Monday 11 June 2012

The Dangers of Flouride

You think fluoride is good for your teeth? Think again,  fluoride is an industrial and a toxic waste of aluminum factories, Sodium fluoride is also used as a rat poison, it was banned dumping this waste into your water and environment so they dump it into our toothpaste and make us believed it was good, These toothpaste and fluoride companies are main benefactors and sponsors of dental associations across america and even in my country Philippines. I want to believe that we are brainwashed by the corporate media. They made bogus studies and research that fluoride is good for your teeth.  I used to have a book on flouride by John Yiamouyiannis:  Fluoride The Aging Factor: How To Recognize And Avoid The Devastating Effects Of Fluoride and The Fluoride Deception  by Christopher Bryson.  I recommend it that you grab a copy of their book to know a detailed study, documented researches and uncover a conspiracy, politics, ignorance and it documented the dangers and threat of this substance into our health, such as  degenerative diseases, sterility (low fertility ),  cancers,  allergies in children ( this one I already witnessed in relatives' children in US I used to babysit when I'm there, kids has severe skin allergies and flu like symptoms most of the time that is blamed on pollen and grass, then I found out one in their vitamins and supplements a fluoride capsules prescribed by their dentist to keep their teeth healthy, I was shocked because I thought it could be the problem but I can not argue with parents, mom is a nurse, I just told them fluoride is not really good that they should research on that, but they seem ignore it), moving on, it also causes even more tooth and gum problems, ADHD, Autism, sterility, auto-immune disease and a lot more. To me Fluoridation of water system is a form of terrorism by government to its people, I heard many countries now especially Europe who before used to opposed fluoridation are now have it in their drinking water.  I found a site with same articles and please read them and watch the videos.  -RCB

More links and videos for you to read and see, please take time to read and watch, you be the judge and I will let them speak to you:

photo courtesy of Time to wake up FB page.

You may also watch:

There are a lot of excuses and myths surrounding fluoride. Learn why Dr. Kennedy changed his position from pro-fluoride to anti-fluoride, please watch.

To avoid fluoride toothpaste, I used baking soda and sea salt as well. I found a link who used them as well:

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