Thursday 28 July 2016

Health Care Reform is Not Healthy

Medicinal services REFORM IS NOT HEALTHY!


Medical coverage premiums are driven by the achievement or disappointment of real wellbeing recuperation support and the costs required to convey of administration. Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., of Washington, DC, and supervisor of the eighth version of the HPUS,is a universally prestigious therapeutic student of history and writer of more than 30 books and expositions, which include: THE DIVIDED LEGACY, a four volume epochal history of medication, which covers its starting points to present day.

Health Care Reform is Not Healthy

"Society today is paying a substantial cost in illness and demise for the restraining infrastructure allowed the therapeutic calling in the 1920's. Truth be told, the circumstance exceptionally takes after that of the 1830s when doctors depended on phlebotomy, irregular drugs, and quinine, despite the fact that knowing them to be characteristically unsafe. What's more, absolutely the same contentions were made with regards to these solutions as are utilized today, to be specific, that the advantages exceed the dangers. In truth, the advantages collect to the doctor, while the patient runs the dangers."- Harris Coulter, Ph.D., (Divided Legacy Vol 3)

There is no doubt we require change in the regions of ailment end enhancements in Health, better conveyance of social insurance when it is required and medical coverage equality. By and by, am for change, yet let those changes ring with the clarity of Truth and enlighten our way through the mist confusion.

General chemo-treatment and radiation are reported to be a flat out disappointment in the alleged war against growth. The long haul survival rate of growth patients utilizing customary treatments stays horrifying and the factual reportage is jumbled.

Allude to: New England Journal of Medicine, "Advancement Against Cancer," May 8, 1986 by John C. Bailar, III and Elaine M. Smith, and a ten-year postliminary "The War on Cancer" which showed up in Lancet, May eighteenth, 1996, by Michael B. Spoorn. In that is distributed in driving therapeutic diaries, yet they stay as the main treatments and pharmaceutical organizations appreciate government order.

Expressed basically you can't harm a debilitated individual well.

Human services REFORM is an image used to numb the psyche and influence political process yet has little or nothing to do with wellbeing and absolutely is not one or the other, change in the ways the general population sees, nor what they truly require.

Only by changing who and the amount they benefit for wellbeing administrations is just a little division of the hidden issue and at last it's you who pay. Ebb and flow Congressional civil arguments won't offer genuine change of our systemic ailment CARE, yet reinforce protection benefits and control.

The product of the social insurance tree, while surely plentiful, is by and large spoiled, in light of the fact that the roots are tainted by ailment. On the off chance that the Food and Drug Administration which directs both FOOD and medications while having extensive forces that are past the Constitution of the United States of America, is weak to effectuate the honest to goodness change required to alter the alleged wellbeing industry.

Nor can the FDA give the changes by its broad power and control, then in what manner would we be able to anticipate that it will originate from orders from an under taught over campaigned congress?

Give credit where due, the FDA has been viable in bringing on a great many tones of ground meat and spinach. Excessively late maybe as the FDA has done nothing to prevent synthetic organizations from pouring seas of dangerous lethal, and known cancer-causing agents on our harvests.

"Water and air, the two vital liquids on which all life depends, have ended up worldwide junk jars" ~ Jacques Cousteau


We should quit harming our earth with pointless lethal chemicals, which filters out the components and minerals building squares of the cells of our bodies, and backing and instruct the ranchers on bio-dynamic cultivating.

Why would that be no appreciation for and replication of how the Hunzas and a few different tribes on earth, wholive to be well more than 120, and infection free.

These tribes drink the water which falls off of the moderate crushing of the icy mass crosswise over mountain landscape and gives minute amounts of each component and each mineral. Their cells have

access to all the characteristic building squares of life and in this way stay impenetrable to attack and infection.

Wellbeing and Old Age Places with High Longevity: Hunza Pakistan the zone of Hunza in Pakistan which has an abnormal state of life span. A Guide to Shangri-La: The Leading Longevity Sites on Earth

For Americans and the world everywhere where the yield area is flooded with chemicals the minerals and components are drained out of the dirt and the bases of our nourishment products are have no real way to chelate them so we can process them into our bodies.

What takes after is an understood manifestation called pica, and we are always searching for something to eat to fulfill the appetite of the phones and this prompts corpulence and malady on a national scale.

There are arrangements, yet the FOOD organization, has done nothing to listen to, study, execute, nor advance the utilization of Bio-Dynamic Farming, which is demonstrated to deliver more prominent volumes of harvests far more advantageous and don't harm our water aquifers.

One genuinely late proactive move; the FDA and the FTC have implemented the minimal known Federal Law under USC Title 21 Part 56, INFORMED CONSENT. This movement is prove by the excessively visit drug plugs and commercials. To name one case the stimulant medication, ABILIFY, is known not passing and suicide.

To our impediment and downfall, the FDA has a passage vision fanatic point of view and constantly receptive, seldom proactive when a patient really kicks the bucket from utilizing a FDA endorsed drug, they routinely maintain a strategic distance from any fault and state "there is no indisputable confirmation to demonstrate it was a result of the medication." No medication organization is ever accused of a wrongdoing and no officials, nor specialists, are criminally charged for assembling, nor for recommending the medications.

WHY? Since the medications are FDA endorsed so it would mean they are at fault.

Nonetheless, when a substance determined and utilized by another Healing Art, i.e. Homeopathy, is observed to be profoundly successful in fighting and wiping out an ailment, for example, growth, or turning around the symptoms of AIDS, a stroke, or Cystic Fibrosis, to give some examples, the FDA routinely states there is no exploratory confirmation to bolster the cases moves quickly to indict without limitations degree of the law.

We should keep on strengthening the instruction of the general population on sound essentials of wellbeing upkeep.

We should take into account access and scope to all branches of the Healing Arts. This is known as the ECLECTIC. The allopathic cartel are not the referees of truth, nor have they ended up being good stewards, nor have they gave practical arrangements where different types of recuperating expressions have been effective, now and again a large number of years.


The issue is that in the course of recent years, a Federal Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, made in 1938 as an organization to guarantee that Food, Drugs and Cosmetics moving in interstate business, were immaculate, unadulterated, contained what was expressed on the mark and safe for human utilization.

Throughout the years the FDA has experienced a transformation and has turned into a risk to the common freedoms and general wellbeing of Americans, and in addition added staggeringly to the expense of the items it directs.

The FDA has a long history of utilizing the assets of the organization to lead Gestapo sort strikes on therapeutic facilities, threatening patients, staff and specialists, seizing amounts of vitamins, manuals and innocuous characteristic items, issues totally erroneous, to be sure, intentionally duplicitous reputation discharges criticizing professionals, wholesome items and inventive medications and has so far withdrawn from the reasons for which it was made as to end up a danger to both the general's wellbeing and their common freedoms.

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