Monday 4 July 2016

Efficacious Natural Remedy For Eye

Efficacious Natural Remedy For Eye

Efficacious Natural Remedy For Eye
Eye pain is a disease that is very disturbing human activity. The cause of this disease among them is exhausted because of too terporsirnya eyes work, such as too long staring at a computer screen and air pollution. In addition, the disease can also occur due to inflammation of the eyelid and covers the eyeball infected with the bacteria or virus.Eye pain is a disease that is very disturbing human activity. The cause of this disease among them is exhausted because of too eyes work, such as too long staring at a computer screen and air pollutionCongenital disorder also could be the onset of this statement, especially occurs in those who have parents with a history of poor eye health, so that disturbances in the elderly can be decreased in children. Transmission of sore eyes does not just happen because they looked at the sick person's eyes, but it can also occur because of the contact between the liquid eyes of people getting sick eye with people who are still healthy.Natural medicines and herbs that can be used efficacious in the treatment of this disease one of which is a sea hibiscus leaf mixed with red onions. In addition, other herbs that are also good for sore eyes is a cup of wood and noni. Chemical content of leaves and roots of sea hibiscus is saponins and flavonoids. In addition, hibiscus leaves also contain at least five of phenol, being the root of sea hibiscus contains tannin.

Here is a recipe concoction of herbs for sore eyes, please observe the following.

Substances to be available.
  • 4 sheets leaf hibiscus sea.
  • Red onion to taste.
  • 1 teaspoon honey.
  • Enough water.

How to make:

Rinse and sea hibiscus leaf and onion.Mash until smooth.Add honey, squeeze and take the juice.Serve this herb in 1 cup for a drink.Drink this mixture two times a day on a regular basis.

Thank you for your visit hopefully this article useful and beneficial for you

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