Monday 30 December 2013

Thoughts To Ponder for 2014

Live in the Present

 "What's past is prologue."- Shakespeare

" I said there was but one solitary thing about the past worth remembering and that was the fact that it is the past."- Mark Twain

Past is to relive the "good old days"- or looking back and constantly thought about what could have been, When attention constantly fixated on the past or worrying about the future that much less energy is available for us to use in the here and now, can sap us of the full power we need to carry out our life's mission, as a result we may become preoccupied, unfocused, even chronically tired or depressed. Another factor that can keep us from concentrating fully on the present is that we may have literally lift a part of ourselves somewhere else. this could be the result of traumatic experience or abuse. But when we dont pick up the pieces and move on, It is as if a part of our soul is missing in action, harboring anger or resentment or not forgiving another - or ourselves- also prevents us from living in the present. Sometimes the most important person you have to forgive is yourself. We can certainly learn from our yesterday, but it is dangerous to live in the past.

Life's purpose and mission
by  Rannie Bernardo on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 11:18pm ·

"The purpose of life is to find God- in yourself, in your talents, in your calling and in your sacred labor."- El Morya

" Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him and then choose that way with all his might. You will know your passion because it makes your heart sing. It is the thing that gets you out of the bed in the morning. When you talk about it, you become spirited, alive, energized.."- Hasidic saying

"Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think....another principle to remember is that your mission is not necessarily equal to your job, It's wonderful if you are able to mold your passion into a career, but your mission doesnt have to be what you do for a living, It may be something you do after work hours, like composing music or working with disadvantage children or taking care of the animals. In fact, your mission may not be what you do at all , but WHAT YOU ARE. So that your very life is an example to others. For example Mother Theresa's calling was to serve the poorest of the poor while living among them, but it was more than that, her mission was to love in action. " We have to bring God's love to the people by our service " Mother Theresa once said, " We do no great things , only small things with great love."

Happy New Year ! May you welcome 2014 with Love, Prosperity, Peace and Happiness!

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Health Plus 144-in-1 Arroz Vegetables and Fruits Botanical Plants Coffee


Where in the world can you get a healthy and yet great tasting coffee? I was able to try this coffee through a spiritual teacher Ms. Kanchan Sadhwani and yoga teacher Ms. Esa Lee, blended and formulated by vegetarians, the name says it all, made from roasted brown rice, 144 blends of vegetables, fruit and botanical plants, soya milk and raw sugar (muscovado sugar) and I was surprised it was taste not just good but very good.

Good news is that It was safe to drink at night, no fears of caffeine rush, so no sleeping problems and can help lose or gain weight depends on how to use it, also non-acidic so if you have hyperacidity issues, it is safe. You can have a bowel movement naturally, headache free, no more grandpa breath, no more yellow teeth, no more dehydration. It's 100% safe with no known toxicity levels.

This is rice base coffee is a special blend of 144 vegetables, fruits, and botanical plants which was invented by Dr. S. B. Tamayo who is a herbalist and naturopathic doctor.

Herbal alternative medicine has been used by the Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, South Americans and Southeast Asians for so many years. Herbal medicine improves the body self-healing ability and maintain one's good health which leads to longer life.

Benefits of 144 in 1 Arozz Coffee:

Contains more than 100 enzymes and nutrients of various fruits and vegetables plus water-soluble dietary fibers for optimum health, elevating the natural healing ability to establish strong immune system, improving digestion, making bowel movement smoother as it promotes healthy metabolism and prevents constipation.

Contain phytochemical pigments found mostly in fruits and vegetables which function as antioxidants in your body to reduce the damage done by free radicals preventing eye problems and decreasing risk of cardio-vascular diseases, maintaining healthy blood vessels and preventing cell and tissue degeneration.

Contain Isoflavone which is the best nutritional supplement for women and men who wants to stay young as these prevents wrinkles and smoothen the skin, maintaining a youthful glow constitution and preventing senility.

Contains vitamin B complex, vitamin C and vitamin E from fruits and vegetables to give you strength, energy and stamina; rejuvenate and regenerates damaged cells, fortifies the immune system as it flushes out bad cholesterol, lowers cholesterol and free fat in the body, removes uric acid and toxins.

Aids in the relief of many illnesses such as diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, diabetes, hypertension, cirrhosis of liver, kidney problems, cancerous cysts, rheumatism, gout, hyperacidity and other health problems.

Real coffee is death to our system:

Adrenal depletion: Savoring an espresso is just like putting yourself in a flight or flight situation, tricking your body to release epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are the same hormones released when our body is in crisis ( the same feeling a deer feels when it is face to face with sabre tooth). it feels invigorating at first, but the truth is makes you frantic, unfocused and irritable during the rest of the day. This is totally inappropriate use of body's resources.

Increased stressed: Do you ever noticed that when you are stressed, you can't sleep? That is exactly what caffeine does. it triggers very measurable stress reactions including increased heart rate, perspiration, blood sugar surge and heightened muscle tension. Logically, if you want to wake up then, you just need to get stressed out, right? That just what coffee does!

