Monday 11 June 2012

Healing Crises

You can not get heaven by force, same goes with natural cure, Healing Crisis is a manifestation that healing is actually working or a work in progress, this is one of the back lash of any treatment especially if your body is weak and full of toxemia , sometimes you feel that your condition is getting worse, there is discomfort, pains, dizziness etc. but do not discourage just go ahead with the treatment and you may take it slowly so that your body can adjust easily with the new treatment or cleansing. In Pathology there is this thing called "adaptive change", our tissues adjust to the new environment that bring about discomfort, I would like to compare that healing crisis with that change, I encountered many friends and patients with the same reactions, after they underwent a comprehensive cleansing and detoxifying programs, they panicked because they become weak, with headache and a lot of sort of symptoms which during medical exams and tests the doctors finds nothing wrong with them, that is "Healing Crisis".

In most cases the road to health is studded by periods of marked improvement and by days of apparent reverse, which must be understood in their true light. These crisis periods, as they are called, are changes for better or for worse. A healing crisis always works for the good of the individual. A change for the worse may be turned into a healing crisis by right treatment or vice versa.

Unnatural living fills the blood stream with poisonous waste materials which, if allowed to accumulate, will in time thicken the blood until it can not flow through some of the smaller blood vessels. If the eliminative organs do not take care of the waste there will come a time when it precipitates or settles in the tissues of the body. After a course of natural treatment the vitality of the cells of the body are raised to the point were systematic waste can be thrown off. This waste is then collected by the blood stream and the patient experiences a temporary recurrence of his old aches and pains. This marks the beginning of the healing crisis which should prove very beneficial if left to run a natural course. If, however, this acute healing effort of nature is interfered with by wrong diet, by drugs, by unnecessary surgery, or other suppressive methods of treatment, the poisons are driven back to the tissues to cause trouble later.

It has been found that these crisis period occur on the sixth and seventh weeks after commencing a course of natural treatment. This is perfectly in accord with one of the laws of nature- the law of periodicity, or as it is sometimes called, the law of sevens. Does this not show you that nature cure is built on a solid rock as it were, and works in harmony with nature's laws? However, we must observe the vitality of each patient. If very low in vitality, then we aim to bring about mild healing crises periods in order that as little of this vitality as possible is used up. Fasting may be indicated or changes in diet.

So next time you undergo natural cure, detox or cleansing programs, be prepared for this and make sure your body is strong enough to tolerate the big change in your lifestyle, diet or environment. - Tien Cho

From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health. - Catalan Proverb

Ways to minimize healing crises (detox side effects):

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