of 6 weeks. Present study includes formulation of mucoadhesive dental gel containing Azadirachta indica leaf extract (25 mg/g). A 6-week clinical study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of neem extract dental gel with commercially available chlorhexidine gluconate (0.2% w/v) mouthwash as positive control. Microbial evaluation of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacilli species was carried out to determine the total decrease in the salivary bacterial count over a period of treatment using a semi-quantitative four quadrant streaking method. The results of the study suggested that the dental gel containing neem extract has significantly (P<0.05) reduced the plaque index and bacterial count than that of the control group.[21]

  •  In our experiments 30 hypoglycaemic medicinal plants (known and less known) have been selected for thorough studies from indigenous folk medicines, Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha systems of medicines. In all the experiments with different herbal samples (vacuum dried 95% ethanolic extracts), definite blood glucose lowering effect within 2 weeks have been confirmed in alloxan diabetic albino rats. Blood glucose values are brought down close to normal fasting level using herbal samples at a dose of 250 mg/kg once, twice or thrice daily, as needed. While evaluating comparative hypoglycaemic activity of the experimental herbal samples, significant blood glucose lowering activities are observed in decreasing order in the following 24 samples—Coccinia indica, Tragia involucrata, G. sylvestre, Pterocarpus marsupium, T. foenum-graecum, Moringa oleifera, Eugenia jambolana, Tinospora cordifolia, Swertia chirayita, Momordica charantia, Ficus glomerata, Ficus benghalensis, Vinca rosea, Premna integrifolia, Mucuna prurita, Terminalia bellirica, Sesbenia aegyptiaca, Azadirachta indica, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii, Zingiber officinale, Aegle marmelos, Cinnamomum tamala, Trichosanthes cucumerina and Ocimum sanctum. Present studies besides confirming hypoglycaemic activities of the experimental herbal samples, help identify more potent indigenous hypoglycaemic herbs (in crude ethanolic extract) from the comparative study of the reported experimental results.[22]
    The effect of Azadirachta indica extract on gastric ulceration was studied in albino rats. Azadirachta indica extract (100–800 mg/kg p.o., 100–250 mg/kg i.p.) significantly inhibited gastric ulceration induced by indomethacin (40 mg/kg). Administration of 800 mg/kg p.o. and 250 mg/kg i.p. caused 100% cytoprotection against indomethacin (40 mg/kg, i.p.)-induced gastric ulceration. This action was accompanied by a dose-dependent decrease in total gastric acidity. In order to investigate the probable mechanism of Azadirachta indica antiulcer activity, the effect of the extract alone and in combination with histamine (1 mg/kg) and cimetidine (0.12 mg/kg) on gastric acid secretion in situ was studied. Azadirachta indica (250 mg/kg) significantly inhibited the basal and histamine-induced gastric acid secretion. Cimetidine seemed to augment Azadirachta indica inhibition of gastric acid secretion.
    The results suggest that the stem bark extract of Azadirachta indica possesses antiulcer agents, which probably act via histamine H2 receptor.[23]
  •  We have shown earlier that Neem (Azadirachta indica) bark aqueous extract has potent antisecretory and antiulcer effects in animal models and has no significant adverse effect (Bandyopadhyay et al., Life Sciences, 71, 2845–2865, 2002). The objective of the present study was to investigate whether Neem bark extract had similar antisecretory and antiulcer effects in human subjects. For this purpose, a group of patients suffering from acid-related problems and gastroduodenal ulcers were orally treated with the aqueous extract of Neem bark. The lyophilised powder of the extract when administered for 10 days at the dose of 30 mg twice daily caused a significant (p < 0.002) decrease (77%) in gastric acid secretion. The volume of gastric secretion and its pepsin activity were also inhibited by 63% and 50%, respectively. Some important blood parameters for organ toxicity such as sugar, urea, creatinine, serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase, albumin, globulin, hemoglobin levels and erythrocyte sedimentation rate remained close to the control values. The bark extract when taken at the dose of 30–60 mg twice daily for 10 weeks almost completely healed the duodenal ulcers monitored by barium meal X-ray or by endoscopy. One case of esophageal ulcer (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and one case of gastric ulcer also healed completely when treated at the dose of 30 mg twice daily for 6 weeks. The levels of various blood parameters for organ toxicity after Neem treatment at the doses mentioned above remained more or less close to the normal values suggesting no significant adverse effects. Neem bark extract thus has therapeutic potential for controlling gastric hypersecretion and gastroesophageal and gastroduodenal ulcers.[25]