Depressed state: Studies have shown that caffeine intake correlates to reduced serotonin levels. Serotonin is a feel-good neurotransmitter responsible for happy people everywhere. Those with low or altered serotonin levels are usually classified as clinically depressed.

Vitamin Deficiency: An over-stimulated body is much more likely to become depleted in vitamins. Vitamins are essential to provide an energy boost and ward off oxidative stress.

Death to yoga: Advance yoga practice and meditation is all about balance, particularly of nervous system. Stimulants of all kinds and caffeine in particular, create immediate imbalances that quickly turn chronic.

Dehydrated cells: Caffeine in all its forms is also a strong diuretic that leads to dehydration.

For yoga students, no water = a stiff/sore body

Coffee can leave you sleeping lightly for about 4-5 hours and while it can make you physically awake when you take it, it can make you completely flat lined at the same time. Coffee also let you have stinky grandpa breath and yellow teeth.

Real energy is created through micro-nutrients like vitamins and minerals. No amount of nutrients can help if you slept 3 hours last night, of course, but let's be honest..most nights, you get more or less enough sleep, but a healthy body can function just fine, even if slightly sleep deprived now and again when midday comes, you are exhausted. People call this the "3 o'clock hump" because that's when your mid-morning coffee has worn off (takes about 6 hours), your blood sugar levels have toppled, you're drowsy, and you generally feel like a zombie.

With 1 cup of Arroz coffee, one gets that feel good mood elevation which gives you a deep sleep at night and more energy for the next day. The formula contains vitamin complexes essential for nervous system health as well as the nutrients needed by our body. It is not a caffeinated drink, it is more like a 12-ounce green juice kind lift you might be familiar with. Unlike coffee that give you stomach acidity and give you gas, Arroz coffee absorbs quickly and with its 10.4 pH, you feel good. It contains no yeast, eggs, wheat or additives, making it much easy to absorb. It is tasty and sweet as it made of natural fruits and vegetables. This instant arroz coffee can be a ready to drink meal when vegetarian food is not available, five cups of arroz coffee is equivalent to three meals in a day.

Direction for use:

To lose weight 2 tablespoon of 144 in 1 HPC before meal.

To gain or maintain weight 2 tablespoon after or during meals.

I am convinced that arroz coffee is the ultimate coffee replacement with a plus...

Price: P300/pack
If you want to order please contact : 0917-791-3369.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Autism: Is there a Hope and Solution?

I have so many friends with children with the so-called Autism, ADHD or mental retardation, or as they want to label it "special children". I don't really like labels to children for a child is a child, let kids be kids. Rising Autism in my country is very alarming that do not exists before, the culprit? Vaccines, a preservatives in vaccines that can liquefy your brain and neurological cells.

I am settled with the fact that Vaccines is the most common cause of Autism and some neurological damage to children and adults, click the link to read my article on:  Autism , Cancers and Vaccines . Some of my friends agree and they take a vow not to have their children and grand children to have vaccinations, they choose a Pediatrician who will respect their decisions not having their children vaccinated and they are at peace with their decisions.

Hearing stories with friends and mothers having an autistic or ADHD child makes me wonder what really is the cause and how it could be stopped. I pity those really adorable kids with the so-called autism and my heart goes out to them so it lead me to do an intense research,  advocacy and educational campaign on autism crossing the line of what my doctors and psychiatrists friends believed in. As I have seen and heard horrible stories of adults experiences with drug medications during their childhood.  As always my motto is you can't argue with the results and it would be a lesser evil having no vaccination at all.

Is ADHD a mental disorder or evolution?
Father of ADHD Admitted it was a Fictitious Disease before his Death.

OK damage has been done, is  there hope or  a solution? In some books I read, I would like to share some excerpt on how they manage the ADHD and Autism, using home remedies and simple and yet safe methods and not to rely on heavy and toxic medications that some say It can be an embalmer of neurotransmitters.

What to avoid:

Overload of toxins and environmental chemicals, children acting out because they simply need more attention from their parents (put down your cell phone and engage with your children) and especially their diet, specially SUGAR!!! (It's a drug!!)

The link said that 10% of those diagnosed (9.4 million), 940,000 kids actually have an abnormal dopamine metabolism. So there should be behavorial treatment to accompany the drug part. Which they rarely do.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)  being rich in potassium can help autistic and mentally retarded children and adults suffer from Potassium deficiency:

From the book of Paul C. Bragg, a health crusader and book author of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar System:

"I have closely studied the relationship between mentally retarded children and adults and potassium deficiency.

Several years ago, I brought 3 mentally retarded children inm my home for study and observation. Each morning I gave the children a glass of water with two teaspoonful of cider vibnegar and a heaped teaspoon of honey. (Honey is a rich source of Potassium) I worked out a crefully planned scientific diet that gave the children large amounts of Potassium. In three weeks, these children became alert mentally, and after keeping them in my homeone year they they were able to join school again with children of their own age.

