Wednesday 1 August 2012

Arthritis, Gout and Uric Acid

"We have to fight acids and crystals throughout our life",.........I am not spared from Uric acid problem, since college I had already elevated uric acid level due to ignorance and poor diet, love for food and eating, up to this day my war against uric acid is on and off, sometimes normal sometimes high, being predisposed to this condition, I tried finding a natural solution to control it and I discovered a natural way of controlling my elevated uric acid problems using apple cider vinegar, diet and exercise and by alkalizing my body, with alkaline foods (mostly vegetables) and fresh fruits , as we know, too much acids in the body are favorable media to carcinogens, when our body is too acidic, enzymes and hormones functions weakly, also crystallization of acids specially uric acid, developed into gouty arthritis and worse kidney stones that could damage the kidneys. Uric acid medicines like Allopurinol is effective, but it has side effects like hematological conditions like aplastic anemia, scary isn't it? So we really have to find ways of better alternative to fight and control uric acid. 

We studied in college (Clinical Chemistry) that uric acid is a product of purine metabolism, and purines is a breakdown of nucleic acid chains found in the nucleus of the cells, the more nucleus the cells was more uric acid were produced, examples are meats and entrails (laman loob)  has 2 or more nucleus (bi or multi-nucleated) in its cells, some vegetables also especially the bean family has more nucleus in the cells, so eating of this products results to double the uric acid of same amount of mono nuclear cells, so we know what to do lessen the amount of intake of these products. 

Arthritis is a general term for inflammation of joints and ligament tissues, It could be gouty (due to uric acid crystals), rheumatoid (due to auto-immune complex antibodies), Osteoarthritis (due to overweight and obesity that burdens the joints), so before treating and managing arthritis make sure you identify where you belong. Although gouty arthritis is the most common, it is still the easiest to manage, diet and exercise will do but for the other types it is complicated. How you can differentiate the three types? Simple, get yourself tested, if you have symptoms of gout or arthritis and your blood uric acid is normal it could be rheumatoid so have yourself tested for RF (Rheumatoid Factor) in your blood, and if still negative and you are overweight  that could be osteoarthritis, your joints can not handle/hold your body weight, and you definitely be needing a help of an orthopedic surgeon. But if it for uric acid problem I could share some easy steps to mange it, read on..

If you have elevated uric acid level and does not manifest yet  as an  arthritic condition, it is the best time to start dieting and lowering it before it crystallize and damage your connective tissues. 

A tibetan doctor prescribed me an omega 3 rich diet (fish oil supplements), he was able to diagnose that I have a high uric acid by just doing face reading (which he is right ), so I make sure I always take Omega 3 supplements from time to time. Omega 3 is not only for uric acid and inflammation but it has more benefits.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Lower Inflammation and Anxiety

Increasing omega 3 intake my lower both anxiety symptoms and proinflammatory cytokines. Medical students receiving omega 3 supplements for 3 months showed a 20% reduction in anxiety and 14% reduction in interleukin 6, a proinflammatory cytokine. An omega 3 deficiency is associated with increased anxiety, which is very common in the US.

Other benefits of omega 3 fatty acids include being antiarrhythmic and anticoagulant, making healthy cell membranes, and helping lift depressive symptoms. Sources of these fatty acids include fish and krill oils and precursors include a variety of seeds and nuts such as flax, hemp, chia, and walnuts.

-RCB ( Tien Cho)

Sharing you link from Natural news on how to remedy gout and arthritis.

Here are 3 simple tips on how to lower uric acid levels in the blood naturally...

(1) Drink between 2 and 3 liters of water everyday. Drink small amounts regularly throughout the day. Water helps the kidneys to process and flush uric acid out of the body.

(2) Consume a baking soda solution to help dissolve uric acid crystals, and, increase uric acid solubility. Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to 8 oz of water. Mix thoroughly, and drink maximum 8 glasses daily. One before , one when you get up in the morning, and one every 2 to 4 hours between meals. Repeat until the symptoms have gone.

[Note: Since baking soda is high in sodium, change to a salt-free diet whilst taking this remedy. And, if you suffer from high blood pressure, although you can take it as long as you monitor your blood pressure closely, it's better not to use this remedy at all.]

(3) Change to a low purine diet. Since uric acid comes from the breakdown of purines, and, purines also exist in our foods, a gout sufferer needs to go onto a diet that is relatively low in purines. This also means avoiding high purine foods completely...

The general types of food to avoid are fatty red meats, offal, poultry and some seafood. And, it's important to avoid alcohol. Beer, in particular, is a trigger for gout.

The types of foods that make up a low purine diet are things like; essential fatty acids (e.g. tuna, salmon, etc.), low fat dairy products, complex carbohydrates (e.g. bread, cereal, pasta, rice, vegetables, fruit, etc.), fruits such as cherries, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, etc.

These are three of the most effective natural ways to reduce uric acid levels. Try them if you've got gout just now and see how they work for you...

[Final note: As always with natural remedies, first consult your doctor for professional guidance on their suitability to your individual case.

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