Tuesday 15 May 2012

Diet According to your Blood Type

I learned this diet from my friend Dr. Sony Viloria (Holistic Health Physician) way way back, I even attended his several lectures on the topic and he lend me his book. Since I am a Medical Technologist I am not aware that our diet must be attuned to our blood type, reading the book and studying the principles makes a lot of  sense, blood types do evolved and so are our diet, Like in my case a Type O individual, the "hunter" type, I want to be a vegetarian as much as I can but my body craving and longing for meat, well I do sometimes, beacause we have an enzyme to digest meat unlike the type "A" individual that should go on a strict vegetarian diet beacuse it is a weak blood type,   But type "O" have poor metabolism of carbohydrates, and I notice that to myself also, I am not a bread person but a few of it could make me bloated and fat, and in our family we dont have Diabetes in our genes but consuming more carbo by type "O" family members developed Diabetes. So I am trying to lessen my carbohydrate intake. So this Diet I think is one of the best diet plan/guidelines to follow or consider before we eat, not only to maintain good health but in losing weight also, It is so popular now that even hollywood celebrities follow it and in love with it, it gives them a sense of balance, There are so many books on the topics and searching the internet there are so many lits available, below I post some excerpt to give you a basic insight on the topic, you may do further research on studies and to me it was scientifically true. The Principle is this Type"O" is the first blood type to exist where people then are hunters eating only meat so their bodies are adjusted to eating meat, when the people then learn to cultivate and till the soil harvest vegetables, type A evolved and so other blood types like B and AB when people are starting to produce whole grains. If you noticed also Type "O" is the most common type few are AB because it was evolved lately.

Here is just an example of a diet plan, but I suggest get a copy of a book or do more research about how blood types affect your well-being and psyche, it is very comprehensive and complicated reading that you should read.

Tien Cho


Each blood type evolved at a different point in history so we should adopt diets similar to those our ancestors had when our blood group evolved. By eating foods that your personal blood type can easily digest, you will lose weight, feel healthier and be happier.


Blood group O's plan

O is the oldest blood group, so people with this type feel best and stay slimmest on a 'hunter' type diet like our ancestors. Os tend to be high achievers with lots of energy and are very organised.

Drop a dress size: Follow a high-protein diet — being vegetarian will mean you're always hungry and snack on carbs, causing problems with blood sugar and metabolism.

Foods to eat freely: Lean meats, fish. Foods to avoid: Too much dairy or carbs.

Personal exercise plan: An hour of cardio a day and workout in the morning rather than the evening. Jogging, cycling, swimming or brisk walking are also perfect.

Blood group B's plan

No blood type epitomises the 'everything in moderation' expression more than B. It evolved at a time when people travelled more, so meat, vegetables and grains were eaten in a more balanced way. You have a strong, healthy constitution and tend to be very downto-earth and practical.

Drop a dress size: Combining the O and A diet — a bit of everything. Lucky type Bs generally find it easiest to lose weight.

Foods to eat freely: Meat, fish, coffee, vegetables and wheat-free grains.

Foods to avoid: Processed foods.

Personal exercise plan: You're drawn to moderate exercise, which uses your brain as well as your body. Team sports such as netball or dancing classes, two to three times a week are perfect.

Blood group A's plan

This blood group evolved later than O, when people farmed more than hunted, so you need less protein and more grains. Group As tend to be highly creative, good problem-solvers and can be very sensitive.

Drop a dress size: Eat less meat and more vegetables, wholemeal carbs. Foods to eat freely: Nuts, seeds, cereals, pasta, fruit and vegetables.

Foods to avoid: Dairy if prone to allergies, too much meat.

Personal exercise plan: Group As are often less active than Os, needing just 30 minutes of gentle exercise a day. Yoga, Tai Chi, walking and an outdoor lifestyle suit As best.

Blood group AB's plan

A combination of types A and B, you have dietary components of both and can eat just about anything. ABs have a canny knack of being creative, having a good head for business and getting on with people.

Drop a dress size: Avoid too much meat. Pack your diet with vegetarian foods and treat meat as a treat.

Foods to eat freely: Fish, vegetables, carbs and grains.

Foods to avoid: Too much meat.

Personal exercise plan: Mix it up by appealing to your calm side with yoga or Pilates once a week and a couple of sessions of something more intense such as light jogging.

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