At another time I bought 4 mentally retarded adults in my home and by giving them the cider vinegar routine was able in less than one year make them self supporting people. They are now attending high school and are rapidly building a high IQ."

To know more about the hundreds of uses of ACV, grab his book.

Importance of Iodine and Its role in ADHD

From the book (FOLK MEDICINE, A Vermont's Doctor's Guide to Good Health) of   D.C. Jarvis M.D., an ENT from Vermont, applied many principles of Vermont's Folk Medicine to his practice and found amazing results. One is the important role of elemental Iodine in thyroid function and the second function of iodine to calm the body and relieve nervous tension. 

"When nervous tension runs high there is irritability and difficulty in sleeping well at night, and the body is continually on a combat basis, organized fro fight and flight . All these points stress a body need for iodine to lessen nervous tension, relax the body and enable it to organize for peace and quiet, by the building and storing of body reserves against time of need. I have learned through Vermont Folk Medicine that it is possible to repeatedly change an irritable, impatient, and restless child under ten years of age into a calm, patient individual within two hours time by giving one drop of Lugol's solution of Iodine by mouth in a vegetable juice or fruit juice or in a glass of water made acid in reaction by adding a teaspoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar. I have repeatedly prescribed this in order to make it possible for mother of a racehorse-type little boy or girl to be able to live comfortably with the child. I have never seen it fail to calm down a nervous child."

Trichuris suis ova (TSO) for Autism:

Dr. Ardel Binoya, Fellow, Family Medicine, Integrative and Complementary Medicine

Dr. Ardel Binoya of Integrated Laser and Complementary Medicine Clinic,  in one of my interviews to him on Autism said, It can be arrested or tamed. He has a son diagnosed with autism and he also believed that it was because of the early vaccinations, with his own studies and research he was able to find a solution to cure his son of autism using a parasite called  Trichuris suis ova (TSO)  it is a non-pathogenic parasite that helps in making gut healthy, which is very important in managing autism. The treatment should be under strict medical supervision. To know more about TSO:

Friday 13 December 2013

Awaken Sacred Fire To Heal

Remy Foote, Kanchan Sadhwani, Mother and Daughter Janis Guerrero and Luzviminda Gonzales Lee, Nini Mauga, Anjeli Sadhwani, Steve Ayling, Alice Perez Dela Cruz, Madonna English and Moi

13 Friday 2013, Corner Tree Cafe, Jupiter St., Bel Air II, Makati. Starting our 2014 with focus on giving, serving as true warriors of Light. A healing earth,  love meditation and soul card reading and message conducted by a good friend Kanchan Sadhwani, a life coach and spiritual adviser .

It was always my pleasure to be with these friends (kindred spirits) whenever had the chance and doing things we all love to do, meditate and talk about spirituality. I don't mind the more than three hours of traffic I endured going to Jupiter St., Makati for this is a chance for a small get together, lately we are busy and never had a chance to catch up, now is the time and opportunity. We do a light meditation to bless and heal our Mother Earth specially those affected by Typhoon Yolanda, those who need healing, family and love ones, It was a quiet, simple and yet powerful way to help by radiating our light and best thoughtforms, the simple ceremony and ritual was conducted by Kanchan.

Remy Foote, Kanchan Sadhwani, Mother and Daughter Janis Guerrero and Luzviminda Gonzales Lee, Nini Mauga, Anjeli Sadhwani, Steve Ayling, Madonna English, Alice Perez Dela Cruz and Moi

After the meditation is Angel, Fairy and Soul card reading sessions for 2014, Kanchan being gifted with card reading ( divination) gave advice regarding the card message. It was truly amazing and we all feel so blessed because healing and blessing others we also heal our self.

I AM Emerging, It was wonderful to hear a very positive 2014 coming my way, the card reveal a very promising and soaring 2014, and will be looking forward to it.

Kanchan reading my 2014

An early Christmas gift from Kanchan : Book by D. Ferran Recto, a student of Sai Baba, Because Love is That. If you want a copy you may get it from Ms. Kanchan  (0917-791-3369) for a special and discounted price of P270 exclusive for my readers (it sells 500-600 in exclusive booksellers). 

If you wish to invite Mother Kanchan to your home or place and have your Angel, Fairy and Soul card reading and analysis, also spiritual advice, lessons or workshops in meditations and healing like the Shiva Shakti Mudra, leave a note on our contact form or leave a message on this post. Many thanks and God Bless You.

Thanks to Corner Tree Cafe for the venue, check out their great and healthy dishes @ Corner Tree Cafe Facebook page.

