Monday 11 June 2012

Squatting to Poop for Health

I learned this from a Chiropractor that we have to defecate the old way, the one I used to do in the province when I was a kid, to squat in the toilet seat, He explained and compared the elimination difference of sitting and squatting , which isa  healthier position and why, and it makes a lot of sense! At home I try to make it a habit again, really western technique is a lazy technique and have put a lot of risk on our health that we tend to ignore or go unnoticed. So I would like to address and emphasize why we have to be "potty trained" again for good health. I walk my dog everyday and as she poop, she knows about anorectal angel than I do, she bends! Sometimes we could really learn from our pets, they could teach us something.

..And now I know why toilet bowls in mainland China, HK, Singapore and some other Asian countries have no seat!  :-)

Anorectal Angle (ARA):
The angle formed by the junction of the rectum with the anus, is one of the most important contributions to anal continence, its normal value at rest is 90 degrees. It is block during the sitting position.

Since 1591 when the flush toilet was invented and common by 60s and 70s, we have been BM-ing in a position non conducive to getting the job done in a way our bodies were intended. You see, our bodies have something called and anorectal angle, a bend in the pipes between where wastes is held and where it comes out. The bend is at 90 degrees when we stand, and about straightened out when we squat. Sitting down while inviting movement is working against the way our bodies work, increasing abdominal pressure that cause the veins in our anuses to swell, painfully. When those veins stay swollen, they may bleed. Welcome to Hemorrhoid City.

The best way to poop:

1. Bend your head forward and down to the position where your head is between your knees. Your back should be as close to the floor as possible. Your shoulders should touch your knees. Grab your legs between your ankle and knee (the closer you grab to your ankles the better). Grab your left leg with your left hand and your right leg with your right hand.

2. Pull your shoulders down against your knees and BM.

That's it. By bending forward and placing your head between your knees you effectively straighten the tube out. By pulling your shoulders down you cause muscles to contract that aid the elimination.

You will feel the difference this position makes. You may notice that up to twice as much BM comes out this way. Not only does more come out, it comes easier and faster. You should BM like this. Never BM sitting straight up on a toilet.

Here are many health benefits to squatting when nature calls including:

More complete evacuation of wastes 
Less pressure on veins 
Increased ability to absorb nutrients (resulting in greater energy levels), just to name a few 
Helps us avoid painful hemmorhoids 
Reduces the time required to do our business 
BM does more come out, it comes out easier and faster 
Squatting gives your feet meridians some sort of massage and acupressure 
Relieves constipation


Squatty potty, a commercially available device to make you squat on your potty, explains the mechanics of why we need a squatting position when we pooh. In my case I prefer to squat  on the bowl without a device, the acupressure on my foot from my own body weight gives a therapeutic effect as well.

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