Sunday 5 August 2012

Osteoporosis and Calcium

An friend told me why not write my insight on osteoporosis and calcium, since I am very much against using calcium supplements (calcium carbonate) available in the market, which is an inorganic form of calcium, and just a mere "apog" in Tagalog or powdered limestone. Most doctors prescribed calcium supplements to menopausal women, due to risks in osteoporosis, bones becoming  brittle and weak. But using any calcium supplements might be risky, I know a lot of them (older women) prescribed calcium supplements but what they've got are gall bladder stones and kidney stones, and most of them spend fortunes for surgery and laser stone shock waves  and I even advised one of them to stop the supplements and do a gall bladder flush that save her gall bladder from stones. I ask my holistic doctor friend on this and He said that there are some misconceptions on calcium usage, As matured adults (including me), our bone and structures are already fully developed, so there is no room for calcium supplements to develop our bones, so whatever and no matter how many calcium supplements we took, it will not be of no use in terms of bone development, we should do it when we are younger and when our bones are just developing, though there are so many uses of calcium in our body not only for bone development, it is best to use naturally occurring calcium in vegetables and other food sources . Besides inorganic calcium is of no value it will just precipitate or crystallized as stones in our kidneys and gall bladder. Well I am not totally against the use of calcium supplements, but the calcium carbonate brand that is marketing widely by pharmaceutical company (because it is cheaper in raw materials and they can sell it expensively!), because this is from inorganic source, not all calcium are the same, I encourage everyone that there are many natural source of calcium (ionic calcium), that is safe, less likely to form stones and just like food supplements, sea weeds, milk, soya, dried fish, sardines, many vegetables and fruits (e.g. malungay is very rich in calcium) just include them in your diet and no need to take those calcium carbonates, if ever you are deprived of calcium the best calcium supplements I would recommend is the CORAL CALCIUM,  specially the one sourced in Okinawa, Japan. It is a naturally occurring ionic/organic calcium that is developed by nature over time, it is from the plankton and natural minerals/elements of the sea. they say the whole of Okinawa is made of coral, an island made of coral.  I have tried it and it was good, but it is hard to find and expensive. If you can't have it , as I said there are many other natural sources of calcium.  


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