Friday 8 November 2013

Fighting Oxidative Stress With PROTANDIM

I rarely feature a food supplements and products here unless necessary and I did my own research, evaluation and made sure I tried it myself. I was introduced to Protandim by a friend Emma Carreras, a health buff and a meticulous lady when it comes to choosing and taking food supplements, whenever she traveled, specially in the USA, she has something good, a "health finds" to share with me, which she of course meticulously evaluated herself and tried. Way back from one of her US trips, she shared me Protandim and offered me to buy her extra bottle to try, I tried and found it very good, to make sure that it really works I don't take any other things (vitamins or supplements) except that one, so I can also validate the claims. She told me that by taking Protandim, it is sufficient and no need to take anymore vitamins or other supplements, it was an all in one package, supports immune system and fight oxidative stress that cause major diseases like Diabetes, Heart diseases and Cancers. Since the product is from the US and not yet available in the Philippines, after a while, we stopped taking it and forget about it.  The good news is, it was now available in the Philippines and re-introduced to me by another friend in a Health Supplement industry Lexus Dela Cruz, one of the founding distributor in the Philippines, and told me the product will be launched here on Dec 1, 2013.

It is an anti-oxidant therapy that contains Phytochemical NRF2 activators from Turmeric, Milk Thistle, Bacopa, Ashwaganda, and Green tea ( five powerful herbs).

Oxidative stress is one of major leading health problems of today, cells oxidates faster due to lifestyle and habits of today can cause weak Immune system, faster aging, Inflammation, Degenerative diseases, Hypertension and Cardio-vascular diseases, Diabetes and even Cancers. Dietary supplement of Protandim, a potent composition of highly synergistic phytochemical Nrf2 activators results shows significant modulation by Protandim of pathways analysis involving not only antioxidant enzymes, but of those related to colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer disease.

Watch the Video to know more about Protandim:

For intense scientific studies and publications you may check PubMed Journals: 

To know more about NRF2: 

Please send us a message to our contact form for a local distributors in the Philippines.

Monday 4 November 2013

PDT and Diode Laser Therapy: A New Protocol for Cancers

Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT) + Laser Therapy (Diode or Low Level Laser Blood Irradiation) combined,  proven to be very effective in cancer treatment and management together with other healing modalities. We have previously discussed the Laser Therapy, but what is PDT? 


A widely used method of photodynamic therapy using a photosensitizer (PS ) of the second generation of chlorine e6 “Photoditazine " in cancer and non-cancer patients.

Photodynamic therapy ( PDT) - a fundamentally new method for the treatment of malignant tumors, significantly expanding the capabilities of modern oncology and treatment of a number of non-neoplastic diseases. In clinical medicine, the method used with the 1992 and 2002 with one of the standards in oncology . The basis of photodynamic therapy is photodynamic reaction in the growing biological tissues after administration of exogenous photosensitizer (PS ) under certain dose of light energy. Administering to the patient FS concentrated in the tumor. Light radiation of a specific wavelength corresponding to the type of absorption FS at local influence on the tumor induces the formation singlentnogo oxygen and oxygen free radicals, which are toxic to cancer cells and lead to their death. The tumor undergoes necrosis , exfoliates and replaced by normal connective tissue. Recovery occurs . No other harmful to the body in the process of PDT agents is formed. Therefore, photodynamic therapy may be applied before, after and during radiotherapy and chemotherapy , as well as before and after surgery in various combinations with these traditional PDT treatments

Photodynamic therapy may be applied both in the initial stages of cancer as an alternative to surgical treatment, calculated on the total destruction of the tumor , and with the palliation in advanced process to improve the quality of life of incurable patients. PDT is used and in terms of preoperative tumor to convert inoperable patients operable in order to reduce the amount of resection of the affected organ , with the aim of hemostatic tumors , complicated by bleeding , etc. One of the damaging mechanisms of PDT is thrombosis of tumor vessels . High selectivity ( specificity) introduced PS accumulation , the limited depth of cytotoxic effects , the absence of severe local and systemic complications of treatment, the possibility of multiple repeat treatment sessions , combined in one procedure of therapeutic effects and fluorescence diagnosis of tumor boundaries , PDT is well tolerated by elderly patients with severe comorbidities . The ability to use outpatient favorably to traditional methods of PDT treatment of malignant tumors ( surgery , radiation and chemotherapy ) . The selective destruction of the tumor during PDT with maximum preservation of healthy tissue is of particular importance in the so-called localization of tumor foci uncomfortable when surgery is not feasible due to anatomical features. These localizations include skin of the nose , eyelids and periorbital area, the ears , the ear canal , the genitals .

In addition to the classical procedure of PDT is the use of topical PDT in non-cancer patients. This so-called systemic photodynamic therapy . The reason for this procedure is the selective accumulation of PS tissue changes , which is very important in the treatment of diseases with high proliferative activity , such as endometriosis , psoriasis , etc., when traditional treatments do not bring the desired results. A particularly effective method for atherosclerosis large blood vessels for the destruction of atherosclerotic plaques , as well as in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Much attention deserve particular methods PDT - it photomodifica blood or fotoimmunoterapiya when besides the destruction of tumor cells , inactivation of viruses and bacteria. The method consists in the simultaneous introduction of the blood of FS and its intravenous laser irradiation of the appropriate wavelength . Thus are born the active forms of oxygen , peroxides that destroy cancer cells wherever they may be, that is a fight with metastases . This significantly extends the capabilities of PDT in the treatment of malignancies. So it is the destruction of viruses and bacteria , stimulates the secretion of cytokines - immune protection factors , thus forming antitumor, antiviral, antimicrobial immunity . In addition, cell death leads to a modified signal is applied to the stem cells at the site initiating the formation destroyed new, healthy cells while increasing the level of immune protection of the organism as a whole.