  •  Hypoglycaemic effect was observed with Azadirachta indica when given as a leaf extract and seed oil, in normal as well as diabetic rabbits. The effect, however, was more pronounced in diabetic animals in which administration for 4 weeks after alloxan induced diabetes, significantly reduced blood glucose levels. Hypoglycaemic effect was comparable to that of glibenclamide. Pretreatment with A. indica leaf extract or seed oil administration, started 2 weeks prior to alloxan, partially prevented the rise in blood glucose levels as compared to control diabetic animals. The data suggests that A. indica could be of benefit in diabetes mellitus in controlling the blood sugar or may also be helpful in preventing or delaying the onset of the disease.[26]
  •  Study of neem oil by oral route in rats and rabbits showed dose-related pharmacotoxic symptoms along with biochemical and histopathological indices of toxicity, with the changes in the lungs and CNS as target organs of toxicity.[1]

  • The seed oil of Azadirachta indica (neem oil) is well known for its medicinal properties in the indigenous Indian system of medicine. Its acute toxicity was documented in rats and rabbits by the oral route. Dose-related pharmacotoxic symptoms were noted along with a number of biochemical and histopathological indices of toxicity. The 24-h LD50 was established as 14 ml/kg in rats and 24 ml/kg in rabbits. Prior to death, animals of both species exhibited comparable pharmacotoxic symptoms in order and severity, with lungs and central nervous system as the target organs of toxicity. Edible mustard seed oil (80 ml/kg) was tested in the same manner to document the degree to which the physical characteristics of an oil could contribute to the oral toxicity of neem oil.[24]
  •  The toxic effects of neem extract and azadirachtin on the brown planthopper,
    Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (BPH) (Homoptera: Delphacidae).
    Senthil Nathan S, Choi MY, Paik CH, Seo HY, Kim JD, Kang SM.
    Plant Environment Division, Honam Agricultural Research Institute (HARI),
    National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Rural Development Administration
    (RDA), #381 Songhak-dong, Iksan, Chonbuk, 570-080, Republic of Korea.
    Extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) are used in the developing world
    for many purposes including management of agricultural insect pests. The effects
    of different neem extracts (aqueous (NSKEaq), ethanol (NSKEeth) and hexane
    (NSKEhex)) on mortality, survival and weight of the brown planthopper,
    Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (BPH) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) third and fourth
    nymphal instars were investigated. When fed rice plants treated with neem
    derivatives in bioassays, the survival of BPH nymphs is affected. Comparisons
    were made with the pure neem limonoid, azadirachtin (AZA) to ascertain its role
    as a compound responsible for these effects. AZA was most potent in all
    experiments and produced almost 100% nymphal mortality at 0.5 ppm and higher
    concentrations. When higher concentrations were applied, the effects appeared
    shortly after treatment and mortality was higher. Many insects died after
    remaining inactive for several days or during prolonged moulting. At lower
    concentrations, if moulting was achieved, disturbed growth and abnormalities
    were then likely to occur in the moulting process. Nymphs that were chronically
    exposed to neem extract showed a reduction in weight (45-60%). The results
    clearly indicate the simple NSKE (aqueous, ethanolic or both), containing low
    concentrations of AZA, can be used effectively to inhibit the growth and survival of BPH.[14]

