Monday 4 July 2016

Provide daily care required for your rabbit!

Provide daily care required for your rabbit!

How daily maintenance must be done for the bunny rabbit breeders and those who just like raising rabbits. Daily care encompasses all matters relating to the survival of rabbits including cleaning the cage, health care, and also how to identify the properties of natural rabbit itself.

Ideal cage

Focus attention on the way the daily care of rabbits one by putting a rabbit in a cage that is ideal. There are several things that must be fulfilled linked comfortable cage for rabbits, including the placement of the cage to be close to water sources.

In addition enclosure must be ensured in the scope of the cool weather with temperatures ranging from 15-20 degrees Celsius and humidity of 60-90%. Cages should also be kept away from the possibility of a kind of predator attack different types of dogs, snakes, and others.

Ideal rabbit cage

Hutch also need to get the supply of adequate sunlight, especially morning. So placement cage should be facing east. Hot sun in the morning in addition to healthy also to keep the cage remains dry and free of germs.
Rabbit cage should also have adequate ventilation for air circulation running optimally. Keep the cage is placed in a higher area that is not easily flooded during the rainy season.

Note the safety and health
Provide daily care required for your rabbit!

In addition to the position of the cage, rabbits daily treatment regimen of the most crucial is to pay attention to safety and health. Because it includes a nocturnal animal, rabbits tend to be more active in the evening meal. So you should give more time eating the evening. The morning we were pretty fed in the form of concentrates, wheat, corn, peanuts, or other grains. Afternoon and evening we give the main meal of vegetables and fresh grass.

Food for rabbits

Rabbits daily developments shall also be observed. If there are symptoms of the disease of rabbits given the drug immediately or go to the vet. Periodically give the doctor recommended vitamin supplements to keep the body immunity.

Predatory animals such as dogs, wild cats, snakes, weasels, raccoons, and the like tend to hunt their prey at night. Of course it is dangerous for rabbits that are placed outside or in the yard. Therefore, we recommend the rabbit was brought into the house late in the evening to make it more secure.

Give Attention and Affection

Mainly for ornamental rabbits should receive attention and affection enough of their owners. With just a hug or hold him for a moment spare time, then the rabbits will feel comfortable. Although there are certainly holding just a special trick to do that so that rabbits do not feel hurt.

To put rabbits into cages also need a special way. Grasp the skin of the back (back of the neck) using one hand, then the other hand to lift the hips simultaneously. For puppies rabbits (still small) hold the skin of his back with extra gentle and careful. Keep your rabbit is not thrashing when lifted.

give attention to your rabbit

Lift rabbits by holding both of his ears is an example of how the daily care of the wrong rabbit. In this way it will feel pain rabbit and hare worst possible can experience lifelong disability.

In order for ornamental rabbits appeared clean and pretty it should be bathed regularly at least twice a month. Because rabbits including animals who can not stand the cold should be bathed with warm water in order to remain comfortable and painless.

Get to know the nature of the Rabbit

How the next rabbit care is to recognize the character or nature of the rabbit. If rabbits are too often allowed to roam in the open area of ​​the instincts or natural instinct is dominant, for instance by digging holes in various places.

If it is allowed the possibility of rabbits will be trapped and will be difficult to find, because he was able to make a very deep excavation and winding. This possibility must be prevented because the soil contains a lot of bacteria and germs that are harmful to the health of the rabbit itself.

Highly recommended to put a straw in a cage enough to meet the needs of the natural instinct of a rabbit. For example, by putting the straw in the bottom of the cage to reduce the likelihood of a rabbit made excavation.

Actually, rabbits are animals submissive. So if we understand how the daily care of the rabbit itself, then for any kind of rabbit is certainly not a difficult thing to cultivate.

Thank you for your visit hopefully this article useful and helpful to you

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