Indications for systemic photodynamic therapy :

- When the initial forms of primary cancer and early recurrence .
- Photodynamic therapy indicated in patients with severe comorbidities and severe age-related changes when traditional methods of treatment ( surgery , radiotherapy ) are contraindicated.
- Combined photodynamic therapy with conventional methods ( surgery, radiotherapy , chemotherapy ) .
- At intradermal metastases to hemostasis , reduce the volume of tumor tissue.

Indications for photodynamic therapy of cancer of skin and mucous:

1. Basal cell, squamous, metatypical cancer (T0N0M0).
- The size of the tumor site can be up to 3 cm in diameter with a thickness (depth)
- Infiltration of not more than 1.0 cm
- Recurrent and residual tumors that are resistant to conventional therapies.
- Multiple foci.
- Extensive damage.
- "Inconvenient" localization for surgical treatment (periorbital area, skate wings and nose, nasolabial folds, pinna, external auditory meatus).
- High risk of complications after radiotherapy and surgery in the treatment of somatic burdened patients.
- Failure of patients to conventional treatment methods. Of photodynamic therapy in gynecology (disease of the vulva )
- Basal cell , squamous , metatypical cancer (T1 - 3N0M0 ) , the size of the tumor site can be up to 3 cm in diameter with a thickness (depth) of infiltration of no more than 1.0 cm
- Recurrent and residual tumors that are resistant to conventional therapies.
- Multiple foci .
- Extensive damage .
- "Inconvenient" localization for surgical treatment.
- High risk of complications after radiotherapy and surgery in the treatment of somatic burdened patients.
- Failure of patients to conventional treatment methods.
- Atrophic and hypertrophic vulvar dystrophy .

Indications for PDT nonmalignant diseases :

1. in psoriasis :
 - Progressive and stationary stages of the disease.
- Resistance of the disease to the classical methods of treatment.
- Continuously
- Recurrent disease.
- Severe forms of the disease ( psoriatic arthropathy , psoriatic erythroderma , a large area of skin lesions ) .
- Intolerant drugs.
- Failure of patients to conventional treatment methods.
2 . in acne :
- Acne vulgaris different location and severity .

3 . with nonhealing wounds and trophic ulcers :
- Treatment of wounds in patients with diabetes mellitus type II , burn wounds ;
- The preparation of wounds to autodermoplasty ;
- Trophic ulcers of various etiologies ;

Photodynamic therapy in otolaryngology when treating inflammatory conditions

Currently, there are more reports of the use of PDT in the treatment of non-neoplastic diseases. Based on the numerous studies revealed fungicidal and bactericidal effect of PDT on the majority of microorganisms which cause lung diseases including ENT - organs. Numerous studies have suggested two major mechanisms of photodynamic damage that leads to the destruction of bacteria . The first mechanism is damaged, DNA damage comprising a second cytoplasmic membrane. Despite the fact that photodynamic antimicrobial effect in vitro is known and studied for almost a century , the use of this method for treating bacterial infections in experimental models in clinical practice in the initial stage of research.

Introduced many works , which show the feasibility of photodynamic therapy in the clinical setting for the treatment of a variety of inflammatory processes. So were successfully used intraoral PDT for the treatment of skin infections , also shows the effectiveness of photodynamic treatment in treatment of chronic suppurative diseases of soft tissues. PDT has antibacterial properties. Even relatively mild conventional PDT laser intensity , the concentration of bacteria decreases by three orders of magnitude within 10 minutes.
Positive results were obtained not only in PDT against common pathogens purulent infection but also against anaerobic bacteria and fungi.

Good results in the treatment of purulent sinusitis .
Thus, now have developed all preconditions to talk about the appearance of an entirely new method of treatment of various inflammatory and suppurative disease , fundamentally different from the traditional methods of antibiotic therapy on the following:

- PDT effectiveness does not depend on the sensitivity spectrum of pathogens to antibiotics;
- The development of microbial resistance to the action of PDT is practically impossible, since photodynamic damage caused singlentnogo cytotoxic oxygen free radicals ;
- Photosensitizers (PS ) is not mutagenic , which nullifies selection fotorezistentnyh strains of micro-organisms;
- Antimicrobial effects of photodynamic therapy does not decrease with time during long-term treatment of chronic , localized infection processes .
On any factors PDT shows no systemic antibacterial action or other damaging effects. This refers to the properties of FS and low-intensity laser radiation - the bactericidal effect of PDT is local , but has no harmful effect on the system saprophytic microflora of the body.

