Thursday 2 August 2012

Weight Loss Secrets/Habits

If you want to lose weight, it is absolutely imperative that you EAT A SUBSTANTIAL BREAKFAST.  The facts are clear. The vast majority of people who are thin eat breakfast, the vast majority of people who are overweight eat no breakfast or a very light breakfast. people who are overweight generally have a slow metabolism. In order to get your metabolism moving, one of the most important thing you can do is eat a substantial breakfast.

There are two elements here: (1) you must eat a substantial breakfast, and (2). you must eat the right kind of foods that make your metabolism go up and get your body burning fat instead of eating food that causes your body to retain fat and gain weight. Is there a best breakfast? Everything you eat for breakfast must be organic and unprocessed. It cannot, generally speaking, be out of the box or from a company that is publicly traded corporation, I can assure you that there are ingredients in the food that are not listed on the label. I can assure you that these companies are secretly putting in the food to increase your appetite, get you physically addicted to the food, and make you fat. So, with that in mind, here are some good foods that you can eat for breakfast:

1. Meats. Eat organic beef, lamb, chicken. make sure these are real cuts of meats and not deli-type meats or any type of processed meats.

2. Fish. Wild salmon, sardines, tuna etc.

3. Fruits. Grapefruits, apples, pears, strawberries, blueberries, plums, peaches, and apricots. Make sure the fruits are fresh and not dried, as always make sure they are organic. Stay away from Bananas (non tropical countries) as they have a tendency to make you gain weight. If you must have milk with your breakfast, make sure it is organic and ideally raw milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized.

4. Try to add this ingredients/ spices  into your menu to increase metabolism (Metabolism movers): Green tea, Chillis, Almomds, Spinach, Turmeric, Cabbage, Brocoli.

5. Losing weight is not all about diets, STARVATION is not the way to go, although fasting is good for the body and a cleansing process, it should not be done during a diet regimen or do it once in a while only. Starvation rebounds as hunger and tendency to eat more after , the key is choosing the right food, know your good carbs, good fats (olive oil or coconut oil), know about soluble and insoluble high fiber foods, low salt (sodium) food, too much sodium makes your body retain more water, so the feeling of bloatedness, avoid processed food like canned foods, bottled foods and drinks they have more sodium content no matter how healthy they claim they are, due to preservatives, artificial flavors and ingredients.

6. Avoid simple sugars like sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners such as sucralose,and aspartame. Soda, iced tea, powdered and bottled drinks in the market has a lot sugars on it, train yourself to drink more water specially before eating so you  will feel full and eat only a little,.

Example of a breakfast menu:

Scrambled eggs with side of smoked salmon, or lamb chops or sardines or small steak.
Use fertile eggs and use olive oil for frying, use sea salt.

My best and  favorite breakfast egg recipe:
Spinach and buttons mushroom sauteed with garlic, onions and olive oil and put some beaten eggs a la frittata or omelet .

Uncooked ripe banana (saba type-common in the PH)  and boiled camote (sweet yam) is also a source of good carbs.

The food gives energy, which is what food supposed to do . You will noticed, when people eat, most people will get tired, gassy, bloated, constipated and lethargic after a meal. Food is supposed to give you energy. Food is supposed to be fuel. If after a meal you aren't filled with energy, then there is something wrong with that food, or you are so toxic and full of candida that the food cannot be used as fuel. Therefore you must do your candida cleanse and colon cleanse. Taking some digestive enzymes with your meal will prevent you from having any acid reflux or heartburn  prevents gas and allows the food to digest better.

Example of some of my breakfast when I'm in the mood for losing weight: These breakfast makes me fuller, non-fattening,  loaded with nutrition and fibers, gives me more energy, easy to prepare and easy on the pocket. (photos courtesy of yours truly)

Miso soup for breakfast is also a complete meal, good alternative for morning coffee

Rice-chicken porridge or Lugaw (porridge uses less rice than regular meals with rice) with ginger and saffron, chicken induce body heat that increase metabolism

Cabbage soup in beef broth, with potatoes and ginger, a good metabolism mover

Yellow and White Corn soup meal with ground beef and lots of Malunggay (Moringa)

Sleep well:

Did you know that adequate sleep is an important part of a weight loss plan and should be added to the recommended mix of diet and exercise?

Other supplements you may add:

Organic, Unrefined Virgin Cocconut Oil:
All you have to do is take 1 tablespoon of VCO in the morning and late afternoon before meals.

Salsa/Hot peppers:
Hot peppers increased metabolism, Increased metabolism means you burn more fat. It means you have more vitality and energy in your body.

Apple Cider Vinegar:
Take a tablespoon of raw organic ACV before each meal. this will increase the fat-burning furnace in your body and allow you to start burning stored fat. It works for me and ACV has many health benefits as well, losing weight is just a bonus.

Gren TeaDrink hot green tea after every meal.: Fat burner

Coffee is not bad at all as long as you take it without sugar and cream that lessen the antioxidant property, also when I say coffee it should be freshly ground brewed organic coffee beans , not the instant coffee or 3-in-1 type. Instant coffee has fake aroma, full of sugars and artificial sweeteners, preservatives, anti-caking agents and artifical flavorings etc. A cup a day is good for me.

Ecarma (Narra Bark Tea) after meals: Very effective in lowering sugar and fatty acids, and reducing weight.

Hibiscus (Gumamela)Tea: Bed time: Increase Lipolysis- conversion of stored fats into energy

I do eat anything for lunch as long as not too much, a cup of rice is fine.


I will highly advise that we avoid midnight snacks and late dinners , our internal organs like the digestive system and liver need to  rest as well and detoxify during sleep, if we do so, it will be stressful to them and might not able to digest, process and metabolize food properly, the tendency is to store it as glycogen specially in midsection of our body (belly).

The after six diet is true, we should not be taking food after six o'clock, if we may have to do so,  not before 10PM,  choose a very light meal such as green salads, hard boiled eggs, fruits such as whole pineapple (as I sometimes do), no rice.

Eat as raw and natural as possible is also the key.

Some of diet and cleansing regimens I tried that actually work:
Lemons (Master Cleans/Burrough's diet):

Well, common-sense dictates that exercise is necessary, if you want to consider losing weight seriously:

Here are some of  the best exercise I recommend as starter, did you know that proper walking and stretching can give the same level of calorie-burning effect  of going to the gym and some fitness training? try these:

As I mentioned above, avoid processed  and fast foods, you don't want to be like David in the picture, right?

-RCB :-)

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