Sunday 10 June 2012

All About Lapacho (Taheebo)

Taheebo/ Pau d' arco/ La Pacho/ La Pachol is a native tree of the Amazon Rain Forest and other part of South and Latin America (The Divine Tree of South America) and well known in the Philippines as a natural "cure all"  if not,  herbal supplement for general well-being, An Antioxidant, blood fortifier, Detoxifier, Immune booster also an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial herb. 

It grows to 30 meters high and the base of the tree can be 2 to 3 meters in diameter. The name Lapacho or ipe roxo is used for herbal medicine systems. Tabebuia impetiginosa is known for its attractive purple flowers and often called purple Lapacho. It has been the preferred specie employed in herbal medicine.

The famous William Koch, Ph.D., said that the medicinally active lapacho's are naphtoquinones m of the ortho-structure . they have very low oxidation reduction potentials. This is the reason why Lapacho may have an important effect on cellular respiration similar to that of the cantron formulation which is avilable through medical research products. As early as 1864 researchers at Bayer Laboratories isolated and identified a quinone in Lapacho, naming it Lapachol. Dr. Theodore Meyer of the National University of Tucuman, Argentina, was one of the first modern scientist on record to have studied lapachols' chemical composition. In the early 1960's, Dr. Meyer isolated another one of Lapachol's active principle and found it in a quinone, which he called xyloidone. Other effective quinones in lapacho are beta-lapachone and dehydro-lapachone, including quercitin and flavonoids. Another compound Quechua was also isolated from Lapacho by Dr. Jonathan hartwell, U.S. Cancer Chemotherapy National Service Center, reports part 2, vol. 4, no. 4, Dec. 1974:  Lapacho contains Quechua, a substance found to be powerful antibiotic with virus-killing properties. This may explain why the Lapacho tree is the only type of vegetation known that will not permit the development of fungus. Most plant life when exposed to water and weather become covered with spores, which lead to fungus formation. This does not occur in Lapacho bark.

The additional elements in Lapacho have been detected by X-ray spectroscopy: Barium, Strontium, Bromine and Iodine. These elements exert an electrical charge. They believed to act on human cell through a system of ionization by alpha rays and cosmic radiation.

R.C. Pilsner, D. Sc. licensed nutrition specialist, writes, "being a Biochemist, I have researched and analyzed many elements for their nutrient value and their peculiar selective actions on organs and tissues". Pilsner has discovered that certain herbs emit an ultraviolet wave known as Gurwich rays. These rays stimulate cells metabolism and the body's own ability to rejuvenate itself. he believes that herb emitting the Gurwich rays include Lapacho. Pilsner has subjected Lapacho to rigorous laboratory tests and recommends daily use as a nutritional supplement.

No isolated component of lapacho comes anywhere close to being equal to the combined activity of all constituents, or, in other words, to the whole herb. The whole is greater than the sum of its part.

It is known in the Philippines as "Balbas pusa", but I wonder if the specie in the Philippines is same as in South America. There are many claims and studies about the health benefits of this herbs, it is now  reached the Philippine soil as dried bark tea marketed as Taheebo.  I use this herb tea (bark) once in a while as alternate with other teas, I also recommend it to my friends and relatives. 

Plant Chemicals (Phytochemicals) of La pacho:

Aluminum, Anthraquinones, Ascorbic acid, Ash, Beta carotene, Beta-Sitosterol, Barium, Bromine, calcium, Chromium, Chrysophanic acid, Cobalt, Dehydro-alpha-lapachone, Dehydro-isolapachone, Dehydrotectol, Flavonoids, Iron, Iodine, Naphtoquinones, Niacin, Lapachol, Quercetin, Quechua, Riboflavin, Selenium, Silicon, Strontium, Thiamine, Tin, Xyloidone, Zinc.

Documented Properties:

Analgesic, Anti-abscess, Anti-bacterial, Anti-carcinomic, Anti-edemic, anticoagulant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-malarial, anti-mutagenic, Antioxidant, anti-viral,, antirheumatic, anti-tumor, Cardiotonic, Hepatotonic, Immunostimulant, Antivenin, Mild laxative.


Allergy, Arthritis, Asthma, Astringent, Athlete's foot, blood builder, boils, bursitis, cancer, candida, cystitis, diabetes, diuretic, dysentery, eczema, fever, flu, gastritis, gingivitis, parkinsons, respiartory problems, UTI, STD, ulcers, varicose veins, warts, wounds etc.


Light usage: 
Place one (1) tablespoon or two (2) grams of Lapacho bark into four (4) cups of water for 8 minutes boiling.

Minimum usage: 
Place two(2) tablespoons or 5 grams of lapacho bark into four (4) cups of water for 8 minutes boiling.

Maximum usage ("Cancer patient's dosage"): 
Place five (5) tablespoons or ten (10) grams of Lapacho bark into five (5) cups of water for 8 minutes boiling. Drink tea for about twenty four (24) days to 3 -6 months. 

- Tien Cho (RCB)

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