Current knowledge suggests that photodynamic damage is local , and bactericidal action is limited to a zone of light exposure. Currently, PDT in otolaryngology has been successfully used for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis and its complications , chronic pharyngitis , rhinitis , sinus congestion, chronic otitis media .The basic conditions for treatment - is the presence of a photosensitizer and a necessary dose radiation exposure.

PDT + Laser Therapy available at:

Integrated Laser and Complementary Medicine
Mango Square Mall, RM 201, Gen. Maxillon Avenue, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
Tel. (+63) 32 416 4604
Mobile: (+63) 916 458 9480
 For Manila and Other Cities Inquiries:

Our new Metro Manila Office:
Unit 2414 Medical Plaza Ortigas, San Miguel Avenue
Ortigas Center, Pasig City  (Near Linden Suites)
0915-810-5557 (Ronnie)
0915-890-5783 (Jay)

Sunday 20 October 2013

Healing Stories, Glimmer of Hope With Laser Therapy

(Wellness Advocate and Blogger)

Note: Some pictures could be disturbing, my apologies but it was a real pictures to show some clinical cases and personal encounter with patients. 

A before and after laser treatment done by Russian Laser Therapist to a Filipino diabetic parient, suffereing from a diabetic foot due for amputation. The picture was shared by ILCM Clinic, a true to life healing triumph, I don't personally witnessed and see the patient, so I am doing my own documentation.

I love success stories about healing specially if it's something to do with natural cures or by holistic intervention, when Mr. Rommel Santos, Nurse Gloria Flores and Dr. Ardel Binoya told me about one of their patient's almost successful intervention with laser in Cebu. I was moved and asked if I could interview and personally witness their story and meet the family, who are a believer of this kind of healing modality. Healing really comes from within, the body can health itself given the right approach and intervention.

I met the family of one of the patient of Integrated Laser and Complimentary Medicine (ILCP) Clinic, and even visited her at Cebu Doctors Medical Center,  a very close and loving family, I was moved and touched by witnessing the TLC (tender loving care) and unconditional love  they are giving to their mother ( the patient), truly the Filipinos are passionate with healing and we do it with love, when someone in the family is sick the family heals as well, that makes us really different from Western Medicine that deals only the physical and not the emotional well-being of patients. Imagine seeing members of the family as a team preparing homeopathic remedies, dressing wounds with herbal preparations and their burning desire to seek an alternative medical intervention is amazing. The patient I prefer to call "Nanay" (Mother) has no bedsore at all  and you can't find this care anywhere else in the world but only in the Philippines and in Cebu, Cebuanos are such special and loving in nature.

Moving on, I asked if I could take pictures and ask some questions regarding her conditions, medical diagnosis and management like her blood sugar results, CBC and other tests being done, what Dr. Binoya's approach and the patient's conventional doctors approach.  It was so nice of the family to share the information that will surely inspire others as well, seeing this kind of wonderful team/family and their compassionate love for their mother want me to storm the gates of heaven and ask for complete and total healing, just being carried away :-). I will withheld their names to protect their privacy and since their Diabetologist and other doctors are not aware that they are also seeking some complementary form of treatments.

I reviewed laboratory tests results, blood sugar and white blood cells (indicator of infection) dropped low, with medications but the patient relatives told me before the patient was unresponsive to medications until she was underwent a laser therapy and even showed me the "before" photos of nanay (mother) foot gangrenous up to the knee high due for amputation but they refuse since if could be too much for her age and condition. Nanay was co-manged by Dr Binoya using Holistic and Traditional  Medicine intervention, a much conservative approach rather than the aggressive approach.

The gangrenous foot that looks clean and dry, with no tissue juices and no foul odor. WBC count from 36 to 20; FBS < 200 .

Herbal preparation is also used in dressing up the wound such as this "Panyawan"
Too nosy to check what Dr. Binoya's homeopathic remedies given to the patients, then I was surprised, he had those things that are hard to find that I know like the DMSO, from there I know "He's the man." 

Another patient from Carcar, Cebu having an undiagnosed tumors and lesions in the chest believed to be caused by TB, the patient had no money to do all the diagnostic tests required and necessary, so she was treated by Dr. Binoya anyway and she was responsive to the treatment and laser, according to the patient, it was big and scary before as compared now.  

Another patient, a young gentleman diagnosed with kidney failure and due for dialysis because his Serum Creatinine level is so high (more than a thousand ), was spared from Dialysis after 10 sessions of laser treatments and management by Dr. Binoya. He also showed me his laboratory work up before and after, and a marked decreased in Creatinine level at 800 and urinary protein from +3 to +2, a great improvement.

Many more success stories I encountered whenever I am chatting with the patients, there are cases of saved from  bypass operations, stroke patient at a young age that improved with Laser Acupuncture. Some they have it for preventive measures and aesthetic value (rejuvenation/ anti-aging) or for some personal reasons. I am truly grateful to them that they willingly share their stories, testimony and documentations with me, even if I appear asking too much from them, they are a "patient patients" to me. I was so engaged with the patients and their stories, and I do hope to cover more and that they may all get back to normal health and have a total cure and to continually embrace a new lifestyle towards wellness. Truly health is wealth, prevention is still the best cure, but good thing our Medicine of today is evolving and I believed Laser Therapy is one of the Medicine of the Future. This is the so-called "ROAD LESS TRAVELED" in the area of medicine, but Doctors taking this path as I have seen them are more satisfied and fulfilled in their practice. This is really my advocacy that these kind of Natural Medicine flourish and widely recognized again.