    • Toxicity of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) formulations for twospotted
    spider mite and Euseius alatus de leon and Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks)
    (Acari: Phytoseiidae)]
    [Article in Portuguese]
    Brito HM, Gondim MG Jr, de Oliveira JV, da Camara CA.
    Depto. Agronomia, Univ. Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros
    s/n, Recife, PE.
    The toxicity of selected commercial formulations of neem on Tetranychus urticae
    Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) and two predatory mites Euseius alatus De Leon and
    Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks) was studied. Topical toxicity was tested with
    the commercial formulations (Natuneem, Neemseto and Callneem) and extract of
    neem's seeds at concentration 1%, compared to the standard acaricide abamectin
    at concentration of 0.3 ml/L and the control treatment (distilled water). Based
    on the best performance against T. urticae through topical contact, the
    formulation Neemseto was selected to be evaluated using different concentrations
    against eggs, and residual and repellent effects on adults of the mites. Egg
    treatment consisted of dipping eggs into Neemseto dilutions and control
    treatment for five seconds. In addition, residual and repellent effects of
    Neemseto for adult mites consisted of using leaf discs dipped into the dilutions
    for five seconds. The toxicity of Neemseto on eggs and adults was greater for T.
    urticae compared to the toxicity observed for the predatory mites. Neemseto was
    repellent for T. urticae and E. alatus when tested at the concentrations of
    0.25, 0.50 and 1.0%, and did not affect P. macropilis. Neemseto using all
    concentrations, while for the predatory mites significant reduction of mite
    fecundity was only observed at the largest concentrations reduced the fecundity
    of T. urticae significantly. So Neemseto, among tested neem formulations,
    performed better against the twospotted spider mite and exhibited relatively low
    impact against the predatory mites studied.[15]

    • Prophylactic dose of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf preparation restricting
    murine tumor growth is nontoxic, hematostimulatory and immunostimulatory.
    Haque E, Mandal I, Pal S, Baral R.
    Department of Immunoregulation and Immunodiagnostics, Chittaranjan National
    Cancer Institute, Kolkata, India.
    Significant restriction of growth of Ehrlich's carcinoma was observed following
    prophylactic treatment on Swiss albino mice with neem leaf preparation (NLP-1
    unit) once weekly for four weeks. Toxic effects of this particular dose (1
    unit), along with 0.5 unit and 2 units of NLP doses, were evaluated on different
    murine physiological systems. One hundred percent of mice could tolerate 4
    injections of 0.5 and 1 unit NLP doses. Body weight, different organ-body weight
    ratios and physical behavior of treated mice remained completely unchanged
    during treatment with different NLP doses. All of these NLP doses were observed
    to stimulate hematological systems as evidenced by the increase in total count
    of RBC, WBC and platelets and hemoglobin percentage. As histological changes as
    well as elevation in serum alkaline phosphatase, SGOT, SGPT were not observed in
    mice treated with three different doses of NLP, the nonhepatotoxic nature of NLP
    was proved. The level of serum urea remained unaltered and normal architecture
    of the cortical and medullary parts of the kidney were also preserved after NLP
    treatment. Increased antibody production against B16 melanoma antigen was
    detected in mice immunized with 0.5 unit and 1 unit of NLP. Number of splenic T
    lymphocytes (CD4+ and CD8+) and NK cells were also observed to be increased in
    mice injected with 0.5 unit and 1 unit of NLP. However, NLP dose of 2 units
    could not exhibit such immunostimulatory changes; NLP mediated immunostimulation
    was correlated well with the growth restriction of murine carcinoma. In other
    words, tumor growth restriction was observed only when mice were injected with
    immunostimulatory doses of NLP (0.5 unit and 1 unit).[16]

    • The toxicity and behavioural effects of neem limonoids on Cnaphalocrocis
    medinalis (Guenee), the rice leaffolder.
    Senthil Nathan S, Kalaivani K, Sehoon K, Murugan K.
    Department of Environmental Engineering, Chonbuk National University, 664-14 1ga
    Duckjin-Dong Duckjin, Jeonju City, Chola buktho, Chonbuk 561 756, Republic of
    Meliaceae plant products have been shown to exert pesticidal properties against
    a variety of insect species. In agricultural pest control programs, such
    products may have the potential to be used successfully as botanical
    insecticides. The effect of the neem (Azadirachta indica) limonoids
    azadirachtin, salannin, deacetylgedunin, gedunin, 17-hydroxyazadiradione and
    deacetylnimbin on the biology and mortality of rice leaffolder larvae was
    investigated. In laboratory experiments, treatment with neem limonoids
    suppressed leaf folding behaviour of C. medinalis. Biological parameters (larval
    duration, pupal duration adult longevity and fecundity) were also affected by
    the treatment. Azadirachtin, salannin, and deacetylgedunin showed high
    bioactivity at all doses, while the rest of the neem limonoids were less active,
    and were only biologically active at high doses. Azadirachtin was most potent in
    all experiments and produced almost 100% larval mortality at 1 ppm
    concentration. These results indicate neem limonoids affect the larval
    behaviour. These effects are most pronounced in early instars.[17]

    • Cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects induced by a non terpenoid polar extract
    of A. indica seeds on 3T6 murine fibroblasts in culture.
    Di Ilio V, Pasquariello N, van der Esch AS, Cristofaro M, Scarsella G, Risuleo
    Biotechnology Biological Control Agency, V. del Bosco, 10--00060 Sacrofano,
    Roma, Italy.
    Neem oil is a natural product obtained from the seeds of the tree Azadirachta
    indica. Its composition is very complex and the oil exhibits a number of
    biological activities. The most studied component is the terpenoid azadirachtin
    which is used for its insecticidal and putative antimicrobial properties. In
    this report we investigate the biological activity of partially purified
    components of the oil obtained from A. indica. We show that the semi-purified
    fractions have moderate to strong cytotoxicity. However, this is not
    attributable to azadirachtin but to other active compounds present in the
    mixture. Each fraction was further purified by appropriate extraction procedures
    and we observed a differential cytotoxicity in the various sub-fractions. This
    led us to investigate the mode of cell death. After treatment with the oil
    fractions we observed positivity to TUNEL staining and extensive
    internucleosomal DNA degradation both indicating apoptotic death. The
    anti-proliferative properties of the neem oil-derived compounds were also
    assayed by evaluation of the nuclear PCNA levels (Proliferating Cell Nuclear
    Antigen). PCNA is significantly reduced in cells treated with a specific
    fraction of neem oil. Finally, our results strongly suggest a possible
    involvement of the mitochondrial pathway in the apoptotic death.[18]

    • Anti-plasmodial activity and toxicity of extracts of plants used in traditional
    malaria therapy in Meru and Kilifi Districts of Kenya.
    Kirira PG, Rukunga GM, Wanyonyi AW, Muregi FM, Gathirwa JW, Muthaura CN, Omar
    SA, Tolo F, Mungai GM, Ndiege IO.
    Department of Chemistry, School of Pure & Applied Sciences, Kenyatta University,
    P.O. Box 43844, Nairobi 00100 GPO, Kenya.
    The methanol and aqueous extracts of 10 plant species (Acacia nilotica,
    Azadirachta indica, Carissa edulis, Fagaropsis angolensis, Harrissonia
    abyssinica, Myrica salicifolia, Neoboutonia macrocalyx, Strychnos heningsii,
    Withania somnifera and Zanthoxylum usambarensis) used to treat malaria in Meru
    and Kilifi Districts, Kenya, were tested for brine shrimp lethality and in vitro
    anti-plasmodial activity against chloroquine-sensitive and chloroquine-resistant
    strains of Plasmodium falciparum (NF54 and ENT30). Of the plants tested, 40% of
    the methanol extracts were toxic to the brine shrimp (LD(50)<100micro/ml), while
    50% showed in vitro anti-plasmodial activity (IC(50)<100microg/ml). The methanol
    extract of the stem bark of N. macrocalyx had the highest toxicity to brine
    shrimp nauplii (LD(50) 21.04+/-1.8microg/ml). Methanol extracts of the rest of
    the plants exhibited mild or no brine shrimp toxicity (LD(50)>50microg/ml). The
    aqueous extracts of N. macrocalyx had mild brine shrimp toxicity (LD(50)
    41.69+/-0.9microg/ml), while the rest were lower (LD(50)>100microg/ml). The
    methanol extracts of F. angolensis and Zanthoxylum usambarense had IC(50) values
    <6microg/ml while the aqueous ones had values between 6 and 15microg/ml, against
    both chloroquine-sensitive and resistant P. falciparum strains. The results
    support the use of traditional herbs for anti-malarial therapy and demonstrate
    their potential as sources of drugs.[19]


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