Tuesday 22 July 2014

Profile: Dr. Philip Nino Tan-Gatue of Acupuncturist Manila

Dr. Philip Nino Tan-Gatue of Acupuncturist Manila
21 July 2014, Nomama Artisanal Ramen, Capitol Commons, Pasig City. Over dinner of Artisanal Ramen, we had an opportunity to meet this awesome guy, a Family Physician with intense training in mainland China on Chinese Acupuncture, a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Dr. Philip Nino Tan-Gatue, a Clinical Assistant Professor at UP-PGH College of Medicine and the Director of Acupuncture Services at Medical City.

Ms. Kathy Kenny introduced us to him to know more about what acupuncture is, since most of her bloggers/media friends are not totally aware of this modality. Acupuncture is very popular in media, we have seen it on the news and movies but probably we want to know more and would like to explore this kind of modality. Since I am very familiar, had tried  and actually endorsing it to my readers, I want to know more about his works and feature him here in my site. 
I am an ally and friend to all doctors out there opening their minds with other healing modalities other than their background and training in western medicine. According to Dr. Tan-Gatue, he uses it as a complementary treatment combining eastern and western, traditional and conventional approach in his treatment protocol. 

I asked him what brought him in the field of acupuncture or motivate him to pursue further studies on this modality, He said it was very special to him because he is looking at that time for a cure in his pain and also for his father with neurological condition. He started with his family, then friends until he gets a lot of referrals, that led him to pursue further trainings abroad.

According to him his specialty is more on the meridian acupuncture and pain management, though he described all types of acupuncturist, different types of needles used, limitations, age limits etc. He patiently answered all the questions thrown at him, explaining every details. I cant wait to try out this Doctor soon in his clinic and blog about my experience ( I will keep you posted). 

Needle sizes and length may vary depending on the meridian points 
During dinner Ms. Kathy Kenny of LifeisKulayful.com dared everyone to try and see who's afraid of the needles. To prepare everyone, Dr. Tan-Gatue did a demonstration unto himself, showing different needle directions and depths, moving and twisting the needles, looks scary at first but it wasn't painful at all, only a tingling and radiating sensation.     

Dr. Philip demonstrate acupuncture to himself 
Acu needle on Mike Laagan  
Lifestyle Blogger Rodel Floredeliz, tried out acupuncture for his shoulder pain, at first he seems afraid of the needle and can't help overreacting during the procedure, then he realized it wasn't painful. 

Rodel Flordeliz during acupuncture session
It was another evening of fun, good food and good conversation, many thanks to Dr. Philip Nino Tan-Gatue and Ms. Kathy Kenny for enlightening us in the beauty and health benefits of Acupuncture.

Rona Beltran, Mike Laagan, Crystal Maramag, Rodel Flordeliz, Rejj Sibayan, Dr. Philip , Moi and Ross del Rosario 

Dr. Tan-Gatue’s clinic can be found at the Family Medicine Clinic (Room 208), which is at the second floor of the Faculty Medical Arts Building of the University of the Philippines Manila -Philippine General Hospital Compound. It is easy to access via Light Rail Transit (LRT) Pedro Gil station.. Please contact Sheena at +639499377888 or landline 708-0000 local 160.
For more details visit his website :  www.acupuncture.net.ph 
Follow and like Facebook page : Acupuncturist Manila


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