Monday 4 July 2016

The main causes and types of skin diseases in dogs

The main causes and types of skin diseases in dogs

Skin conditions or skin disorders in dogs is a dog health problems are most important to the vet. There are many causes that can be difficult to find out the specifics related to what affects your dog, the dog will not only look bad, skin diseases suffered by dogs also actually very tortured them some skin diseases will cause severe itching.

Symptoms of Skin Disorders in Dogs

Although skin diseases can be very annoying for your dog, there's always an easy way to detect that there is often a convenient way to handle them.

Things to remember is that our dogs are very different from the neighbor's dog, which means that the two dogs were in the same situation but can show different physical symptoms on the skin respectively. The condition of the skin and skin irritation dog dogs can be seen through one or more of the following symptoms:

Anal gland problems
  • No change in color to brown, black or grayish
  • Chronic inflammation in the inner ear hole
  • Dry skin
  • Skin-peeling skin like dandruff
  • Foul odor or scent on the skin
  • There is a layer of oil on the skin
  • The feathers are falling
  • Itching on the skin of dogs - from mild to severe (mean injuries occur scratches)
  • Peeling skin flakes brown
  • Pimple or boil that ooze pus
  • Arising rashes on the skin dog
  • Redness and irritation
  • Arising from skin infections or no hardened skin
  • Arising warts on the skin
  • Main Factors Cause Dog Skin Problems
The main causes and types of skin diseases in dogs

The skin is the largest organ and is very quick to react as a whole in a healthy body. A healthy body can get infected from inside and outside the body, so it is very difficult to determine the exact cause of the disease. And sometimes some things can happen without your knowledge.

The safest way to take is to consult about the overall condition of your dog to the veterinarian you trust.

Some possible causes are:

1. Low Quality of Dog Food

The main cause of skin irritation dogs are low-quality food. Unfortunately, many dog ​​owners believe that they have been feeding the dog them with high-quality food while the food that they give to the dog actually even harm it. This is because the dog food health standards different from human food.

Influence of dry food versus wet food from your dog

When trying to cure diseases of the skin of your dog, make sure that the food you give is food wet (humid). Dry foods will not help keep the moisture in your dog's body and heal skin diseases. (Read: healthy food menu for your dog)

2. Parasites

Parasites on the skin tend to be more interested in dogs that have less vibrant health. These parasites can attack dogs who are elderly, who lack enough food / nutrition, or dog living in an unhealthy environment.

Some parasites on the skin of the dog can have a different impact on your dog either mild or severe.

Here is a list of common parasites that attack the dog's skin and symptoms and their impact thereof:

Dog Lice (Head lice, Tuma, louse) - Lice are most rare in the dog's skin than Flea or Tick, but still many have reported several cases of Lice. They are sometimes hard to find because of their small size. You need to find the eggs attached to the hair follicle in dogs. It is also easy to handle.

Symptoms: Similar to the flea, the symptoms caused by the bite or scratch is continuous in the same area. Lice are very rare compared to Flea and Tick, so you should pay close attention closely to make sure.

Dog Fleas (Ticks) - There are many dog ​​owners have to deal with a flea in one or the other two occasions, but with proper treatment, the flea can vanish in an instant.

Symptoms: The dog will bite or scratch continuously certain parts are covered in fur or on exposed skin areas.

Dog Ticks (Ticks) - Tick not the type to occupy certain parts of the skin in dogs permanently. They attach themselves to one area, sucking blood on the side and lay eggs there. Although they do not cause any major problems, but they can bring a variety of horrible diseases and should be prevented as early as possible.

Symptoms: The dog will not show symptoms, but you can realize dots Tick nesting area. Periodical check can be done to prevent this from happening.

Dog Mange (Scabies) - Mange your dog is a serious matter that Dapa cause your dog depressed and uncomfortable physically. Usually caused by Tiny Mite (small mites) that live in the hair follicle at a sick dog.

scabies dog

Itching and powder that resembles dandruff around the head, neck, and back.
Thinning hair around the eyes, the mouth, the front side of the foot that forms a pattern with a diameter of approximately one inch.
Sore, crusty, and irritation in the area
Scratching and the bite is ferocious in the area, causing skin irritation and cause sores and skin becomes crust, accompanied with fur loss in the area. Usually the areas attacked are the ears, elbows, feet, and face.
Ringworm - is a fungus (not a worm) that can cause serious problems. It also can be spread to humans. If your dog is exposed to ringworm are widespread, it is an indication of the condition of your dog is not healthy.

ringworms in dogs

Beginning with a reddish area, and then developed to form a small ring that slowly spread.
Area attacked generally rare area covered with feathers
Thickening of the skin

3. A toxin derived from environmental pollution

Sometimes we do not think of that environment in which we live may cause effects on the health of our dogs. Some of the toxins that we use at home and in the garden can harm our dogs. Be sure to study the situation before you use the spray in and around the house. And if you did have to use the toxic spray, keep your dog keep a safe distance with the area to be sprayed for some time.

There is also some possibility that your dog is sensitive to certain pollutants. Unfortunately, if you live in an area that has a high level of pollution, you can not do anything in connection with problems on your dog's skin (unless you are prepared to move house).

4. Vaccination

Some dogs have very sensitive skin to react negatively to the vaccination. If this happens, go back to the vet you trust as soon as possible, so they can act quickly to help you.

5. Factors psychology

Imagine the last time you feel stressed at work or at home. Can you mention the impact on your physical? Some people get acne or rashes on the skin, while others become sweaty or exposed to frequent canker sores.

Similarly, in dogs we could be negatively affected in the physical (including the impact on the skin) due to stress. Dogs who are bored, stressed, angry or irritable may show a negative reaction on the skin.

The dog will be very disturbed by noises in the environment, such as honking and beeping their vehicle engines can be stressful because of it.

7. Interference due to past

Sometimes the dog may show signs of recovering from illness just when the disease is still lodged in the dog's body. This usually happens when the various symptoms of the disease are handled according to the usual way.

Especially if your dog is suffering from chronic diseases in the past, you need to visit the vet you trust to get advice on how to cure the disease rather than just focus on the symptoms are visible.

8. Allergy skin

Skin allergies in dogs usually appear because of food, insects, or neighborhood. Another factor why dogs have could have allergies is because saliva and urine on the wall of the dog's skin, many people thought that breeds long-haired dogs will row of allergy compared with hairless dog is short, but it is wrong for dogs with fur short also may experience skin allergies.

dog allergies
This is because the protein in saliva and urine dog stick and cause itching, for some dogs who have low immunity would be sensitive protein stuck to their skin.

10. Pyoderma Bacteria

Pyoderma is a skin disease that is usually caused by bacteria that can be found in the follicle or appear for flea bites. At any bacteria to enter the skin, acne will arise that cause itching so that the dog will scratch it, which will lead to the spread of bacteria.

bacteria Pyoderma

Pyoderma in puppies is a skin problem that is caused by bacteria and similar to rashes caused by diapers. Acne in dogs is also the impact of bacteria on the skin.

The bacteria that appear on the skin will not cause health problems in dogs that have the stamina. But dogs that have low immune systems will be susceptible to diseases such as Pyoderma skin or acne.

Stress can be a factor that lowers the immune system on the body of a dog, which can lead to Pyoderma, but too often gave vaccinate your dog dry food your dog, and the use of chemicals in your home also plays a very major role in triggering the emergence of problems in your dog's skin.

A few of my articles about some of the causes of dog skin problems, hopefully what has been given leave benefits. If you are happy with in this article please share buddy!

1 comment:

  1. Well, it’s a nice one, I have been looking for. Thanks for sharing such informative stuff.
