Thursday 24 July 2014


Maraotong is an erect,simple or branched,slightly hairy annual herb growing to a height of 30-80 centimeters.Leaves are ovate,3-6 cm. long,shorter than the long stalks with toothed margins.Flowers are sissile,greenish,borne on numerous,lax,erect axillary spikes.Seeds are ovoid and smooth.[1][6][7][8]

Family: Euphorbiaceae[9]

Scientific name: Acalypha indica Linn.[5]

Common name: Indian Acalypha, Muktajhuri, red hot cat nail[11][10]

Plant Parts used: Entire plant

Images for Maraotong

Main Constituents:-Contains an alkaloid, acalyphine. Anthelminthic, cathartic, emetic, expectorant, laxative.[2][5]
-Major phytochemicals identified are acalyphine, cyanogenic glycoside, inositol, resin, triaetomamine and volatile oils. [3]

Traditional use: Considered to be bitter,acrid,expectorant,purgative,emetic,gastrointestinal irritant and diuretic.[3]

Pharmacologic Activity:-The petroleum ether and ethanol extracts were found to have an anti implantation activity when they were given to female albino rats.This effect was reversible upon withdrawal with the treatment with the extracts.The effect is due to some estrogenic activity as evidenced by histological studies of the uterus.-wound healing activitydecoction of leaves used for dysentery.- Juice of the root and leaves given to children as expectorant and emetic.- The leaves, in decoction or powdered form, is used as a laxative.- For constipation, an anal suppository of the bruised leaves helps relax the constricted sphincter ani muscle.- Leaves mixed with garlic used as anthelminthic.- Leaves mixed with common salt applied to scabies.- Poultice of bruised leaves used for syphilitic ulcers, to maggot-eaten sores and as emollient to snake bites.- Powdered dried leaves used for bed sores.- Juice of fresh leaves, mixed with oil or lime, used for rheumatic complaints.- Decoction of leaves used as instillation for earaches and for periauricular poultice or compress- In Indian pharmacopoeia, used as an expectorant. Also used for the prevention and reversal of atherosclerotic disease. Used for pneumonia, asthma and rheumatism.- In Tamilnadu, India, the Paliyar tribes of Shenbagathope use the entire plant for bronchitis, a decoction of the herb for tooth- and earaches and paste of the leaves applied to burns.[3][5][6]

Toxicity:-The raw herb is considered poisonous,emetic and causes intestinal irritation.[4]
-Juice is used to kill fish [11]

6.Handbook on Philippine Medicinal Plants
Volume IV 
Ludivina S. De Padua

Compiled by: Angelica Camille E. De La Cruz

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