Tuesday 14 August 2012

Why I Am NOT into Psychic Healing

I would like to emphasize that I am not into, or encouraging psychic healing, past life regression or any healing through manipulation of energies, like Reiki, Psychic surgery, past life reading. Though I believed that some illnesses or disease are and can be caused by  karmic conditions and or  "evil eye" ( witchcraft "kulam", curses and misuses of spoken words). How to deal with them is on a very personal basis, some people may throw negative energies to you that could be fatal, There are many diseases that can not be diagnose by medical science, it could be negative thoughtforms or energies sent by people who are envious, hate you, or  simply just want to bring you harm using the power of the spoken words through rituals and spells. The antidote really is spiritual healing, we all have the power to reverse the tide and bring it back to the sender, Please return to sender, also using the power of the spoken words, prayers and affirmations will transmute and consume that energies. In case the of the psychic healer, all he/she has to do is take that energy temporarily or for a time-being, when the psychic dies or can not take more energy because he/she is sick himself, the energy goes back to its source (to where he/she took it), so some people healed by psychic wonder why they have the same illness again. Besides it is also dangerous for the psychic to deal with energies of other people because it could be karmic if he/she comit mistakes, the negative energies of other people can be absorbed by him, or be temporarily hold for you, and if the disease is karmic only God can intervene, there are some diseases that can not be healed for the reason that the person must undergo that situation to have better understanding of life and illness, even Jesus Christ do not heal some people because he understand that it is a karma of that person he must undergo and respect the cosmic law and the will of God.We as children of God has the duty to protect and take care of our own temple (physical bodies) , Since the old times without the advancement of medicine, our forefathers are already advanced, when it comes to healing using the natural way, is God's way. So as a healer it is always best to not directly deal with ones energies, negatives or karma, since the disease (karmic conditions) is already in physical manifestations it should be dealt with physical modalities like medical intervention, nutritional support and other physical activity and prayers also help to align and attune with oneself but physical intervention is also needed. I don't really encourage studies of psychic healing because I saw a lot of psychic healers suffer  and their energies always depleted and after their treatment they look sick as well and their energies drained and exhausted which is not healthy also. So please refrain from going to psychic healers for the remedies and healing could be temporary. Learn the ropes of natural health, cures and well being and you will be fine.

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