Friday 31 August 2012

Compassionate Wisdom and the Plants in their Fullness

Last night, I offered a FREE teleclass, "Compassionate Wisdom and the Plants in their Fullness, about my work as a shamanic herbalist." 

I feel such an incredible synergy in sharing the practices related to the plants in their fullness, in expanded consciousness.  

So simple, so close to home and so powerful are the shamanic herbalism practices I have learned from my teacher.  

Here is a link so that you may listen to this class.  

At the end of the class I offer a gift, Apple Moon-Full Moon Plant Mysteries and also extra special prices on our programs until the end of tonight, the BLUE MOON-FULL MOON, August 31 , 2012. Follow this link,,  and look on the left side of my website for a list of all programs.

You may email me to receive this gift and you may sign up for one of our programs with these extra special prices.  

May the Fullness of the Year and the Abundant Harvest nourish and inspire you.  

Peace and Abundant Green Blessings, Julie

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Blue Moon Potions and wildcrafting moments...

This past few weeks

I was reminded that I am not really spending the summer 

learning how to cultivate plants.

I'm learning how to continue to let the plants 

cultivate me. 

Magic potions are a blessing of a byproduct. 

Under the Tulsi Moon, Woman's Collection

"Chandra" Tulsi - Jasmine Aromatherapy Perfume

Blue Vervain


Purple Loostrife

Wildcrafting accompaniment 

Pickerel Weed



Skullcap Love

Wild Waters



Ma Huang

Grasshopper on Astragalus


Herb pups




Sunday 26 August 2012

Magnesium Oil

I was introduce to this "Oil" by a friend Emma, She lend me a book on magnesium oil and let me try sample she bought  from the US, and told me it is better than oral magnesium supplements, minus the stomach discomfort and readily absorb by the body through skin (trans-dermal or topical) application. Magnesium is a very important mineral needed by the body to boost immune system, to prevent heart diseases (cardio-vascular health),  muscular and neurological health and and a lot more. Magnesium oil is the best source of elemental magnesium in case your diet can not sustain your magnesium requirement, The "oil" is not really an oil but a super saturated concentration of naturally occurring magnesium chloride found in seabeds' and mountains' mineral deposits. It has an oil-like consistency that makes it called "oil". It relieved my muscular pains as well, so I must say it is a good oil, sad that it is not available in the Philippines as of this time. I posted links as well that you may read to know more about the health benefits of this magnesium oil.

The only thing that I have found that really works is "Magnesium chloride oil" In a transdermal spray. Its even gets rid of wrinkles and crows feet. You will notice the difference in as little as 2 weeks.

 - Tien Cho (RCB)

From Newsmax:

Top 5 Health Benefits of Magnesium

1. Magnesium may reverse osteoporosis
Multiple research studies conducted have suggested that calcium supplemented with magnesium improves bone mineral density. Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. Intake of recommended levels of magnesium is important because it averts osteoporosis.

2. Magnesium prevents cardiovascular diseases
One of the most important benefits of magnesium is that it is associated with lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases. Dietary surveys have suggested that sufficient magnesium intake may reduce the chance of having a stroke. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which increases the risk of complications after a heart attack. Therefore, consuming recommended amounts of magnesium dietary supplements may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system.

3. Magnesium regulates high blood pressure (Hypertension)
Magnesium plays a key role in regulating blood pressure naturally. Magnesium supplements and a diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are good sources of potassium and magnesium, are consistently associated with lowering blood pressure.

4. Magnesium treats diabetes
Studies show that individuals with a magnesium deficiency have a risk of developing type-2 diabetes and severe diabetic retinopathy. Magnesium aids in carbohydrate metabolism and influences the release and activity of insulin, thereby controlling blood glucose levels. It has been proven that for every 100 milligrams of increase in magnesium daily intake, there was a 15 percent decrease in the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

5. Magnesium treats migraines, insomnia, and depression
The numerous magnesium health benefits also include the treatment of migraines, insomnia, and symptoms of depression. Magnesium is also known to cure severe forms of psychiatric dysfunctions including panic attacks, stress, anxiety, and undue agitations. Magnesium supplements considerably reduce the severity of such attacks and may also help in reducing the rate of recurrence.


Saturday 25 August 2012

A Very Rich Space of Healing

Today, I hit a bit of a snag, in the flowing river of healing.  

I got depressed and the 'bad advice' from my mind chatter got very loud and took over and I started believing it.  

I really just wanted to lay on my bed and feel sorry for myself.  Poor me, my hip hurts when I walk so I require the aid of a walking stick.  Poor me, I have financial commitments that seem too big right now to take of.  Poor me....blah, blah, blah. 

Well, I got up and decided to read a mind treatment I had written for healing.  I read it four times. 

I read affirmations about healing.  I spoke prayers about who I trully am, not a hurt hip, not a sad, pathetic old woman.  I am the divine expression of the rich, radiant, substance of the universe. And it is my divine right to express this with each breath.  Really?  YES!

The  space of healing this challenge with my hip is a very rich space.  It is filled with mystery and new ways to see everything.  A teacher once told me that if I think I know the answers then I won't be open to learn things I never thought of.  

