Tuesday 19 June 2012

What is Nature Cure?

Nature Cure: My Inspiration and Motivation for this Blog

What Inspired and motivated me to make this blog:

My Desire to help friends from "Dis-eases", inspired me to share a compendium of information, clippings, studies, research, health nuggets, experiences I read and my own thoughts on them. Compiled in one blog that serves as a "Bridge" to cross and have their own journey into Self-healing through Nature's Pharmacopoeia.

I Hope it will be of benefit to you and others. Wishing you all a happy healthy life. MABUHAY!

According to Allan Moyle ( About Nature Cure) it is a method of curing disease without drugs or surgical interference. However, Nature cure is not merely a negative approach to disease- it is a positive way of life. Nature cure has increased its following because results have demonstrated that safe methods of healing do exist. It is based upon the concept that ONLY NATURE HEALS and that within the human organism lies the essential healing power to overcome disease.

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, said "Nature Alone Heals", and this contention has stood the test of ages.

"Let Thy Food be your Medicine and Thy Medicine be your food."

Too many people on too many drugs. No one wants to take the time to eat right. Still don't understand why people would rather pour money into "Health Insurance" when it does nothing to insure you are healthy! Spend the money on GOOD FOOD and LIFESTYLE CHANGE and learning how to LIVE AND EAT right! That is True Insurance. ;)"

"Let us give Nature a chance. She knows her business better than we do."- Montaigne

Caring for pets cultivate our nurturing nature

Prayers and Meditations are good for healing: Whatever religion or belief system you belong, connecting to the source or creator is healing


  1. I got diagnosed with HIV since 2010 i have be dealing with this mess ever since. On till i got review online about natural cure people testifies how they got cured with  Dr Julius natural treatment. And i order the treatment, after taking it for 4 weeks i totally got cured with herbal treatment. I'm recommending you diagnosis with Cancer should get this treatment via whats App:+2349036474795 or email at drjuliusherbs@gmail.com

  2. It’s obvious some patient with HERPES are been enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I have been with the virus since 2019 until I was introduce by a blogger who also narrated Her story online on how she was cured of Herpes after using Dr ISHIAKU Herbal Medicine. This is a year and 2 weeks since I was delivered from Herpes. All thanks to God for using this Great herbalist to heal me. I have promise to keep telling good about this. Please fill free to share Your problems with him. Thanks. Write him via call or whatsapp him on +2348180828544 or email ishiakuherbalcure@gmail.com   thank you once again sir