For more information:

Integrated Laser and Complementary Medicine
Mango Square Mall, RM 201, Gen. Maxillon Avenue, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
Tel. (+63) 32 416 4604
Mobile: (+63) 916 458 9480
For Manila and Other Cities Inquiries:

Our new Metro Manila Office:
Unit 2414 Medical Plaza Ortigas, San Miguel Avenue
Ortigas Center, Pasig City  (Near Linden Suites)
0915-810-5557 (Ronnie)
0915-890-5783 (Jay)

Sunday 13 October 2013

Healing With Low Level Laser Therapy in Cebu

I had a chance of visiting Cebu and to check on this clinic in Mango Square Mall in Maxillon Avenue. The Integrated Laser and Complementary Medicine Clinic with a tagline, " preventative healthcare for a healthier you", being an aficionado and an advocate of different healing modalities, I checked on the clinic, interviewed doctors, staffs, patients/clients and discovered so many wonderful things, some of these chronicles will be written on a separate feature articles, like the very touching stories of healing, for now I want to tell my personal experience with this facility.

I was welcomed by Nurse Gloria Flores, who manages the clinic, a very fine lady with bubbly personality and very carinosa (sweet, always smiling), she made me and I guess, all the patients very much at home in the clinic. There, I also met Dr. Ardel Binoya, Dr. Ned Nepange and Mr. JR who is very much competent and knowledgeable about different healing modalities, I am impressed with their credentials and they are very passionate and intense about their practices, more on them on separate articles.
Their Corporate Philosophy 

The Clinic offers :

Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
Blood Irradiation using Intravenous (I.V.) and Non I.V. Laser Therapy
Low Intensity Laser Therapy of Darious Diseases

Some of the modalities also being offered in combined with Lasers are:

Homeopathy- Homotoxicology
Gemmo Therapy
Helixor Therapy for Cancers
Biochemical Cell Salt Therapy
Ayurvedic Medicine (No synthetic Drugs)
Sanum Theraphy
Polysan Therapy

Dr. Ardel V. Binoya with electrodermatron screening
Dr. Ardel Binoya said he combined all the modalities available and in some cases, a certain modalities could be very specific to some patients, it was a case to case basis, that is why it is called Integrative Medicine and not Alternative Medicine, it was an addition to the patient's present management, since according to him in severe cases conventional medicines can not be totally taken away but to be weaned out or tapered. He combined both his expertise in Internal Medicine and Complementary Medicine, this way all health issues are addressed. I tried Electrodermatron screening balancer for pre-screening that measure the energy levels of different organs, it was an amazing invention from Germany by VOLLS Electro -accupuncture. His findings: Low lymphatic functions and very low on my colon functions, he gave me some advice and recommendations such as Laser Therapy.

Healing with Low Level Laser Therapy

Laser Accupuncture

At this time when you mention laser, the first thing that comes into the mind is the laser that can cut through the body and be able to dissolved any lumps or tumors in the body parts. These are the hot lasers that are being commonly used in medicine to cure diseases such as cancer and definitely, along with these comes the higher prioces associated with procedures that involves  laser.

Though these are the common lasers that are known to most people, there is also one useful kind of laser that is now being used. Did you ever heard of low level laser therapy, soft laser, cold laser, low power laser therapy, laser accupuncture, therapeutic laser or the biostimulation laser? All of these terms use the same principles. Right now this kind of laser is gaining popularity in the market.

What is Low Level laser Therapy (LLLT)?

Though there are a lot of terms that are being used, low level laser therapy is the most common term. Right now, this kind of laser therapy is being widely used in the whole world to cure a number of conditions. It is defined as the non-invasive cure using photons. These photons come from the visible and infrared spectrum. These are important for healing the body tissues as well as reducing or easing pain. Usually, low level laser therapy operates using 600 to 1000 nanometers wavelength. 

Here are the characteristic of the compressed light that is being used for low level laser therapy: 

• It is very much different with the natural light. It is the compressed light that comes from the cold, red part of the spectrum of radiation. It is just one color, the color of red. 
• Its light travels in a straight coherent line. 
• It is monochromatic. This means that it is a single wavelength. 
• It is polarized. The light focus its beam in a certain spot or area. 

With these characteristics, the light that is being used for low level laser therapy will be able to penetrate the skin without any heating effect. This will not also damage the skin and also will not cause any side effects. 

Low level laser therapy is now being used to treat different conditions such as pain, skin conditions and other chemical substance addictions. This therapy aims to biostimulate. The laser will be the one who will promote healing in a wound or injury. This will be beneficial in repairing damage cells. In this manner, the therapy also speed up while enhancing the body’s immune system as well as aids in easing pain. 