Here are some things I have been doing to heal: 
  • I wrote a mind treatment for healing.
  • I created a covenant with the Goddess, a type of contract that in exchange for healing I will do these things.  I chose a whole bunch of things which I must do everyday until the Full Moon, no shit, even if I don't want to do them.  
  • I am drinking two cups of nourishing herbal infusion everyday. 
  • I am eating nourishing food everyday which includes, fermented foods, soups with bone broth, food made from scratch, raw goat milk, healthy protein.  I am minimizing junk.  
  • I am doing 20 minutes of exercise and body connections daily. 
  • I am connecting with my Sami ancestry which this experience in my hip is related to. 
  • I am spending time outside everyday listening and thanking the earth. 
Today when I got wise to my mind attitude, I wrote to my teacher Toni Stone who had just sent an email, so pertinent to my situation which included the words: "every victorious way out of a challenge involves one in some way, being what they have never been before...this i know for sure.  what else i know for sure, is that transformation of some sort  is the background of any miracle...and many sad, unsatisfied people want only the miracle without the work of transforming something about themselves.... " And shared with her to help myself see what I was in. 

I called my colleague and dear friend and told her what was happening with me and during our conversation I remembered a dream I had about creating a new program with people that would really activate the work I am doing.  She reminded me that I was none of those things my mind was telling me, that I am light.  

In order to live in possibility, we must be honest about who we are in the moment.  Pretending we have it together doesn't really cut it.  Being honest, speaking with "others of spirit" and allow ourselves to be penetrated.  This allows the path of possibility to open up. 

I am continuing on.  The earth beckons me right now to stand barefoot and listen. 

Peace and Gratitude for Abundant Green Blessings, Julie

Thursday 16 August 2012

Dangers of Mammography and Other Medical Imaging Radiation

Ladies beware, before having the procedure have a second thought and contemplate on this. I Heard so many bad news about this diagnostic procedure Mammography, Although I have not really experienced it and clinically proven to cause more harm than health, I would like to share some links that could explain everything, I believed that just like X-rays it possess some risks, or It may. I hearned it also painful procedure and it is like squashing your breast, that's according to women friends, that is a contributing factor for the cancer cells to metastasize?  I never thought it is a health risk for women. I just talked to colleague that his doctor aunt is not also convinced with mammography because she was negative to both mammography and CA15-3 tests ( a breat cancer test), but after a while she had breast cancer (diagnosed by biopsy), she blamed the test as unreliable for screening of breast cancer, where It cross my mind that It could be due to exposure to ionizing radiation, I don't know but I just thought, but please be safe,   read on the ff link it's up for you to decide.

How about other medical imaging devices?, like X-rays, CT-scans, PET scans, MRI scan. X-rays are prescribed routinely in physical exams, regular check ups like ordering a pizza or hamburgers, some doctors are not satisfied with CT-scans but MRI which is like a hundred of X-rays radiation, seems our doctors can not diagnose using physical exams anymore and doing a lot of unnecessary tests to avoid malpractice suits . Many hospitals are offering this new technology and investing a lot of money to provide this services to make them look advanced and "high tech", I am not impressed at all with this kind of development, as a hospital worker, I am trying to avoid doctors and hospital confinement , this day you go to a hospital to get sick or get cancers, except for my alternative doctor friend whom I always consult first when it comes to my medical condition. I suggested a link that tell more about how medical imaging radiation cause DNA damage, please read the link below.
Tien Cho

Medical imaging radiation causes DNA damage and cancer; doctors prescribe more!
Learn more:

Think before you "Pink":
As we find ourselves once again awash in a sea of pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), few people who participate, donate or buy pink-themed products are aware that BCAM has always been a deliberate deception.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Blueberry -Tulsi Daze, Datura Gazing, and plant mayhem

August so far has bubbled with Blueberry - Tulsi ferments

Blossomed with myriad flowers

Made medicinal messes in my kitchen

Pain Killer Salve is Back in Stock! 

Seen my books onto shelves

Found me beneath black cherry fruits

Plucked every dewy new primrose blossom from the plant each morning

Admired and communed with Valerian

The forest holds the potential for healing medicine at any moment, I come prepared

Tansy is wild and unruly in the hillsides

Woodpeckers dine on Mullein seeds

Nature's colors, vibrant as always

The blue Vervain and Echinacea are getting close

The Calendula this year is exceptional

The Echinacea is always humming with winged ones

And so is the Mint

More evening Primrose, decorating the landscape

Moon Potions soon to arrive, before the Blue Moon on the 31st
These came out especially magical/

At the Herb Farm today, we talked Adaptogens. We got up close and personal with one of my long time loves: Ashwagandha.

And worked together to fill the drying room with a whole lot of Chocolate - Mint

The Sweet Annie is in her full glory, just moments away from exploding in a million tiny flowers

Codonopsis flower;
 these little darlings have just vined their way into my heart.

Now is the chase for Elderberries ... can you pick faster than the bears and birds?

And don't forget to watch the Datura spin her spell

I'm hoping for a moonlit opportunity to watch her uncoil.

Sassy pennyroyal dons her little flowers

And the mallows grow feral

ahhhhhhh, plants.