Usually, the effect of this therapy is photochemical. This is somehow comparable with the photosynthesis, which is known with plants. The laser that is being used in low level laser therapy promotes the production of ATP or adenosine triphosphate. Also, it helps in increasing the protein synthesis within the cells. This adenosine triphosphate then will give more energy to the cells. And it is by energizing these cells that the body cells will be able to optimize their function in playing an important role in the healing process of the body. 

However, for the therapy to become successful and be able to reach the best possible result, these things should be considered: 

1. Choosing the appropriate and best wavelength. 
2. You should also use the right power levels when using low level laser therapy. 
3. You should also check for the amount of energy that would be used. You should also consider the pulsing frequency. 

Here are the advantages of low level laser therapy. 

1. This therapy is guaranteed to be non-invasive. And there are few or most often none side effects. It will not leave the patient feeling pain or any discomfort. 
2. It is said that it is an effective cure for most of sports related injuries or occupational injuries such as back pain, arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. 
3. It can give best result for healing of wounds especially for diabetics. 
4. It is very effective option when other treatment solutions have failed to cure the ailment. 

With the development in today’s world, developments in technology have increased the usage of low level therapy. Even acupuncture now use soft laser for those who are afraid of needles. 

Intravenous Laser Therapy / Endolaser Therapy

Intravenous laser therapy (laser blood irradiation) is a new type of intravascular blood treatment showing provable diverse positive effects on the metabolism and the immune system. Longtime research of Russian scientists formed the basis of this procedure which was then developed further and optimized in Germany.

Intravenous laser therapy is based on the biologic healing action of soft lasers that stimulates the immune system, improves the blood circulation, shows anti-inflammatory effects and activates both the cell metabolism and the production of new cells. Laserneedle acupuncture also makes use of these effects.

The procedure is like transfusion of light
In contrast to laser needle acupuncture, the therapy method of intravenous laser therapy treats the body's vascular system and not the body from the outside. Blood could indeed also be indirectly radiated through a laser fiber that is placed onto the skin above a vessel. Due to scattering and diffraction processes, the laser beam significantly loses energy before it can take effect on the blood cells inside the vessel. Therefore, both procedures are independent therapy methods that do not compete with each other, but which usefully complement one another.

How it works?

Flowing blood cells are directly radiated with laser light of different wavelengths (red, green, blue) via a sterile single-use laser fiber that is inserted into the arm vein with a cannula.

Light quanta are absorbed by blood cells; this process sets off the described positive bio-stimulatory reactions and also activates the antioxidant enzyme system.

The released light power is extremely low (1-3mW) and is only a fraction of the energy that is used on the skin during laser needle acupuncture. Many experiments from the field of biologic laser research substantiate that these low doses only show bio-stimulatory effects and are completely harmless.

Patients are treated while lying down or sitting in recumbent or sitting position. The procedure takes between 30 and 50 minutes. The wearing of anti-laser goggles is not required.
The Author having his Blood Laser Irradiation

Intravenous laser therapy can be perfectly used to treat chronic diseases that are connected with a weakness of the immune system, of different organ systems or of the metabolism.

Here are some examples:

- Inflammations of all kind
- Immunological weak conditions
- Chronic diseases of the liver
- Disorders of the lipid metabolism
- Diabetes
- Autoimmune diseases
- Diseases of the nervous system
- Cardiac and renal diseases
- Chronically inflammatory intestinal diseases
- Macular Degeneration
- Circulatory disturbances
- Skin diseases
- Disturbances of the hormonal system
- Arthroses
- Pains of all kind
- Fibromyalgia
- Cancer Management

Furthermore, intravenous laser therapy can perfectly be used in preventive treatment to stay physically fit and for anti-aging purposes.

According to the latest statement of the National Anti-Doping Agency ( NADA), this method is not considered a doping method and may be used to increase the fitness of the athletes.

My Personal Thoughts and Experience:

After the needle was inserted into my veins, Nurse Gloria connected the cannula with the laser machine and wait till the treatment finish, during the procedure I experience a deep relaxation and can't help but fall asleep because I felt a lightness in my body, a feeling that my circulation improved but anyway the real effect usually manifest in weeks and series of treatments, but the following morning I felt my skin complexion glows, the tired skin of my face somewhat more relaxed and energy level improved, I don't know but I just felt something is different but better, too bad I never had a series of treatment but I will be hoping that they set-up a clinic in Metro Manila as they planned, hope it will be the soonest possible time, since I am a believer of this technology and breakthrough. Cebu City is very fortunate to have them around and at a very low cost compared to Metro Manila rates using the original technology from Russia, many Friends would definitely love this.

Low Level Laser Therapy available at:

Integrated Laser and Complementary Medicine
Mango Square Mall, RM 201, Gen. Maxillon Avenue, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
Tel. (+63) 32 416 4604
Mobile: (+63) 916 458 9480